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Sunday, 17:30-19:00
SA-01: Opening Session
Stream: Opening and Closing
Room: UPV Nexus (building 0)
Ramon Alvarez-Valdes, Rubén Ruiz
Opening session
Ramon Alvarez-Valdes, Rubén Ruiz
Monday, 8:30-10:00
MA-01: Six Decades of Interior Point Methods: From Periphery to Glory
Stream: Keynotes
Room: UPV Nexus (building 0)
Attila Gilanyi
MA-02: Scheduling Practice
Stream: Scheduling Practice
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S101 (building 0)
Daniel Guimarans
Project scheduling in real-world test laboratories
Florian Mischek, Nysret Musliu -
Heuristic approaches for scheduling jobs and vehicles in a cyclic flexible manufacturing system
Martin Gutjahr, Sophie Parragh, Hans Kellerer -
A mixed integer programming model for airline fleet maintenance scheduling.
David Torres Sanchez -
A decision support system to assist airport operators solving terminal disruptions ASAP
Daniel Guimarans, Arjen Peters, Younes Boulaksil
MA-03: Facility Location I
Stream: Location Analysis and Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S103 (building 0)
Robert Aboolian
A Lagrangian relaxation method for solving the p-median radius formulation
Minerva Martin del Campo, Sergio García Quiles -
Heuristic framework to reduce aggregation errors in location models
Carolina Castañeda P., Daniel Serra -
Location problems with continuous demand on a polygon with holes: characterising structural properties of geodesic Voronoi diagrams
Thomas Byrne, Jörg Kalcsics -
Mathematical characterization of interregional freight flows by road
Javier Rubio-Herrero, Jesús Muñuzuri
MA-04: Dynamic and Stochastic Scheduling
Stream: Dynamic and Stochastic Scheduling
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S104 (building 0)
Wim Vancroonenburg
A reinforcement learning based algorithm to schedule multi-category patients at a multi-facility hospital
Usha Mohan, Varun Jain -
A tactical planning model for allocating resources to a project under uncertainty
Tetsuo Iida, Ken-ichi Suzuki -
An event-driven project planning model with a Bayesian network based approach
Ken-ichi Suzuki, Tetsuo Iida, Akinori Yokota -
Chance-constrained admission scheduling for elective surgical patients
Wim Vancroonenburg
MA-05: Results on Benders' Decomposition
Stream: Mixed-Integer Linear and Nonlinear Programming
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S105 (building 0)
Alfredo Moreno
Simultaneously exploiting two formulations: an exact Benders decomposition approach
Richard Lusby, Stefan Ropke, Mette Gamst, Simon Spoorendonk -
A joint inventory-location problem under periodic review with generalized Benders decomposition
Francisco J. Tapia-Ubeda, Pablo A. Miranda, Guillermo Cabrera-Guerrero -
A Benders decomposition algorithm for quadratic network design problem
Emine Gundogdu, Sinan Gürel -
The road restoration crew scheduling and routing problem: accelerated Benders decomposition using meta-heuristics
Alfredo Moreno, Pedro Munari, Douglas Alem
MA-06: Stochastic Models and Queueing
Stream: Stochastic Models and Queueing
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S106 (building 0)
Sarah Dendievel
QMCD approach for perishability models: the (S,s) control policy with lead time
Yonit Barron, Opher Baron -
Three-moment approximation for the mean queue time of a GI/G/1 queue
Kan Wu -
A discrete-time two-server queue where one server is only intermittently available
Freek Verdonck, Herwig Bruneel, Sabine Wittevrongel -
The power series alorithm for a queueing system with batch arrivals
Sarah Dendievel, Dieter Fiems
MA-07: Analytic Hierarchy Process I
Stream: Analytic Hierarchy Process / Analytic Network Process
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S107 (building 0)
Alessio Ishizaka
Solar energy plant project selection with hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets based AHP decision making method
Veysel Çoban, Sezi Cevik -
Identifying the influencers on twitter: the case of the world championships in track cycling
Distribution center location - allocation problem for a stationery manufacturer
Ozay Ozaydin, Ozge Tas, Begum Oktay -
ANPSort for sorting alternative with interdependent criteria
Alessio Ishizaka
MA-08: Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S108 (building 0)
Matthias Ehrgott
The multiobjective Dijkstra's algorithm
Antonio Sedeño-Noda, Marcos Colebrook -
Leveraging single-objective heuristics to solve multi-objective problems: applications in vehicle routing
Piotr Matl, Richard Hartl, Thibaut Vidal -
Solving a bi-objective stochastic facility location problem by branch-and-cut
Sophie Parragh, Walter Gutjahr, Fabien Tricoire -
Bi-objective branch-and-cut algorithms based on LP relaxation and bound sets
Matthias Ehrgott, Sune Lauth Gadegaard, Lars Relund Nielsen
MA-09: The Role of Mathematical Optimization in Data Science I
Stream: European Working Group: Data Science Meets Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S109 (building 0)
Vanesa Guerrero
Tree-structured data clustering
Derya Dinler, Mustafa Kemal Tural, Nur Evin Ozdemirel -
Dealing with heterogeneous data via constrained lasso
M. Remedios Sillero-Denamiel, Rafael Blanquero, Emilio CARRIZOSA, Pepa Ramírez-Cobo -
DCA for robust principal component analysis
Hoai Minh Le, Vo Xuan Thanh -
On mathematical optimization to interpret factor analysis
Vanesa Guerrero, Emilio CARRIZOSA, Dolores Romero Morales, Albert Satorra
MA-10: Decision Aiding Methods I
Stream: Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S110 (building 0)
Salvatore Corrente, Milosz Kadzinski
Redefining the concordance index in ELECTRE by means of OWA aggregation operators
Aida Valls, Jonathan Orama -
On the use of semantic criteria in ELECTRE in a touristic recommender system
Antonio Moreno, Miriam Martinez-Garcia, Aida Valls, Joan Borràs -
Negative interactions between criteria are not necessary in MCDA
Brice Mayag, Denis Bouyssou -
Selection of a sustainable third-party reverse logistics provider based on the robustness analysis of an outranking graph kernel conducted with ELECTRE I and SMAA
Milosz Kadzinski, Kannan Govindan, Grzegorz Miebs
MA-11: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Performance Measurement
Stream: DEA: Theory
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S111 (building 0)
Jesus T. Pastor
A survey on measuring and decomposing overall efficiency in data envelopment analysis
Juan Aparicio, Jesús T. Pastor, José L. Zofío -
A data envelopment analysis toolbox for MATLAB
Javier Barbero Jiménez, José L. Zofío, Inmaculada C. Álvarez -
Technical efficiency in the Spanish virgin olive oil protected designations of origin: what is their real performance?
Fernando Vidal Giménez, Jesús T. Pastor, Juan Aparicio, Lidia Ortiz -
Does the CCD Malmquist index measures total factor productivity?
Jesus T. Pastor, Juan Aparicio
MA-12: Multiobjective Fuzzy Optimization
Stream: Fuzzy Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S112 (building 0)
Mariano Jimenez-Lopez
A better approach for solving a fuzzy multiobjective programming problem
Beatriz Hernández-Jiménez, Rafaela Osuna-Gómez, Gabriel Ruiz-Garzón, Antonio Rufián-Lizana -
On the use of preference-based evolutionary multi-objective optimization for solving a credibilistic portfolio selection model
Ana Belen Ruiz, Rubén Saborido, José D. Bermúdez, Mariano Luque, Enriqueta Vercher -
A goal programming model for solving preferences expressed by importance weights: an application to allocate assets upon corporate sustainability criteria
Mariano Jimenez-Lopez, Amelia Bilbao-Terol, Mar Arenas-Parra -
A fuzzy goal programming approach tightening aspiration levels to weighted preferences
Manuel Díaz-Madroñero, Mariano Jimenez-Lopez, Josefa Mula
MA-13: Supply Chain Management I
Stream: Supply Chain Management II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S201 (building 0)
Zelong Yi
Supply chain profit distribution under uncertainty
Songsong Liu -
Effects of trust on price contract design in a supply chain
Metrics and methods for improving resilience in agribusiness supply chains
Golnar Behzadi, Michael O'Sullivan, Tava Olsen -
Sustainability building of an agricultural supply chain with a capital-constrained farmer in developing economies
Zelong Yi
MA-14: On Proximal Algorithms for Structured Optimization Problems
Stream: Nonlinear Programming: Methods
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S202 (building 0)
Ting Kei Pong
A successive difference-of-convex approximation method for a class of nonconvex nonsmooth optimization problems
Tianxiang LIU, Ting Kei Pong, Akiko Takeda -
a family of inexact sqa methods for non-smooth convex minimization with provable convergence guarantees based on the luo-tseng error bound property
Man-Chung Yue -
Fast method for non-smooth non-convex minimization
Peng Zheng -
Iteratively reweighted l1 algorithms with extrapolation
Ting Kei Pong
MA-15: Selective Vehicle Routing and Extended Network Design Problems
Stream: Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S203 (building 0)
Jana Ries, Pablo A. Miranda
Hazard and time of exposure as objectives in HM transportation
Andrés Bronfman, German Paredes-Belmar, Vladimir Marianov, Diego Beneventti -
Dynamic pricing for multi-period home delivery
Alejandro Lamas -
Advanced goal programming formulations for an insular traveling salesman problem with fairness concerns
Pablo A. Miranda, Jana Ries, Dylan Jones -
An instance-based algorithmic performance study for the INTSP using a co-evolutionary based solution approach
Jana Ries, Pablo A. Miranda
MA-16: Social Networks: Community Detection and Information Propagation I
Stream: Network Optimization and Social Networks
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S115 (building 0)
Mario Ruthmair
Robust StQP and community detection in social networks
Michael Kahr, Immanuel Bomze, Markus Leitner -
Parsimonious formulations for low-diameter clusters
Austin Buchanan, Hosseinali Salemi -
Lagrangean relaxation based heuristics to solve influence maximization in social networks
Evren Guney -
Least cost influence propagation in (social) networks
