
We are pleased to share that, two weeks after the official opening of the year-long celebrations marking EURO's 50th anniversary on January 27, 2025, we continue to advance with great momentum.

As a reminder of this special day, we invite you to listen to the address given by EURO President Prof. Anita Schöbel to the participants of The YOUNG EURO Online Seminar Series on Operational Research and Machine Learning.

We were honored to celebrate this occasion with ambitious young scientists who presented their research: Lorenzo Bonasera from The German Aerospace Center, Antonio Consolo from Politecnico di Milano and Margot Geerts from KU Leuven.

Dolores Romero Morales and Emilio Carrizosa – thank you for the invitation!

Nuria Gómez Vargas – thank you for moderating the meeting.

If you are interested in what lies ahead in this anniversary year, we encourage you to listen to Anita Schöbel address.

To commemorate this occasion, we took a group photo of all participants. Thank you for being with us! Seeing so many young researchers actively engaging in our seminars reassures us about the future of our organization.

We look forward to continuing to strengthen the Operational Research Community together.


#ORcommunity #ORawarenessday #EURO50fromDataToDecisions #EURO2025Leeds

Welcome to the Opening of the 50th Anniversary Jubilee of EURO!

Join EURO Association of European Operational Research Societies in celebrating 50 years of Operational Research with Prof. Anita Schöbel, President, and Prof. Frits Spieksma, President-Elect.

Let us come together to celebrate five decades of groundbreaking contributions to Operational Research and to envision an even brighter future for our field.
#ORawarenessDay #OperationalResearch #ORSocieties #ORCommunity

50 years of EURO: from DATA to DECISIONS




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