6-10/1/2025 |
XX Summer School in Discrete Mathematics
Viña del Mar, Chile
https://eventos.cmm.uchile.cl/discretas2025/postulaciones/ |
13-15/1/2025 |
50th LNMB Conference on the Mathematics of Operations Research
Soesterberg, The Netherlands
https://www.lnmb.nl/conferences/2025/ |
20-24/1/2025 |
11th ENOG Winter School on Network Optimization
Estoril, Portugal
https://netopt2025.campus.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/ |
26-30/1/2025 |
Short Course on Discrete Choice Analysis: Predicting Individual Behavior and Market Demand
Lausanne, Switzerland
https://transp-or-academia.epfl.ch/dca |
13-15/2/2025 |
11th Annual International Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics - CALDAM 2025
Tamilnadu, India
https://caldam2025.psgtech.ac.in/ |
26-28/2/2025 |
9th AIROYoung Workshop “Shaping a Sustainable Future in the Era of Big Data”
Pavia, Italy
https://mate.unipv.it/ayw2025 |
3-4/3/2025 |
Foresight Practitioner Conference 2025
Charlotte, North Carolina
https://forecasters.org/events/foresight-practitioner-conference/ |
4-6/3/2025 |
SIGOPT2025 International Conference on Optimization
Siegen, Germany
http://www.sigopt2025.uni-siegen.de/ |
6-7/3/2025 |
15th Day on Computational Game Theory (CGT)
Tilburg, The Netherlands
https://www.tilburguniversity.edu/current/events/cgt-day |
31/3-2/4/2025 |
Exeter, UK
https://www.theorsociety.com/ORS/Events/2025/Simulation-Workshop/SW25-Main.aspx |
1-4/4/2025 |
11th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis - RailDresden 2025
Dresden, Germany
https://tu-dresden.de/bu/verkehr/veranstaltungen/raildresden2025 |
23-25/4/2025 |
EvoCOP 2025 - The 25th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation
Trieste, Italy
https://www.evostar.org/2025/evocop/ |
23-25/4/2025 |
OLA'2025 International Conference on Optimization and Learning
Dubai, UAE
https://ola2025.sciencesconf.org/ |
30/4-2/5/2025 |
5th IMA and OR Society Conference on Mathematics of Operational Research
Birmingham, UK
https://ima.org.uk/24367/5th-ima-and-or-society-conference-on-mathematics-of-operational-research/ |
7-9/5/2025 |
Combinatorial Optimization and Data Science workshop
Montreal, Canada
https://www.crmath.ca/en/activities/#/type/activity/id/3992 |
8-10/5/2025 |
The 38th ECCO'2025 Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization
Marrakech, Morocco
https://ecco2025.sciencesconf.org/ |
8-9/5/2025 |
1st Iberian Conference on MCDM/MCDA
Coimbra, Portugal
http://multicriterio.es/IMCDM-MCDA25.html |
19-21/5/2025 |
12th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop
Seoul, South Korea
https://tsl2025.kaist.ac.kr/ |
22-23/5/2025 |
WARP5 - 5th Workshop on Arc Routing
Vienna, Austria
https://warp5.univie.ac.at/home/ |
22-24/5/2025 |
71st EURO Working Group for Commodities and Financial Modelling Conference
Rabat, Morocco
https://www.ekf.vsb.cz/ewg/en/ |
28-30/5/2025 |
Eighth Symposium on Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk
Milan, Italy
https://dec.unibocconi.eu/8GDRR |
1-5/6/2025 |
8th International Conference on the Dynamics of Information Systems (DIS 2025)
London, UK
https://dis2025.ujep.cz/ |
3/6/2025 |
15th IEEE Workshop on Parallel / Distributed Combinatorics and Optimization (PDCO 2025)
Milan, Italy
https://pdco2025.sciencesconf.org/ |
3-6/6/2025 |
2025 Mixed Integer Programming Workshop (MIP 2025)
Minnesota, USA
https://www.mixedinteger.org/2025/ |
4-6/6/2025 |
Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences (MCO 2025)
Metz, France