Mario Ruthmair, Matteo Fischetti, Michael Kahr, Markus Leitner, Michele Monaci
MA-17: Accounting, Auditing and Taxation
Stream: Operational Research in Financial and Management Accounting
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S205 (building 0)
Matthias Amen
Opportunities for earnings management offered by IAS 36
Matthias Amen -
The cooperative bargaining game of audits - regulatory provisions for truthful reporting and independent audits
Tobias Filusch, Sascha H. Moells -
The constant-growth valuation model and firm-specific inflation - theory & empirical evidence
Stefan Laun, Sascha H. Moells -
The impact of tax legislation on inventory and supplier selection models
hua JIN, Patrick Beullens
MA-18: Algorithms in Convex Optimization
Stream: Convex Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S206 (building 0)
Alfredo Iusem
Non-linear conjugate gradient method for vector optimization
Luis Roman Lucambio Perez, Leandro Prudente -
Gradient projection methods for the n-coupling problem
Sangho Kum -
The mathematical structure of the mathematical programming
Javier Diaz, Luis Moreno -
Splittting methods for complementary eigenvalue problems
Alfredo Iusem
MA-19: Vector and Set-Valued Optimization I
Stream: Vector- and Set-Valued Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S207 (building 0)
Lidia Huerga, Vicente Novo
Global stability results for interval optimization problems
Ruben Lopez -
A multiobjective trust region algorithm
Jana Thomann, Gabriele Eichfelder -
A global solution method for nonconvex multiobjective optimization
Julia Niebling, Gabriele Eichfelder -
Limit behaviour of Henig approximate proper solutions in vector optimization
Lidia Huerga, César Gutiérrez, Vicente Novo, Miguel Sama
MA-20: Advances in Decision and Sensitivity Analysis
Stream: Decision Analysis and Decision Support Systems
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S301 (building 0)
Emanuele Borgonovo
An interactive Bayesian method for multicriteria sorting problems
Canan Ulu -
Multidimensional attitudes in intertemporal choice
Veronica Roberta Cappelli -
A comparison of variance-based and moment-independent sensitivity analysis approaches
Samuele Lo Piano, Emanuele Borgonovo, Andrea Saltelli -
Information density in sensitivity analysis and optimization
Emanuele Borgonovo -
Copula theory and probabilistic sensitivity measures
Elmar Plischke, Emanuele Borgonovo
MA-21: Robust Project Management Approaches
Stream: Project Management and Scheduling
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S303 (building 0)
Izack Cohen
Lessons learnt from solvable cases of determining optimal policies for the RCPSP with stochastic activity durations
Erik Demeulemeester -
A distributionally robust approach to project planning
Ernst Roos, Dick den Hertog -
Stochastic dual dynamic integer programming for financial portfolio and network revenue management
Andy Sun -
The robust multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem
Izack Cohen, Noemie Sellam Balouka
MA-22: Data Mining in Business Analytics
Stream: Analytics, Data Science and Data Mining
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S304 (building 0)
Koen W. De Bock
The effects of word-of-mouth and promotion on online marketplaces
I-Chi Lin, Mei-Ting Tsai, Quang Thy Lam -
Problematic issues of the sustainable development of real estate market and its assessment opportunities
Linda Kauškale, Ineta Geipele -
Data mining based customer response prediction for a specific campaign in Penti
Fadime Üney-Yüksektepe, Neslişah Aral, Merve Mutlu, Sevra Çiçekli -
Properties of business cycles of post-communist countries in the European Union
Karol Szomolányi, Martin Lukáčik, Adriana Lukáčiková
MA-23: Nurse Rostering
Stream: Timetabling
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S305 (building 0)
Pieter Smet
Preference scheduling for nurses under Danish legislation
Elín Björk Böðvarsdóttir, Niels-Christian Bagger -
Rescheduling strategies for nurse scheduling
Lena Wolbeck, Natalia Kliewer -
A mathematical modeling approach for robust nurse rostering
Toni Wickert, Pieter Smet, Greet Vanden Berghe -
A new compact integer programming formulation for the nurse rostering problem
Pieter Smet
MA-24: Financial Mathematics and OR I
Stream: Financial Mathematics and OR
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S306 (building 0)
Norio Hibiki
Optimal pension fund management under low interest rate environment using simulation-based multi-period optimization
Rei Yamamoto -
Stress testing model for macro stress testing and specific events
Muneki Kawaguchi -
The performance of multilevel Monte Carlo using Apache Spark
Hitoshi Inui -
Estimating forward looking return distribution with the generalized recovery theorem
Takuya Kiriu, Masatake Ito, Norio Hibiki
MA-25: CYBECO Session on Cybersecurity and Cyber-Insurance
Stream: Fintech: Economic and Financial Challenges in Cryptocurrencies
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S307 (building 0)
Jose Vila
Assessing supply chain cyber risks
Alberto Redondo Hernández, Alberto Torres Barrán -
Can protection motivation theory provide a framework to help us understand cyberinsurance uptake?
Dawn Branley-Bell, Pamela Briggs -
Cyber risk measurement with ordinal data
Paolo Giudici -
Nudging optimal cyber-insurance strategies
Jose Vila, Pamela Briggs, Yolanda Gomez, Dawn Branley-Bell
MA-26: Line Planning and Network Design in Public Transport
Stream: Public Transportation I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S308 (building 0)
Pieter Vansteenwegen
Optimization methods for the trip runtime determination problem
Marjan van den Akker, Marcel van Kooten Niekerk, Han Hoogeveen -
Determining and evaluating alternative line plans in (near) out-of-control situations
Paul Bouman, Rolf Van Lieshout, Dennis Huisman -
Local evaluation techniques in bus line planning
Evert Vermeir, Pieter Vansteenwegen -
Flexible bus lines for congested areas
Pieter Vansteenwegen, Elina Avila-Ordóñez
MA-27: Remanufacturing Operations
Stream: Production, Service and Supply Chain Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S309 (building 0)
Mahdi Abolghasemi
Dynamic programming models for joint incentive and dispatching decisions for collection centers in remanufacturing
Mehmet Alegoz, Onur Kaya -
Remanufacturing as a competitive strategy
Xiang Zhu -
Hierarchical forecasting in supply chain
Mahdi Abolghasemi
MA-28: Optimization Models in Multiple Classifier Systems
Stream: Multiple Classifier Systems and Applications
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S310 (building 0)
Sureyya Ozogur-Akyuz
Statistical tests for forecasting model selection in meta learning: a new approach
Sasan Barak, Sven F. Crone -
Improved MIP-formulations and suited solution procedures for the parking lot layout planning (PLLP) problem
Konrad Stephan, Nils Boysen, Felix Weidinger -
Integrating individual and aggregate diversity in top-N recommendation
Ethem Canakoglu, Ibrahim Muter, Tevfik Aytekin -
Ensemble learning by disciplined convex and concave programming
Pinar Karadayi Atas, Sureyya Ozogur-Akyuz
MA-29: Game Theory, Solutions and Structures I
Stream: Game Theory, Solutions and Structures
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S311 (building 0)
Encarnación Algaba
Associated consistency, value and graphs
Florian Navarro, Gerard Hamiache -
Superweak differential marginality and the weighted Shapley values
André Casajus -
Solutions for games with a hierarchical structure
Encarnación Algaba, Rene van den Brink
MA-30: Evolutionary metaheuristics
Stream: Metaheuristics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S312 (building 0)
Robert Manger
Genetic programming approach for concurrent real-time optimization of detecting unexpected tasks in embedded systems design process
Adam Górski, Maciej Ogorzałek -
Determination of GNSS / levelling geoid by reducing model points with PSO
Mehmet Akif Sahman, Kemal Tutuncu, Ekrem Tusat -
An estimation of distribution algorithm based on p-median model for cell formation problem
Saber Ibrahim, bassem jarboui -
An evolutionary algorithm for the robust maximum weighted independent set problem
Ana Klobučar Barišić, Robert Manger
MA-31: Behaviour in Models I
Stream: fuzzt
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S313 (building 0)
Rudolf Vetschera
Data-driven behavioral models of water reservoir operators
Matteo Giuliani, Andrea Castelletti, Jonathan Herman -
Influence modeling: mathematical programming representations of persuasion under either risk or uncertainty
William Caballero, Brian Lunday -
Managing complex adaptive systems: a resource/agent modelling perspective
R. M. Kazakov, Susan Howick, Alec Morton -
Using the Zeuthen-Hicks bargaining model to identify a fixed pie bias in negotiations
Rudolf Vetschera
MA-32: Game Theory Models for Transportation
Stream: Routing, Logistics, Location and Transportation
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S314 (building 0)
Namchul Shin
Attacker-defender model against QR-adversaries for cyber security in logistics management
Kam-Fung Cheung, Michael Bell, Behnam Fahimnia, Federico Bettini -
Collaborative allocation of transportation via combinatorial auctions: central vs. individual mechanisms
Daniel Nicola -
Game theoretical analysis of channel power structures for two-manufacturers-two-retailers
Tatsushi Nishi -
Creating shared value from collaborative logistics systems
Namchul Shin
MA-33: Emerging Applications in Game Theory
Stream: Variational Inequalities
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S315 (building 0)
Patrizia Daniele
On a family of transportation network cooperative games
Giorgio Gnecco, Yuval Hadas, Marcello Sanguineti -
The impact of budget constraints on the interaction between fund-raising and procurement operations
Fuminori Toyasaki, Emel Arikan, Lena Silbermayr -
Game theoretic scenarios of cybersecurity investment models in a sellers-buyers market
Monica-Gabriela Cojocaru, Spencer Kirbyson -
How to increase the impact of disaster relief: a study of transportation rates, framework agreements and product distribution
