EURO Journal on Decision Processes (EJDP)



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Aim and scope

The EURO Journal on Decision Processes (EJDP) promotes and publishes scientific knowledge on the theoretical, methodological, behavioural and organizational topics that contribute to the understanding and appropriate use of operational research in supporting different phases of decision making processes. Methodologically, EDJP covers both qualitative and quantitative approaches to the scoping, modelling and solution of decision problems.

The scope of EJDP is focused on the connections between operational research and decision processes. Thus, for instance, EJDP welcomes submissions which (i) present relevant advances in problem structuring, decision analysis and multi-criteria decision aiding, (ii) address questions of process design, model validity and communication in connection with techniques like data mining, forecasting, optimization, simulation, and performance measurement or (iii) provide reflective accounts of decision processes that exemplify uses of operational research in application domains such as energy, engineering, environment, finance, health care and operations management. EJDP primarily publishes original research articles, but surveys and tutorials can be considered as well.

    • Disseminates original research on the contribution of operational research to improved decision making processes
    • Contains reflective analyses of applications where operational research has an impact on decision processes

The journal is present in all known international journal rankings. For example:

It is also in the Directory of Open Access Journals: DOAJ Website for EJDP

To submit a paper or get online access to the journal, visit the journal page at Elsevier.


Jutta Geldermann, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany

Past Editor-in-Chief:

Vincent Mousseau, CentraleSupelec, Gif sur Yvette, France (2016 - 2021)

Ahti Salo, Aalto University, Aalto, Finland (2012-2016).

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 International License and the GNU Free Documentation License (unversioned, with no invariant sections, front-cover texts, or back-cover texts).

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