https://mco2025.event.univ-lorraine.fr/ |
11-14/6/2025 |
WODCA 2025—Workshop on Optimization, Dynamics, and Convex Analysis
Aveiro, Portugal
https://sites.google.com/view/wodca2025/ |
11-13/6/2025 |
IPCO 2025 - The 26th Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
Baltimore, USA
https://ipco25.cs.jhu.edu/ |
13-15/6/2025 |
Portuguese American Optimization Workshop (PAOW)
Azores, Portugal
https://coral.ise.lehigh.edu/paow |
15-19/6/2025 |
LION - 19th Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference
Prague, Czech Republic
https://lion19.org/ |
15-18/6/2025 |
25th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation
Zaragoza, Spain
https://gdnconference.org/gdn2025/ |
16-20/6/2025 |
Sozopol, Bulgaria
http://parallel.bas.bg/Conferences/SciCom25/ |
17-20/6/2025 |
MOPTA 2025 and 70th Birthday of Tamás Terlaky
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
https://coral.ise.lehigh.edu/mopta2025/ |
18-20/6/2025 |
ICIE’2025 - International Conference Innovation in Engineering
Prague, Czech Republic
https://icieng.eu/ |
22-27/6/2025 |
Okinawa, Japan
https://tristanconference.org/ |
22-25/6/2025 |
EURO 2025
Leeds, UK
https://euro2025leeds.uk/ |
23-26/6/2025 |
4th IMA Conference on Dense Granular Flows
Cambridge, UK
https://ima.org.uk/24074/4th-ima-conference-on-dense-granular-flows/ |
24-26/6/2025 |
IMA Mathematics Anxiety International conference
Cambridge, UK
https://ima.org.uk/24021/ima-mathematics-anxiety-international-conference/ |
29/6-2/7/2025 |
45th International Symposium on Forecasting
Beijing, China
http://isf.forecasters.org/ |
30/6-3/7/2025 |
11th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control – IFAC MIM 2025
Trondheim, Norway
http://conferences.ifac-control.org/mim2025/blog/2023/01/27/welcome-ifac-mim2025/ |
1-3/7/2025 |
The 16th International Conference on Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming
Varese, Italy
https://mopgp.org/ |
1-3/7/2025 |
2025 Mixed Integer Programming European Workshop
Clermont-Ferrand, France
https://www.mixedinteger.org/EUROMIP/2025/ |
8-10/7/2025 |
13th IMA International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability (MIMAR)
Université de Lorraine, France
https://ima.org.uk/24805/13th-ima-international-conference-on-modelling-in-industrial-maintenance-and-reliability-mimar2025/ |
14/7-18/1/2025 |
2025 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO2025)
Malaga, Spain
https://gecco-2025.sigevo.org/HomePage |
8-10/9/2025 |
Joint ICCL 2025 and EuroMar 2025
Delft & Rotterdam, the Netherlands
https://www.iccl2025.org/ |
17-19/9/2025 |
XXX Meeting of EURO Working Group on Locational Analysis
Jerez, Spain
https://ewgla2025.uca.es/ |
24-26/9/2025 |
3rd IMA Conference on Mathematics of Robotics
Manchester, UK
https://ima.org.uk/25349/3rd-ima-conference-on-mathematics-of-robotics/ |
5-7/11/2025 |
5th Spanish Young Statisticians and Operational Researchers Meeting (SYSORM)
Sevilla, Spain
https://www.imus.us.es/congresos/5SYSORM/ |
9-14/11/2025 |
ICAPS 2025 - 35th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
Melbourne, Australia
https://icaps25.icaps-conference.org/home/ |
10-13/11/2025 |
CPAIOR 2025: 22nd International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research
Melbourne, Australia
https://sites.google.com/view/cpaior2025/home |
4-6/6/2026 |
MathSport International 2025
https://math.uni.lu/midas/events/mathsports2025/ |
12-17/7/2026 |
IFORS 2026
Vienna, Austria
https://www.ifors2026.at/home/ |
11-14/7/2027 |
EURO 2027
Athens, Greece
http:// |