Timo Gossler, Tina Wakolbinger, Anna Nagurney, Patrizia Daniele
MA-34: Risk Management for Insurance
Stream: Insurance and Pension Risk Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S113 (building 0)
Susanna Levantesi
Enterprise risk management and economies of scale and scope: evidence from the German insurance industry
Thomas Berry-Stoelzle, Muhammed Altuntas, John David Cummins -
Benchmark loss distributions in insurance regulation
Cosimo Munari, Valeria Bignozzi, Matteo Burzoni -
Securities lending in insurance
Enrico Biffis
MA-48: Optimisation Models for Humanitarian Logistics
Stream: Humanitarian Operations
Room: 4D UPV B.3 (building 0)
Begoña Vitoriano
Lexicographic optimization in a time-dependent evacuation model
M. Teresa Ortuno, Inmaculada Flores, Gregorio Tirado, Begoña Vitoriano -
E-voucher distribution routing and planning for Syrian refugee camps in Turkey
Ramez Kian, Gunes Erdogan, Sibel Salman, Bahar Yetis Kara, Muhittin Hakan Demir, Ehsan Sabet, Sander de Leuw -
Routing of mobile pharmacies to address drug stockout inequity in developing countries
Rajan Batta, Biplab Bhattacharya, Li Lin -
Strategic facility location and tactical resources allocation under uncertainty for natural disaster response
Adán Rodriguez, Begoña Vitoriano, M. T. Ortuno, Laureano F. Escudero, Juan Francisco Monge
MA-49: IBM Research Applications I
Stream: IBM Research Applications
Room: 4D UPV B.4 (building 0)
Andrea Simonetto
Transmission-constrained unit commitment: a decomposition-based approach
Claudio Gambella, Jakub Marecek, Sara PEZIC DJUKIC, José María Fernández Ortega, Martin Mevissen, Mustafa Pezic -
Optimal microgrid design - a piecewise linear approximation
MA-50: Logistics and Transportation in Biomass-Based Supply Chains
Stream: Biomass-Based Supply Chains
Room: 4D UPV 1.1 (building 0)
Taraneh Sowlati
Combining dynamic vehicle routing with multiple stock size cutting stock problem in forestry harvesting
Laura Climent -
Searching synergies between timber production and non-wood forest products for multi-objective forest management
Mikko Kurttila, Timo Pukkala, Jari Miina -
Regulation and benchmarking: a formative evaluation of Portuguese wastewater services using composite indicators
Ana Camanho, Alda Henriques, Pedro Amorim, Jaime Gabriel Silva -
Optimization of forest-based biomass logistics
Taraneh Sowlati, Krishna Teja Malladi
MA-51: OR for Sustainable Development in Developing Countries
Stream: OR for Sustainable Development
Room: 4D UPV 1.2 (building 0)
Olabode Adewoye
MA-52: Health Care Management
Stream: OR for Health and Care I
Room: 4D UPV 1.3 (building 0)
Piotr Lukasiak, Rommert Dekker
Queueing models in balancing hospital's capacity and patient wait times
Susan Li, Zhimin Huang -
Scheduling MRI appointments: a case study in Osmangazi University Hospital
Emine Akyol Ozer, Zehra Kamisli Ozturk, Asli Ergezer, Derya Bayar, Gürdeniz Hökmen -
A literature review on the vaccine supply chain
Rommert Dekker, Evelot Westerink-Duijzer, Willem van Jaarsveld
MA-53: Quality Management
Stream: OR in Quality Management
Room: 4D UPV 1.4 (building 0)
Rafael Sanchez-Marquez
Evaluating service quality of an art museum in South Korea using a multiple assessment model
Jimin Park, Sukran Kim, Jaewoo Chung -
Combination of empirical quantile forecasts to determine the safety stock
Juan Ramon Trapero Arenas, Nikolaos Kourentzes, Manuel Cardós, Ester Guijarro, Eugenia Babiloni -
Quality management system diagnosis
Rafael Sanchez-Marquez
MA-54: Sustainable Supply Chains
Stream: Energy Economics, Environmental Management and Multicriteria Decision Making
Room: 4D UPV 1.6 (building 0)
Renzo Akkerman
ToBLoOM - triple bottom line optimization modelling for sustainable supply chains under uncertainty
Ana Barbosa-Povoa, Bruna Mota, Ana Carvalho, Maria Isabel Gomes -
Quantitative modelling for resource efficient supply chains: a systematic review
Ursula Davis, Alok Choudhary, Grammatoula Papaioannou, Ravi Shankar -
Strategic capacity planning in process industries under water scarcity
Sai Jishna Pulluru, Paloma Aparicio Escuder, Renzo Akkerman
MA-55: Speed Networking
Stream: Making an Impact I
Room: 4D UPV 2.1 (building 0)
Ruth Kaufman
MA-56: OR in Neuroscience
Stream: OR in Neuroscience
Room: 4D UPV 2.2 (building 0)
Dorit Hochbaum
Voxel-MARS and CMARS: methods for early detection of Alzheimer's disease by classification of structural brain MRI
Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, Alper Çevik -
Spatial separability in hub location problems with an application to brain connectivity networks
Taghi Khaniyev, Samir Elhedhli, Fatih Safa Erenay -
Dynamic models of the spread of neurodegenerative diseases
Hana Tomaskova, Richard Cimler, Jitka Kühnová, Ondřej Doležal, Dalibor Cimr, Dalibor Cimr -
HNCcorr: a novel combinatorial optimization approach for neuronal cell identification in calcium imaging movies
Dorit Hochbaum, Quico Spaen, Roberto Asín
Stream: EURO Special Sessions
Room: 4D UPV B.5 (building 0)
Eric Bourreau
Monday, 10:30-12:00
MB-01: Optimization and Music Data Science
Stream: Keynotes
Room: UPV Nexus (building 0)
Teresa Leon
Optimization and Music Data Science
Elaine Chew
MB-02: Scheduling Practice in Manufacturing
Stream: Scheduling Practice
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S101 (building 0)
Miriam Zacharias
Dispatching rules selection for machines and AMHS scheduling
Yung-Hsun Tsai, Ken-Hsuan Chen, GEN-HAN WU -
Line-side material placement to minimize walking time at moving assembly lines
Helmut Sedding -
Measuring effectiveness of scheduling jobs with earliness and tardiness costs: a case study
Andrés Muñoz-Villamizar, Javier Santos, Jairo R. Montoya-Torres, María Jesús Alvarez -
Machine learning in hybrid flow shop scheduling problems with unrelated machines
Miriam Zacharias
MB-03: Facility Location II
Stream: Location Analysis and Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S103 (building 0)
Mehdi Amiri-Aref
Combining three facility location problems
Ana Dolores López-Sánchez, Jesus Sanchez-Oro, Manuel Laguna, Alfredo G. Hernandez-Diaz -
A gradual covering location problem with different facility types & customer preferences
Hande Kucukaydin, Necati Aras -
Optimal algorithms for two variants of inverse undesirable center location models on graphs
Behrooz Alizadeh -
The flood-adaptive facility location problem
Mehdi Amiri-Aref, Maliheh Hashemi Tilenoi
MB-04: Dynamic and Stochastic Scheduling in Logistics
Stream: Dynamic and Stochastic Scheduling
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S104 (building 0)
Heimir Thorisson
Dynamic allocation of fire vehicles in preparedness phase for bush fires
Reena Kapoor -
A honey bees mating optimization algorithm with path relinking for the vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands
Yannis (Ioannis) Marinakis, Magdalene Marinaki -
A mixed integer model to dynamic deployment of traffic surveillance system
Roozbeh Ebrazi, S. Mehdi Hashemi, Mina Gholizadeh Atani -
Vessel berthing schedules under the influence of emergent and future conditions
Heimir Thorisson, Thomas L Polmateer, James H Lambert
MB-05: Vehicle Routing
Stream: Mixed-Integer Linear and Nonlinear Programming
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S105 (building 0)
Inmaculada Rodríguez Martín
Dynamic parking allocation problem in urban areas
Marko Mladenovic, Thierry Delot, Gilbert Laporte, Christophe Wilbaut -
A selective pickup and delivery vehicle routing problem with handling cost
Yali Li, Jun Yang, Ling Zhao, Yuanyuan Zhou -
An optimization framework for one-way electric vehicle-sharing systems with the combination of operator-based and user-based relocation
Ye Zou, Chao Yang, Min Teng -
An exact approach for the periodic vehicle routing problem with driver consistency
Inmaculada Rodríguez Martín, Juan José Salazar González, Hande Yaman
MB-06: Consumer Behavior and Pricing I
Stream: Demand and Supply Management in Retail and Consumer Goods
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S106 (building 0)
Tamer Boyaci
Analyzing retail market basket data by unsupervised machine learning methods
Harald Hruschka -
Flexible estimation of time-varying effects for frequently purchased retail goods
Winfried Steiner, Bernhard Baumgartner, Daniel Guhl, Thomas Kneib -
Dynamic pricing with multiunit purchases
Rouven Schur, Robert Klein -
Brand positioning and consumer taste information
Tamer Boyaci, Arcan Nalca, Saibal Ray
MB-07: Analytic Hierarchy Process II
Stream: Analytic Hierarchy Process / Analytic Network Process
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S107 (building 0)
Josef Jablonsky
Enhancing sustainable competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises using the analytic hierarchy process
Debashree De, Prasanta Kumar Dey -
Perception-based interval type-2 fuzzy AHP-QFD approach for evaluation of a service quality
M.Bahar Baskir -
Student consumers' decision-making process
Emrah Koksalmis, Gulsah Hancerliogullari Koksalmis -
Analytic hiararchy process as a ranking tool for efficient units in DEA models
Josef Jablonsky
MB-08: Complexity Aspects of Linear and Integer Linear Programming
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S108 (building 0)
Sergei Chubanov
Disjunctive conic cuts: the good, the bad, and implementation
Julio C. Góez -
Pyramidally solvable cases of the bipartite TSP
Vladimir Deineko -
The load planning and sequencing problem for double-stack intermodal trains
Moritz Ruf, Jean-François Cordeau, Emma Frejinger -
Integer optimization with verification oracles
Sergei Chubanov
MB-09: The Role of Mathematical Optimization in Data Science II
Stream: European Working Group: Data Science Meets Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S109 (building 0)
Vanesa Guerrero
On the construction of optimal randomized classification trees
Cristina Molero-Río, Rafael Blanquero, Emilio CARRIZOSA, Dolores Romero Morales -
Stochastic DCA for group feature selection in multiclass classification
Bach Tran, Hoai An Le Thi, Hoai Minh Le, Duy Nhat Phan -
Class probability estimation for SVM with asymmetric costs
Sandra Benítez-Peña, Rafael Blanquero, Emilio CARRIZOSA, Pepa Ramírez-Cobo -
