EURO Distinguished Service Award (Guidelines)


  • The EURO Distinguished Service Award (EDSA) is the highest recognition in Europe of distinguished service to the European Operational Research community or to the profession of Operational Research.
  • The award is officially bestowed at the opening plenary session of a EURO-k Conference, if there is a suitable candidate. Following a presentation of the competition by the chair of the jury, the laureate receives the EURO Distinguished Service Award and the diploma.


  • The laureate receives an award, a diploma, and is invited to all future EURO-k Conferences without payment of the registration fees.
  • At the EURO-k Conference at which the laureate is awarded the EDSA, EURO will grant the recipient's registration fee and cover travel and accommodation expenses.


  • This award is given to an individual who has served the European OR community and the profession effectively for many years.
  • To emphasize the European flavour of the Award, all societies are strongly urged not to propose a candidate from their own country.
  • No currently active officer of EURO (Executive Committee member, EDSA jury member, Organising and Programme Committee Chairs of the conference where the EURO Distinguished Service Award will be presented) is eligible.


  • Candidates can be nominated by EURO member national societies, previous EURO Distinguished Service Award laureates and jury chairs, or by a group of respected academics within the European OR community.
  • Nominations must be made in confidence (i.e. the nominee should not be informed).
  • Previously unsuccessful candidates can be nominated again.
  • Any proposal has to include a recent and detailed CV of the nominee, as well as a written motivation stating the reasons why the nominee deserves the EURO Distinguished Service Award.
  • All nominations must be sent to the chair of the EDSA jury by the due date set in the announcement.

Selection jury

  • The selection jury consists of five members who themselves have distinguished records of long service to the European OR community and the profession of OR.
  • The jury includes a core of three members who serve normally a period of three prizes, with one member added at each prize edition. The new member is nominated by the EURO Executive Committee (suggestions will be asked to the jury core) and approved by the EURO Council. The chair is normally the member who is in the final year of service. The EURO EC then selects additionally two members serving only for the current prize edition and keeps the EURO Council informed about the decision.
  • Care should be taken to ensure the diversity of the selection committee.
  • The jury members must be members of one of the EURO member societies but not necessarily previous recipients of the EURO Distinguished Service Award.

Selection process

  • In the year prior to each EURO-k Conference, the EDSA Award jury should actively seek suggestions for and advice on potential prize recipients from a broad selection. This might include the EURO member national society Presidents, the previous EDSA laureates and jury chairs, and the EURO Working group Coordinators.
  • Only one award may be made on each occasion.
  • One person may receive the award at most once in her/his lifetime.
  • The jury evaluates the proposed candidates essentially on basis of their distinguished services to the European OR community and to the profession of OR. The selection jury is authorized to choose the award laureate without review or approval of the selection by the EURO Executive Committee and EURO Council.

Time Line for the EURO Distinguished Service Awards

t - 2 years Nomination of the new EDSA jury core member by the Executive Committee. Approval of the new EDSA jury core member by the EURO Council.
t - 1,5 year Selection of additional jury members by the EURO Executive Committee.
t - 1 year EURO Executive Committee keeps EURO Council informed about the additional jury members.
Call for applications by jury chair
t - 5 months Deadline for applications.
t - 4 months Decision of the jury, the jury chairperson informs the EURO President who informs the EURO Distinguished Service Award laureate and EURO Office.
Preparation of award and certificate by the EURO Office.
t Following a presentation of the competition by the chair of the jury, the laureate receives the EURO Distinguished Service Award and a diploma.

[Latest guidelines approved July 2017]

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