Some improvements of SVM and SVR for functional data
M. Asuncion Jimenez-Cordero, Rafael Blanquero, Emilio CARRIZOSA, Belen Martin Barragan
MB-10: Decision Aiding Methods II
Stream: Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S110 (building 0)
Salvatore Corrente, Milosz Kadzinski
Measuring sustainable development in the education domain using multi-criteria methods: a case study
Marzena Filipowicz-Chomko, EWA ROSZKOWSKA -
Multi-criteria decision making methods: theoretical aspects & impossibility results
Chergui Zhor, Moncef Abbas -
On importance indices in multicriteria decision making
Mustapha Ridaoui, Michel Grabisch, Christophe Labreuche -
Rankings comparisons: the case of resilience assessment of countries' electricity supply
Marco Cinelli, Patrick Gasser, Milosz Kadzinski, Matteo Spada, Peter Burgherr, Stefan Hirschberg
MB-11: DEA Theory I
Stream: DEA: Theory
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S111 (building 0)
Timo Kuosmanen
BCC- and CCR-efficiencies under monoradial and biradial scaling
Andreas Kleine, Andreas Dellnitz, Wilhelm Rödder -
Efficiency measurement with products and partially desirable co-products
Wanghong Li -
Profitability and scale elasticity in data envelopment analysis
Alireza Amirteimoori -
Synergies in joint production of multiple outputs
Timo Kuosmanen
MB-12: Fuzzy Optimization I
Stream: Fuzzy Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S112 (building 0)
Dobrila Petrovic
A single variable method for solving min-max programming problem with addition-min fuzzy relational inequalities
Sy-Ming Guu, Yan-Kuen Wu -
New approach to forecast time series from a fuzzy point of view
Abel Rubio Fornés, José D. Bermúdez, Enriqueta Vercher -
A new fuzzy linear programming model for aggregate production planning for a supplier in the automotive industry
Ivan Djordjevic, Dobrila Petrovic
MB-13: Supply Chain Management II
Stream: Supply Chain Management II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S201 (building 0)
Jonathan Balasingham
Service offerings via shipment consolidation in supply chain logistics
M. Ali Ülkü -
Operational optimization of a small scale LNG supply chain
Slawomir PIETRASZ, Frédéric LEGRAND, Gabrielle MENARD, Ksenia GOLOUBEVA -
Order fulfillment policies for ship-from-store operations
Bahriye Cesaret, Armagan Bayram -
A model for online subscription based merchandise box operations
Jonathan Balasingham, Ayca Erdogan
MB-14: Fixed Point Algorithms in Optimisation I
Stream: Nonlinear Programming: Methods
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S202 (building 0)
Matthew Tam
The asymptotic behavior of compositions of firmly nonexpansive mappings
Adriana Nicolae -
Optimal rates of linear convergence of the averaged alternating modified reflections method for two subspaces
Rubén Campoy, Francisco Javier Aragón Artacho -
Convergence properties of fixed point algorithms in the presence of perturbations
Rafal Zalas -
On projection methods for phase retrieval
Hieu Thao Nguyen
MB-15: New Trends in Shared-connected and Low-emission Human and Freight Transportation Systems I
Stream: Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S203 (building 0)
Francesca Guerriero, Luigi Di Puglia Pugliese, Giusy Macrina
Efficient solutions for the vehicle routing problem with occasional drivers and time windows
Paola Festa, Daniele Ferone, Francesca Guerriero -
The online vehicle routing problem with occasional drivers
Giusy Macrina, Claudia Archetti, Francesca Guerriero -
A savings-based model for two-shipper cooperative routing
Giovanna Miglionico, Manlio Gaudioso, Giovanni Giallombardo -
Cooperation among classical vehicles and drones: new opportunities for last-mile delivery process
Luigi Di Puglia Pugliese, Francesca Guerriero
MB-16: Social Networks: Community Detection and Information Propagation II
Stream: Network Optimization and Social Networks
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S115 (building 0)
Mario Ruthmair
A parallel algorithm using VNS with shared memory and message passing interface for community detection in complex networks
Gilles Caporossi, Eglantine Camby, Sylvain Perron -
The expected distance based on random walks in graphs
Eglantine Camby, Gilles Caporossi, Marcia Paiva, Segatto Marcelo -
Exact IP-based approaches for the longest induced path problem
Dmytro Matsypura, Alexander Veremyev, Oleg Prokopyev, Eduardo Pasiliao
MB-17: Accounting, Insolvency and Rating
Stream: Operational Research in Financial and Management Accounting
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S205 (building 0)
Sascha H. Moells
Determinants of issuer credit ratings and the firm's decision to be rated: an international empirical study
Vladlena Prysyazhna, Sascha H. Moells -
Investment and financing decisions in the presence of time-to-build
Haejun Jeon -
Performance evaluation of two-stage distress models
Mohammd Mahdi Mousavi -
Corporate insolvency prediction model in short-term perpective: the case of Lithuania
Kristina Sutiene, Kestutis Luksys, Kristina Kundeliene
MB-18: Linear Programming
Stream: Convex Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S206 (building 0)
Pál Burai
Locating binding constraints in LP-problems
Eirini Nikolopoulou, George Manoussakis, George S. Androulakis -
Lipschitz modulus of the optimal value function in linear programming: the relationship with calmness modulus
Maria Jesús Gisbert Francés, Maria Josefa Cánovas, Juan Parra, F. Javier Toledo-Melero -
Interior point methods for power flow optimization problem including wind power generation
Luciana Casacio, Aurelio Oliveira, João Batista Lopes -
Matrix reordering and iterative methods for linear systems solving in interior point methods
Aurelio Oliveira, Wellington Rodrigues, Marta Velazco
MB-19: Vector and Set-Valued Optimization II
Stream: Vector- and Set-Valued Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S207 (building 0)
César Gutiérrez
On solving convex vector optimization problems
Andrea Wagner -
Time consistency of the mean-risk problem
Gabriela Kovacova, Birgit Rudloff -
Existence of approximate strict solutions of optimization problems
Juan Luis Ródenas, César Gutiérrez, Vicente Novo -
A Weierstrass theorem for weakly efficient solutions of vector equilibrium problems
César Gutiérrez, Vicente Novo, Juan Luis Ródenas
MB-20: Group Decision Processes
Stream: Decision Analysis and Decision Support Systems
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S301 (building 0)
Ricardo Ribeiro
A GDSS for evaluating the criteria weights in multi-criteria decision analysis with PROMETHEE
Pierre Kunsch -
A novel recommendation approach for group items
Li-Ching Ma -
Participative design methodology for spatial data warehouse: application to farmland biodiversity data
AMIR SAKKA, Guy Camilleri, Lucile Sautot, Pascale Zaraté, Sandro Bimonte -
Enhancing efficiency on productive processes using process and social collaborations mining
Ricardo Ribeiro, Cesar Analide, Orlando Belo
MB-21: Workforce Scheduling and Line Balancing I
Stream: Project Management and Scheduling
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S303 (building 0)
Sergey Kovalev
Human resources scheduling problem in a port container terminal: workload balancing and movement minimization
Kaoutar CHARGUI, Abdelghani Bekrar , Abdellah El Fallahi, Mohamed REGHIOUI -
Assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem: review, benchmark and pending issues
Cristobal Miralles, Marcus Ritt, Alysson Costa, Mayron César Oliveira Moreira -
Decomposition methods for cost and tardiness reduction in aircraft manufacturing flow lines
Alexander Biele, Lars Moench -
An optimal workforce assignment problem for a paced assembly line at the line design stage
Sergey Kovalev, Xavier Delorme, Alexandre Dolgui, Mikhail Y. Kovalyov
MB-22: Big Data Analytics and Smart Systems
Stream: Analytics, Data Science and Data Mining
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S304 (building 0)
John Wilson
Implementation of exponential smoothing forecasting method in a GPU for big data problems
Juan Ramon Trapero Arenas, Marco Antonio Villegas García, Diego José Pedregal Tercero -
Prediction of frail state of elderlies in smart homes with simulation and sensor systems
Cyriac AZEFACK, Vincent Augusto, Raksmey PHAN -
Development of anomaly detection and cause analysis of unmanned robot line
JaeYeol Hong, Jun-Geol Baek -
Dynamic modelling of software errors
John Wilson, Dov Teeni
MB-23: Employee Timetabling
Stream: Timetabling
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S305 (building 0)
Troels Martin Range
A behavioural operational research approach to workforce scheduling problem for integrated healthcare in UK: a case study on chronic kidney disease
Fang He -
Shift work scheduling of a 24/7 service operation considering staff well-being
Sanja Petrovic, Jane Parkin, David Wrigley -
A framework for the general employee scheduling problem
Lucas Kletzander, Nysret Musliu -
Hospital-wide staff rostering: from academia to implementation
Troels Martin Range
MB-24: Financial Mathematics and OR II
Stream: Financial Mathematics and OR
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S306 (building 0)
Michi Nishihara
A premium-decomposition refinement of valuing convertible bonds with continuous coupons
Toshikazu Kimura -
Equilibrium execution strategies in generalized price impact models
Makoto Shimoshimizu, Masamitsu Ohnishi -
Financing and investment strategies under information asymmetry
Takashi Shibata, Michi Nishihara -
Bankruptcy, liquidation, and fire sales under asymmetric information
Michi Nishihara, Takashi Shibata
MB-25: Economic and Financial Challenges in Cryptocurrencies
Stream: Fintech: Economic and Financial Challenges in Cryptocurrencies
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S307 (building 0)
Marco Patacca
Risk analysis models for cyber insurance
Aitor Couce Vieira, David Rios -
Bitcoin rise and fall and market exuberance
Alessandra Cretarola, Gianna Figà-Talamanca -
Adequate modeling for the dynamics of cryptocurrencies
Oleg Kudryavtsev, Alexander Grechko, Vasily Rodochenko -
Does market attention affect Bitcoin returns and volatility?
Marco Patacca, Gianna Figà-Talamanca
MB-26: Innovative Urban Mobility Concepts
Stream: Public Transportation I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S308 (building 0)
Konrad Steiner
The on-demand bus routing problem: towards a more performant public transport system
Lissa Melis, Kenneth Sörensen -
Smart public transportation services - Morocco case
Kenza Oufaska, Khalid EL YASSINI, Tarik ZOUADI, Mustapha OUDANI -
Shortest paths in public transportation networks with multiple APIs
Sean Shorten, Dominique Feillet, Alexandre Iglesias -
Integrating mobility-on-demand and urban public bus networks
Konrad Steiner, Stefan Irnich
MB-27: Supplier Relationships
Stream: Production, Service and Supply Chain Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S309 (building 0)
Nader Azad
After-sales emergency supply contracts with asymmetric information
Sajjad Rahimi Ghahroodi -
Supplier audit information sharing and responsible sourcing
Albert Ha -
Optimal investment decisions for recovery from disruptions in the decentralized supply chains
Nader Azad, Elkafi Hassini, Manish Verma -
Collaboration and coordination mechanism design and practice in sustainable supply chains
Amy Zeng
MB-28: Multiple Classifier Systems and Applications I
Stream: Multiple Classifier Systems and Applications
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S310 (building 0)
Pinar Karadayi Atas
A multi-criteria framework for ensemble learning
Nikolaos Matsatsinis, Theodore Flokos, Alkaios Sakellaris, Konstantina Miteloudi -
Building profit-sensitive classifiers for maximum profit
Eugen Stripling, Bart Baesens, Seppe vanden Broucke -
Analysis of healthcare service utilization by mixture of hidden Markov model
Nazanin Esmaili, Massimo Piccardi, Federico Girosi -
A novel ensemble pruning approach for ANN-based churn prediction ensemble models
Sureyya Ozogur-Akyuz, Koen W. De Bock, Pinar Karadayi Atas
MB-29: Power and Influence Models
Stream: Game Theory, Solutions and Structures
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S311 (building 0)
Josep Freixas
Classes of influence games
Xavier Molinero, Maria Serna -
Limit theorems for power indices
Sascha Kurz -
Power and bloc formation in a consociational democracy: lessons from the Lebanese republic
Frank Steffen, Mostapha Diss -
Extension and characterization of majority decision in a multiple-input multiple-output context
Josep Freixas, Montserrat Pons
MB-30: Local search based metaheuristics
Stream: Metaheuristics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S312 (building 0)
Omer Ozkan
Ranking-based heuristic algorithm for competitive facility location
Algirdas Lančinskas, Pascual Fernandez, Blas Pelegrin, Julius Žilinskas -
Dynamic stochastic tourist trip design problem with clustered POI
Airam Expósito Márquez, Simona Mancini, Julio Brito, José Andrés Moreno-Pérez -
A computational study on the maximum dispersion problem
Mahdi Moeini -
A memetic algorithm based matheuristic for satellite broadcast scheduling problem
Omer Ozkan, Sezgin Kilic
MB-31: Behavioural Impacts in OR-Supported Processes I
Stream: fuzzt
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S313 (building 0)
Gilberto Montibeller
Online weight elicitation: is there really an issue?
Alice H. Aubert, Judit Lienert -
Individual differences in model comprehension and use: a study of cognitive styles and cognitive mapping
Ilkka Leppanen, L. Alberto Franco -
Attractiveness bias: how the decision situation influences the willingness-to-pay for information
Jan Lenard Rother, Christian Koester, Maximilian Vincent Reimer -
Behavioral challenges in policy analysis with conflicting objectives
Gilberto Montibeller
MB-32: Supply Chains
Stream: Routing, Logistics, Location and Transportation
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S314 (building 0)
Mojtaba Araghi
Scheduling of pick-up or delivery tasks for autonomous robots via dispatching rules
Azmi Cibi, Tahir OZDEMIR, Inci Saricicek, Ahmet Yazici -
Coverage planning to account for acoustical properties associated with emergency warning sirens
Hiroyuki Goto, Alan Murray -
The impact of sustainable packaging used in land transfer operations
Cristian Camilo Aparicio Peralta, Ana Halabi Echeverry, Cesar Augusto Bernal-Torres -
Optimizing distribution and pricing strategy for a cold chain enhanced by sensor technologies
Mojtaba Araghi, Sara Babaee
MB-33: Data Mining and Statistics I
Stream: Data Mining and Statistics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S315 (building 0)
Florian Hauck
Application of machine learning-for cost estimation in customized furniture production
Virginijus Marcinkevicius, Viktor Medvedev, Olga Kurasova, Tomas Vedlūga -
Machine learning based feeder bus routing design
So Young Sohn, CHUNG PARK, jungpyo lee -
Hidden footage of fluid actors: the evolutionary process of memberships in online communities
Changwoo Suh, Habin Lee -
Railway delay analytics: a data-driven approach to identify systematic train delays and measure the quality of timetables
Florian Hauck, Natalia Kliewer
MB-34: Pension Schemes and Risk Taking
Stream: Insurance and Pension Risk Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S113 (building 0)
Massimiliano Menzietti
Peer effects in risk taking: evidence from Germany
Sophie-Madeleine Roth, Mark J. Browne, Annette Hofmann, Andreas Richter, Petra Steinorth -
Annuity risk management by longevity swaps in minimal Martingale measure
Tadashi Uratani -
Pension Schemes versus Real Estate
Valeria D Amato, Emilia Di Lorenzo, Steven Haberman, Marilena Sibillo, Roberto Tizzano -
Adjustment mechanisms for notional defined contribution pension systems
Susanna Levantesi, Massimiliano Menzietti
MB-48: Preparedness and Response in Disaster Logistics
Stream: Humanitarian Operations
Room: 4D UPV B.3 (building 0)
Sibel Salman
Minimizing latency in post-disaster road clearance operations
Meraj Ajam, VAHID Akbari, Sibel Salman -
Performance of alternative linear objective functions in effectiveness fairness trade-off
Gökalp Erbeyoğlu, Ümit Bilge -
A multi-stage stochastic programming model for disaster response planning
Damla Kesikburun, Roozbeh Qorbanian, Sinem Özkan, Deniz Türsel Eliiyi -
Improving post-disaster road network accessibility by strengthening links against failures
Eda Yücel, Sibel Salman, Idil Arsik
MB-49: IBM Research Applications II
Stream: IBM Research Applications
Room: 4D UPV B.4 (building 0)
Andrea Simonetto
Correlation of multidimensional risk factors for pricing water infrastructure insurance
Samuel Chege Maina, Nathan Wangusi -
Scenario planning for enterprise risk management
Mark Feblowitz -
A federated optimization approach to real-time urban-scale ridesharing
Andrea Simonetto, Julien Monteil, Claudio Gambella
MB-50: OR for Developing Countries I
Stream: OR for Developing Countries
Room: 4D UPV 1.1 (building 0)
Gordon Dash, Nina Kajiji, Herman Mawengkang
Impact of world heritage site designation on tourism industry growth in developing countries: the super slack-based Malmquist index approach
Seyedkeyvan Hosseini, Agnieszka Stefaniec -
Vaccination tour planning in remote areas of South India
Georg Gutjahr, Prema Nedungadi -
Social contact network models for measles control strategies in Tanzania
Seán McGarraghy, Herieth Rwezaura -
Efficiency assessment of smart sustainable cities based on network data envelopment analysis
Sadiye Eylul Sadanoglu
MB-51: OR for Sustainable Built Environment
Stream: OR for Sustainable Development
Room: 4D UPV 1.2 (building 0)
Tatjana Vilutienė
Optimum design of bridges considering long-term criteria
TATIANA GARCIA-SEGURA, Víctor Yepes, Eugenio Pellicer, Laura María Montalbán Domingo -
Integrated advanced technologies for sustainable BIM-based building refurbishment
Jovita Starynina, Leonas Ustinovichius, Mantas Vaišnoras -
Empirical study of BIM-based building life cycle: case of Net-UBIEP project
Tatjana Vilutienė, Arvydas Kiaulakis
MB-52: Health Care Modelling (ORAHS) I
Stream: OR for Health and Care I
Room: 4D UPV 1.3 (building 0)
Sally Brailsford
Patient flow model for the EMS in the Netherlands
Geert-Jan Kommer -
Developing a simulation tool to support decisions around the commissioning of anticoagulation services for patients with atrial fibrillation
Christos Vasilakis, Neophytos Stylianou -
Medication inventory management for automatic dispensing systems
Vera Tilson, Gregory Dobson -
Hybrid simulation for healthcare
Sally Brailsford
MB-53: Quality Control Applications
Stream: OR in Quality Management
Room: 4D UPV 1.4 (building 0)
Javier Neira Rueda
A metaheuristic method for quality control chart design under autonomation
U. Mahir Yıldırım, Ozgur Toy -
Showing the impact of processes improvements on the performance of Khorasan Regional Electricity Company (Mashhad, Iran) using the six sigma strategy
Khatere Ghorbani-Moghadam, Narjes Sabeghi, Ladan Behroozi, Hamid Reza Yousefzadeh -
Control charts for highly censored observations on the left. A contribution to processes with censored observations
Javier Neira Rueda, Andrés Carrión
MB-54: Multiobjective Decision Support
Stream: Energy Economics, Environmental Management and Multicriteria Decision Making
Room: 4D UPV 1.6 (building 0)
Jochem Jonkman
A multi-objective methodology applied to decision support for high-pressure thermal processes in food treatment
Benjamin Ivorra, Miriam Ruiz Ferrández, Juana Lopez Redondo, Pilar M. Ortigosa, Angel Manuel Ramos -
Multi-objective optimization for metering device location in water supply networks
Joaquín Izquierdo, Jorge Francés-Chust, Manuel Herrera, Idel Montalvo Arango -
A goal-programming model for the WEEE recovery operations planning
Sule Itir Satoglu, Alperen Bal -
Decision support modelling for food processing chains
Jochem Jonkman, Jacqueline Bloemhof, Albert van der Padt
MB-55: Measuring Impact of OR projects...and Beyond!
Stream: Making an Impact I
Room: 4D UPV 2.1 (building 0)
Matteo Pozzi
Measuring impact of OR projects...and beyond!
Matteo Pozzi
MB-56: Optimization in Renewable Energy Systems I
Stream: Optimization in Renewable Energy Systems
Room: 4D UPV 2.2 (building 0)
Adelaide Cerveira
Techno-economic and environmental efficiency in electricity generation in Latin America: a dual DEA approach
Felipe Henao, Julián Benavides, Juan Pablo Viteri -
The net demand methodology applied to wind power generation series in a long-term energy planning context
Fernando Luiz Cyrino Oliveira, Paula Maçaira, Yasmin Cyrillo, Reinaldo Souza, Gustavo Amador -
Energy markets: methods for optimization of transport infrastructure
Olesya Grigoreva, Alexander Vasin -
Optimizing the design of wind farms with ditch sharing
Adelaide Cerveira, Amaro de Sousa, Eduardo Pires, José Baptista
MB-57: Algorithms for Sequencing
Stream: Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Medicine
Room: 4D UPV 2.3 (building 0)
Aleksandra Swiercz
Combinatorial models for biomolecule structure alignment
Piotr Lukasiak -
Operator assignment in parallel assembly cells with cell loading and product sequencing
Yiyo Kuo, Yen-Po Chen, Yu Cheng Wang -
New validation methods for complex biological systems analysis based on time-dependent Petri nets
Jakub Olszak, Marcin Radom, Piotr Formanowicz -
An OLC approach to De Novo assembly - GRASShopPER assembler
Aleksandra Swiercz, Wojciech Frohmberg, Michal Kierzynka, Pawel Wojciechowski, Piotr Zurkowski, Jan Badura, Artur Laskowski, Marta Kasprzak, Jacek Blazewicz
MB-58: OR in Regular Study Programs
Stream: OR Education
Room: 4D UPV 2.4 (building 0)
Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber
Econometric modeling of the determinants of academic achievement of students of a university in Chile
Hanns de la Fuente-Mella, Laura Villalón -
Language at home and student math performance in tertiary education: evidence from a German case study
Nora Dörmann, Horst Entorf -
Voice recognition algorithm applied to processes of authentication in distance education
Guadalupe Pascal, Julián E. Tornillo, Oscar M. Pascal, JAVIER M. MOGUERZA, Andrés Redchuk -
Master's degree program on game theory and operations research
Yaroslavna Pankratova, Leon Petrosyan, Elena Gubar
MB-59: OR Advances in Agri-Food Systems
Stream: OR Advances in Agribusiness
Room: 4D UPV 2.5 (building 0)
Jorge E. Hernández, Leandro Antonelli
A decision support model integrating quality data in fresh food supply chains
Magdalena Leithner, Christian Fikar -
How to support decision making processes in agribusiness through the GRUS system
Pascale Zaraté, AMIR SAKKA -
The use of glossaries to define consistent models on agricultural contexts
Leandro Antonelli, Alejandro Fernández, Jorge E. Hernández -
Mathematical models of food security
Natalia Meshcheryakova, Fuad Aleskerov, Sergey Shvydun
MB-60: Meet the editors ITOR
Stream: EURO Special Sessions
Room: 4D UPV B.5 (building 0)
Celso Ribeiro
Meet the Editors – International Transactions in Operational Research (ITOR)
Celso Ribeiro, Kenneth Sörensen, Luk Van Wassenhove, M. Grazia Speranza
Monday, 12:30-14:00
MC-01: Systems Modeling Impacting Policy: The Role Of Group Model Building In Cambodia
Stream: Keynotes
Room: UPV Nexus (building 0)
Christos Vasilakis
MC-02: Manufacturing Scheduling
Stream: Scheduling Practice
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S101 (building 0)
Francesco Aggogeri
A deep learning approach for dispatching problems in large flexible manufacturing systems
Cheng-Hung Wu, Fang-Yi Zhou, Cheng-Juei Yu -
Scheduling jobs to minimize makespan in a multiple product permutation flow shop with intermingling and learning effects
Şeyda Ilgaz, Gultekin Kuyzu, Salih Tekin -
A multi-objective invasive weed optimization algorithm for a tri-objective dual-resource constrained flexible job shop scheduling problem
Prognostics based robust design to strengthen mechanical system functionalities
Francesco Aggogeri, Angelo Merlo, István Németh, Nicola Pellegrini, Alberto Borboni, Amit Eytan, Claudio Taesi
MC-03: Hub Location
Stream: Location Analysis and Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S103 (building 0)
Gabriel Luque
A p-hub covering location problem with elastic demand
Armin Lüer-Villagra, Víctor Larrea-Chiriboga, German Paredes-Belmar, Vladimir Marianov -
A bilevel dynamic maximal hub location problem for freight transportation
roghayyeh alizadeh, Tatsushi Nishi -
A new mathematical model for multiple allocation tree-of-hubs location problem
Betul Kayisoglu, İbrahim Akgün -
Anytime algorithms for multi-objective hub location problems
Gabriel Luque, Enrique Dominguez, Francisco Chicano, Ana Belen Ruiz
MC-04: Dynamic and Stochastic Scheduling in Production
Stream: Dynamic and Stochastic Scheduling
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S104 (building 0)
Alejandro Arbelaez
Stochastic scheduling of parallel machines under processing time variability
İbrahim Akgün, Selçuk Gören, Rahime Şeyma Bekli, Muhammed Sutcu -
DQN-based dispatching method for unmanned production line composed of multiple CNC machines
Kyuchang Chang, Jun-Geol Baek -
Multi-objective optimization of job shop scheduling with risk of stablity
Shudong Sun -
Online scheduling of combinatorial problems
Alejandro Arbelaez, Robinson Duque, Juan F. Diaz
MC-05: Heuristics for Salesman and Postman Problems
Stream: Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S105 (building 0)
Miguel Reula Martín
A variable neighborhood search with tabu conditions for the roaming salesman problem
Masoud Shahmanzari, Deniz Aksen -
Picker routing in AGV-assisted order picking systems
Maximilian Löffler, Nils Boysen, Christoph Glock, Michael Schneider -
A solution method for the traveling salesman problem (TSP) using five sequential deterministic heuristic algorithms
Luis Moreno, Javier Diaz, Julian Gonzalez -
A heuristic algorithm for the distance-constrained generalized directed rural postman problem
Miguel Reula Martín, Angel Corberan, Jose Maria Sanchis, Isaac Plana
MC-06: Consumer Behavior and Pricing II
Stream: Demand and Supply Management in Retail and Consumer Goods
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S106 (building 0)
Winfried Steiner
Dynamic pricing strategies for perishable products
Cansu Altintas, Shaunak Dabadghao, Zumbul Atan, Tarkan Tan -
Influencing consumer shopping behavior by expiration date based pricing of fresh products
René Haijema -
The effects of a promotion on store traffic, conversion, and consumer expenditures: evaluation with a prediction approach
Leonardo Epstein, Ignacio Inostroza-Quezada -
A data mining approach to predict e-commerce customer behavior
Ebru Dilara Arslan, Büşra Altunan, Merve Seyis, Merve Birer, Fadime Üney-Yüksektepe
MC-07: Analytic Hierarchy Process III
Stream: Analytic Hierarchy Process / Analytic Network Process
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S107 (building 0)
Petr Fiala
Sustainable fixed capital's budget allocation by applying the P&S method
Majid FathiZahraei, Abolfazl Yari, Azita Asadi -
Determination of electric bus technology to improve the public transportation using AHP-TOPSIS methods
Mustafa Hamurcu, Tamer Eren -
Selection of gas mask using an integrated intuitionistic fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS (IF-AHP&TOPSIS) method: a case study
Elif KILIC DELİCE, Tuba Adar -
Dynamic supply network analysis by DEMATEL and ANP
Petr Fiala
MC-08: Optimal Location Problems
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S108 (building 0)
Ivana Ljubic
An exact algorithm for the perfect edge domination problem
Abilio Lucena -
Cost and fairness optimization in facility location
Carlo Filippi, Gianfranco Guastaroba, M. Grazia Speranza -
Benders decomposition for covering location problems
Ivana Ljubic, Jean-François Cordeau, Fabio Furini
MC-09: The Role of Mathematical Optimization in Data Science III
Stream: European Working Group: Data Science Meets Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S109 (building 0)
Philipp Baumann
An optimization model for credit score based offer management in telecommunication sector
AYSE SEDA YAVUZ, Erinc Albey -
A matheuristic for binary classification of data sets using hyperboxes
Derya Akbulut, Cem Iyigün, Nur Evin Ozdemirel -
Particle swarm optimization based regression
Donghee Yoon, SeJoon Park, Nagyoon Song, Suemin Kim, Dohyun (Norman) Kim -
Scaling up similarity-based machine learning models: new geometric algorithms for sparse computation
Philipp Baumann, Dorit Hochbaum, Quico Spaen
MC-10: Decision Aiding Methods III
Stream: Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S110 (building 0)
Salvatore Corrente, Milosz Kadzinski
Ranking sensitivity-based importance measures in multi-outputs models
Value-focused thinking and multi-criteria group decision making for systematically valuing the energy transition
Tim Hoefer, Rüdiger von Nitzsch, Reinhard Madlener -
A study on the anonymity of individual preferences in group decision making
Matteo Brunelli -
Multiobjective models for planning problems
Maria Barbati, Salvatore Corrente, Salvatore Greco
MC-11: DEA Theory II
Stream: DEA: Theory
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S111 (building 0)
Wen-Chih Chen
Efficiency and performance assessment in DEA technique with time series data
Zohreh Moghaddas, Mohsen Vaez-Ghasemi -
Competitive pricing using efficient frontier
Alireza Davoodi -
A novel two-stage double bootstrapped I-distance global assurance region DEA model
Milan Radojicic, Gordana Savic, Veljko Jeremic -
DEA performance evaluation with a dual-role factor
Wen-Chih Chen
MC-12: Fuzzy Optimization II
Stream: Fuzzy Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S112 (building 0)
Manuel Díaz-Madroñero
Divergence measures under imprecision
Susana Montes, Ignacio Montes, Ángel Riesgo -
Mathematical properties and possible applications of IFS-IBA approach
Pavle Milosevic, Aleksandar Rakicevic, Ana Poledica, Bratislav Petrovic -
Computational methods for constructing a group ranking from uncertain data
María Luisa Martínez, Esther Dopazo, Mauricio Ruiz-Tagle -
Reducing costs by using fuzzy techniques in inventory management
Ester Guijarro, Eugenia Babiloni, Maria J. Canos, Lourdes Canos, Vicente Liern
MC-13: Supply Chain Management III
Stream: Supply Chain Management II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S201 (building 0)
Ileana Perez
Competitive and cooperative decisions in distribution network
Natalia Nikolchenko, Nikolay Zenkevich -
How should your supply chain adjust with product innovation?
Mojtaba Mahdavi, Tava Olsen -
Modeling and simulation of supply chains with different risk attitudes from participants by using Petri nets
Biljana Panic, Dragana Makajic-Nikolic, Maja Hadžiahmetović, Mirko Vujosevic -
Improving decisions in inventory management: a solution supported by teamwork- ABC-AHP
Ileana Perez, Julian Arias, Daniela Gallego, Rocío Poveda-Bautista
MC-14: Fixed Point Algorithms in Optimisation II
Stream: Nonlinear Programming: Methods
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S202 (building 0)
Matthew Tam
An enhanced formulation for successfully solving graph coloring problems with the Douglas--Rachford algorithm
Francisco Javier Aragón Artacho -
Fixed point iterations in the context of nonnegative matrix factorization
Patrick Groetzner -
The steepest descent method for computing Riemannian center of mass on Hadamard manifolds
João Carlos Souza, Glaydston de Carvalho Bento, Sandro Dimy Barbosa Bitar, João Xavier da Cruz Neto, Paulo Oliveira -
Union nonexpansive operators and applications
Matthew Tam
MC-15: New Trends in Shared-connected and Low-emission Human and Freight Transportation Systems II
Stream: Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S203 (building 0)
Francesca Guerriero, Luigi Di Puglia Pugliese, Giusy Macrina
Optimizing vehicle relocations in one-way electric carsharing systems
Maurizio Bruglieri, Fabrizio Marinelli, Ornella Pisacane -
Impact of battery state of charge on cost optimal routes for hybrid and plug-in electric vehicles
Simgenil Arslan, Orkun Karabasoglu -
An exact approach for routing a fleet of green vehicles with capacitated fuel stations
Simona Mancini, Maurizio Bruglieri, Ornella Pisacane -
A column generation approach for an emission minimizing vehicle routing problem
Martin Behnke
MC-16: Network Optimization
Stream: Network Optimization and Social Networks
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S115 (building 0)
Markus Leitner
Efficient algorithms for the budget-constrained minimum cost flow problem
Clemens Thielen, Michael Holzhauser, Sven Krumke -
Benders cut-and-solve: a versatile tool for network optimization
Carlos Zetina, Ivan Contreras, Jean-François Cordeau -
An exact resolution method based on adaptive partitions for the stochastic fixed charge multicommodity flow problem
Cristian David Ramirez Pico, Eduardo Moreno -
Variables aggregation and Benders decomposition for solving large-scale extended formulations
Markus Leitner, Bernard Fortz
MC-17: Stochastic Optimization Problems - Theory and Applications
Stream: Stochastic and Robust Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S205 (building 0)
Milos Kopa
Multistage multivariate nested distance: an empirical analysis
Sebastiano Vitali, Milos Kopa, Vittorio Moriggia -
Dynamic model of market with uninformed market maker
Martin Smid, Milos Kopa -
Pharmaceutical R&D pipeline management under uncertainty
ELVAN GOKALP, Juergen Branke -
Stochastic optimization with endogenous randomness - contamination techniques
Milos Kopa
MC-18: Theoretical Investigations in Convex Optimization
Stream: Convex Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S206 (building 0)
Attila Gilanyi
Cyclically antimonotone vector equilibrium problems
Mihaela Berchesan(Miholca) -
generalized derivatives of the optimal value of a linear program with respect to matrix coefficients
Daniel De Wolf -
Bilinear programming: a robust optimization perspective
Ahmadreza Marandi, Jianzhe Zhen, Dick den Hertog, Lieven Vandenberghe -
Bernstein--Doetsch type theorems for set-valued functions
Attila Gilanyi, Carlos Gonzalez, Kazimierz Nikodem, Zsolt Pales
MC-19: Vector and Set-Valued Optimization III
Stream: Vector- and Set-Valued Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S207 (building 0)
Marius Durea
Necessary conditions in set optimization
Truong Q. Bao -
On the stability of the directional regularity
Marian Dumitru Pantiruc -
Henig efficiency in vector optimization problems with variable ordering structure
Elena-Andreea Florea, Marius Durea, Radu Strugariu -
Optimality conditions and a barrier method in convex optimization without convex representation
Marius Durea
MC-20: Advances in Modeling Uncertainty and Incomplete Preference Information
Stream: Decision Analysis and Decision Support Systems
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S301 (building 0)
Eeva Vilkkumaa
Preferences in spatial decision making
Jay Simon, L. Robin Keller -
Spatial multi-attribute decision analysis: axiomatic foundations and incomplete preference information
Juuso Liesiö, Mikko Harju, Kai Virtanen -
A portfolio approach for optimizing safety measures in dynamic Bayesian networks
Alessandro Mancuso, Michele Compare, Ahti Salo, Enrico Zio -
Scenario-based multicriteria portfolio model for building a robust and proactive strategy
Eeva Vilkkumaa, Petri Rikkinen, Juuso Liesiö
MC-21: Workforce Scheduling and Line Balancing II
Stream: Project Management and Scheduling
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S303 (building 0)
Evgeny Gurevsky
A new mathematical formulation with search-space reduction techniques for the multi-manned assembly line balancing problem
Adalberto Sato Michels, Thiago Cantos Lopes, Celso Gustavo Stall Sikora, Leandro Magatão -
Supplying assembly lines: a case study
Aida Saez-Mas, Angel Ruiz, José P. Garcia-Sabater, Julio J. Garcia-Sabater -
Mixed model sequencing in two-sided assembly lines
Mary Kurz, Anas Al-Ghazi -
Optimality-based cuts generation for robust balancing of paced production lines with blocks of uncertain parallel tasks and space restrictions
Aleksandr Pirogov, Evgeny Gurevsky, André Rossi, Alexandre Dolgui
MC-22: Efficient Algorithms for Optimization Problems
Stream: Multiobjective Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S304 (building 0)
Pascal Halffmann
Scalarization in vector optimization with arbitrary domination sets
Petra Weidner -
Column generation in biobjective linear programming
Andrea Raith, Siamak Moradi, Matthias Ehrgott -
The job sequencing and tool switches problem: properties of its solution and bounds
Horacio Yanasse -
Can we approximate a weight set decomposition?
Pascal Halffmann, Stefan Ruzika
MC-23: Shift and Task Scheduling
Stream: Timetabling
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S305 (building 0)
Ferdinand Becker
A column generation approach for the shift design and rostering problem in airport ground handling
Joost van Twist, Murat Firat, Cor Hurkens -
A rough set approach to the multinational chain multi-skilled staff scheduling problem with supporting cooperation
Teng-Sheng Su -
Staff rostering for check-in counters with both period-based and task-based demands
Lishun Zeng, Mingyu Zhao, Shuai Tian -
Planning cross-docking operations - integrating truck and workforce scheduling
Ferdinand Becker, Hagen Salewski, Hans Corsten
MC-24: Financial Mathematics and OR III
Stream: Financial Mathematics and OR
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S306 (building 0)
Masanori Ozawa
High frequency sampling and international continuous-time stochastic processes
A. Can Inci -
CPPI-STAR: triggered insurance portfolio strategies with time varying multiples based on regime switching asset dynamics
Jean-Luc Prigent, hachmi ben ameur, Fredj JAWADI, Farid Mkaouar -
Exploring negative variance in logistics cost for FMCG e-tailer in India
Nilanjan Chattopadhyay -
A risk evaluation of the Japanese public pension and the long-term personal pension
Masanori Ozawa, Michael Krause
MC-25: Model-based Decision Support
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S307 (building 0)
Jan van Vuuren
Simulating the movement of forcibly displaced Syrians using agent-based modelling
Christa Searle, Brian van Vuuren, Sara S Grobbelaar -
Planning model of machinists' work in passenger trains
Izabela Dziaduch, Pawel Hanczar -
An exact tree search algorithm for the hot sheet stacking problem
Philipp Fath, David Sayah, Stefan Nickel -
Model-based decision support for subjective preference selection
Johan Kellermann, Jan van Vuuren
MC-26: Network Design and Equilibrium Concepts in Transportation and Location
Stream: Public Transportation I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S308 (building 0)
Claus Gwiggner
Public network design with analytical Benders cuts
Arthur Mahéo, Robin Pearce, Michael Forbes -
Route planning for fixed route transit by maximizing OD flow capture
Daisuke Hasegawa, Tsutomu Suzuki -
Modelling inbound demand and congestion with Poisson and pre-scheduled random arrivals
Carlo Lancia -
Descriptive analysis of sequential location games
Claus Gwiggner
MC-27: Simulation Models
Stream: Production, Service and Supply Chain Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S309 (building 0)
Dimitris Zissis
Towards quantitative risk evaluation for supply chains
Birgit Mösl, Dietmar Neubacher, Nikolaus Furian -
Simulating storage policies for an automated grid-based warehouse system
Michaela Wissing, Kevin Tierney, Christoph Weskamp -
A hybrid simulation based approach to optimize organizational structures of maintenance operations
Nikolaus Furian, Dietmar Neubacher, Clemens Gutschi -
Coordination in decentralized models through multi-stage games
Dimitris Zissis, Panagiotis Kyriazis, George Ioannou, Apostolos Burnetas
MC-28: Multiple Classifier Systems and Applications II
Stream: Multiple Classifier Systems and Applications
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S310 (building 0)
Koen W. De Bock
Unsupervised feature selection for autoencoder
Suemin Kim, Donghee Yoon, Dohyun (Norman) Kim -
Segmentation of media users according to life value
Kuratomo Oyo, Takako Yamada, Hiroaki Sandoh -
Automatic forecasting support system for business analytics applications based on unobserved components models
Diego José Pedregal Tercero, Marco Antonio Villegas García, Diego Villegas -
Measuring customer lifetime value with a zero-inflated inverse Gaussian model
Mee Chi SO, Christine Currie, Christopher Bayliss
MC-29: Game Theoretical Models and Applications I
Stream: Game Theory, Solutions and Structures
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S311 (building 0)
Joaquin Sánchez-Soriano
Measurement of indirect control in corporate shareholding structures
Izabella Stach, Cesarino Bertini, Gianfranco Gambarelli, Jacek Mercik -
The pairwise egalitarian contribution set for multi-choice transportation games
Natividad Llorca, Mariana Rodica Branzei, Elisabeth Gutierrez, Joaquin Sánchez-Soriano -
Tax federalism and cooperative games
Emilio Calvo -
Profit allocation in transportation systems under bounded rationality
Joaquin Sánchez-Soriano, Natividad Llorca
MC-30: Neighbourhood search
Stream: Metaheuristics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S312 (building 0)
Adolfo Urrutia Zambrana
A biased-randomized iterative variable neighborhood descent to solve the integrated hybrid flowshop and vehicle routing problem
Leandro Martins, Sara Hatami, Eliana Maria Gonzalez-Neira, Angel A. Juan, Jairo R. Montoya-Torres -
Consistent neighborhood search for two-dimensional vector packing
Mirsad Buljubasic, Michel Vasquez -
Large neighborhood search algorithm for buffer allocation problem
Mehmet Ulaş KOYUNCUOĞLU, Leyla Demir -
On the tourist itinerary creation: a variable neighborhood search for solving the generalized orienteering problem
Adolfo Urrutia Zambrana, Gregorio Tirado, Alfonso Mateos
MC-31: Descriptive Studies of Decision Making
Stream: fuzzt
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S313 (building 0)
Konstantinos Katsikopoulos
The use of round numbers in preference representation
EWA ROSZKOWSKA, Gregory Kersten, Tomasz Wachowicz -
Simple methods of portfolio decision making: what do we lose and what do we gain?
Ian Durbach -
The attention economy of online search: a natural experiment
Shashwat M. Pande, Christopher Holland, K.Nadia Papamichail, Peter Kawalek -
One-reason decision making!?
Konstantinos Katsikopoulos, Ozgur Simsek , Jan Malte Lichtenberg, Gregory Wheeler
MC-32: Maritime Transportation
Stream: Routing, Logistics, Location and Transportation
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S314 (building 0)
Anisa Rizvanolli
The traffic assignment problem (TAP) on lattice and circular network geometries
Sam O'Neill, Ovidiu Bagdasar, stuart berry, Nicolae Popovici -
Uncertainty in maritime inventory routing problem: comparing approaches
Filipe Rodrigues -
Strategic planning of dry port-based distribution systems
Jenn-Rong Lin, Andrew Andrew, Emrah Demir, Anthony Beresford -
Vessel crew scheduling in ship management: a modelling approach
Anisa Rizvanolli, Ole John
MC-33: Data Mining and Statistics II
Stream: Data Mining and Statistics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S315 (building 0)
Kemal Özkan
Comparison of machine learning classification algorithms performances in consumer credit-risk scoring
Mervan Aksu -
Data analytics for value determination: an application on data for aircraft spare parts
Clemens Wickboldt, Natalia Kliewer, Natalia Kliewer -
Dependence-biased conditional permutation importance for variable selection
Gianluca Gazzola, Myong-Kee Jeong -
Optimized parameters for bell-shaped error function in recommender system
Kemal Özkan, Seke Erol, Yusuf Kartal, Tolga Ünal, Mahmut Kasap
MC-34: Numerical and Simulation Methods in Finance I
Stream: Numerical and Simulation Methods in Finance
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S113 (building 0)
Gordon Dash
Practical considerations for credit price optimisation
Marius Smuts, Fanie (SE) Terblanche -
Forecasting crude oil futures prices using global macroeconomic news sentiment
Paresh Date, Zryan Sadik, Gautam Mitra -
Hedging home price risks
William Mingyan Cheung, Li Bao, Stephan Unger -
Modeling statewide 2018 tax-induced regime shifts through artificial intelligence and big data analytics
Nina Kajiji, Gordon Dash, Domenic Vonella
MC-48: Practice-Based Research in Humanitarian Logistics
Stream: Humanitarian Operations
Room: 4D UPV B.3 (building 0)
Harwin De Vries
Donation management for menu planning at soup kitchens
Marjolein Buisman, René Haijema, Renzo Akkerman, Jacqueline Bloemhof -
Location planning and inventory management of emergency medical centers for post-disaster
Mehmet Kursat Oksuz, Sule Itir Satoglu -
Design of water supply networks and source selection for slums by using mixed-integer programming
Lea Rausch, John Friesen, Peter Pelz -
Do optimization models for humanitarian operations need a paradigm shift? The case of evidence-based vehicle planning
Harwin De Vries, Luk Van Wassenhove
MC-49: Moments in History of OR
Stream: Moments in History of OR
Room: 4D UPV B.4 (building 0)
Graham Rand, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber
MC-50: OR for Developing Countries II
Stream: OR for Developing Countries
Room: 4D UPV 1.1 (building 0)
Herman Mawengkang
An optimization model for planning and scheduling of seafood product with quality traceability in Aceh province of Indonesia
Devy Mathelinea, Herman Mawengkang -
An integer optimization model for managing industries hazardous waste disposal
Avery Boy Detinty, Herman Mawengkang -
A combined approach for solving a scheduling problem in periodic heterogeneous vehicle routing problems
Ellis Mardiana Panggabean, Herman Mawengkang -
An optimal decision model for hospital capacity management planning problem
Suryati Sitepu, Herman Mawengkang
MC-51: Circular Supply Chains
Stream: Environmental Sustainability in Supply Chains
Room: 4D UPV 1.2 (building 0)
Gerald Reiner
Sustainable sourcing with recycled materials: a contribution towards circular economy
Patricia Rogetzer, Lena Silbermayr, Werner Jammernegg -
Responsible supply chain decision making considering circularity
Boualem Rabta, Gerald Reiner -
When remanufacturing meets product quality improvement: the impact of production cost
Weihua Zhang, Gendao Li, Marc Reimann -
Transition to circular supply chains induced by new business models
Gerald Reiner, Stefan Gold, Boualem Rabta, Tanja Olip
MC-52: Health Care Modelling (ORAHS) II
Stream: OR for Health and Care I
Room: 4D UPV 1.3 (building 0)
Kursad Bilgili
Analytics in prioritizing access to hepatitis C treatment in U.S. prisons
Turgay Ayer -
Using simulation modelling for evaluating a national colorectal cancer screening programme in Chile
Richard Guerrero-Ludueña -
Foodborne transmission mechanisms for norovirus: a study for the UK's food standards agency
David Lane, Elke Husemann, Darren Holland, Abdul Khaled -
A simulation based decision support toolkit for informing the management of patients with diabetes
Kursad Bilgili, Eren Demir, Reda Lebcir, Anne Kilvert, Jonathan Rippen, Eileen Richardson
MC-53: Demand and Supply Management
Stream: Operations/Marketing Interface
Room: 4D UPV 1.4 (building 0)
Yongbo Xiao
Push, pull, and supply chain risk averse attitude
Jian Chen -
Quality information disclosure strategies in a supply chain with duopoly retailers
Xiaosong DING, Jihong ZHANG, Jianbo XU -
A new framework for naval inventory models
Javier Salmeron, Duncan Ellis -
Dynamic pricing in a trade-in program with replacement and new customers
Yongbo Xiao, Jian Chen
MC-54: Business Models, Policies and Customers
Stream: Energy Economics, Environmental Management and Multicriteria Decision Making
Room: 4D UPV 1.6 (building 0)
Davide Vurchio
Environmental performance of servicizing and selling business models
Mehmet Ali Kanatlı, Özgen Karaer -
An approach for understanding residential electricity consumption
Gulcan Petricli, Gül Gökay Emel -
A CSR innovation research based on design thinking methodology: insight from material topic identification process
Pin-Rui Hwang -
Energy use, productivity and exporting: a firm level analysis for developing countries
Davide Vurchio, Pierluigi Montalbano, Silvia Nenci
MC-55: Fast and Furious: Lightning Talks on Applied OR
Stream: Making an Impact I
Room: 4D UPV 2.1 (building 0)
Ruth Kaufman
Fast and furious: lightning talks
Ruth Kaufman
MC-56: Optimization in Renewable Energy Systems II
Stream: Optimization in Renewable Energy Systems
Room: 4D UPV 2.2 (building 0)
Ida Græsted Jensen
Use of image analysis methods to determine the chlorine content of refuse derived fuel
Aysun Özkan, Kemal Özkan, Şahin Işık, Zerrin Günkaya, Müfide Banar -
Wind turbine power forecasting by LSTM recurrent neural networks using CNTK platform
Serap Ulusam Seckiner, Muhammet Zara, Yunus Eroglu -
A simplistic method for representing renewable gasses and fuels in an energy systems optimisation model
Ida Græsted Jensen, Frauke Wiese, Rasmus Bramstoft
MC-57: Algorithms for Structure
Stream: Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Medicine
Room: 4D UPV 2.3 (building 0)
Joanna Miskiewicz
Conflict graphs in pseudoknot modelling
Marta Szachniuk, Tomasz Żok, Kacper Figurski, Mariusz Popenda -
Discovery and characterization of cryptochrome destabilizer small molecules enhancing the apoptosis
Seref Gul, mehmet tardu, Halil Kavakli, Metin Turkay -
N-way junction modeling and analysis
Jakub Wiedemann, Maciej Miłostan, Marta Szachniuk, Ryszard Adamiak -
Computational analysis and visualization of G-quadruplex structures
Joanna Miskiewicz, Mariusz Popenda, Joanna Sarzynska, Maciej Antczak, Tomasz Żok, Marta Szachniuk
MC-58: Teaching OR/MS I
Stream: OR Education
Room: 4D UPV 2.4 (building 0)
Pedro Castellucci
MODGRAF: a tool to support teaching network problems
Mariusz Kaleta -
Sharing experiences of designing and teaching quantitative methods online
Mahmut Sonmez -
Mobile learning as strategy for teaching OR
Laura Plazola Zamora, Sara Marín, Alejandra Gómez_Padilla -
Teaching how to model
Pedro Castellucci, Alysson Costa
MC-59: Risk and Uncertainty in Agri-Food Systems
Stream: OR Advances in Agribusiness
Room: 4D UPV 2.5 (building 0)
Jorge E. Hernández, Leandro Antonelli
Modelling agri-food supply chain risks using total interpretive structural modelling and fuzzy MICMAC analysis
Guoqing Zhao, Shaofeng Liu -
Fuzzy model to increase vegetables quality with a collaboration program under uncertainty
Ana Esteso, Mareva Alemany, Angel Ortiz -
A new 0-1 mixed integer wheat supply network design model proposal that decreases the number of vehicle rounds
Abdullah Oktay Dündar, Mahmut Tekin, Kenan Peker, Mehmet Akif Sahman, Ismail Karaoglan -
Modelling spatially distributed refuge areas and sterile insect releases in a Bt sugarcane agroecosystem
Dirk Human, Linke Potgieter
MC-60: EURO Doctoral Dissertation Award I
Stream: EURO Special Sessions
Room: 4D UPV B.5 (building 0)
Richard Hartl
Computation of equilibria on integer programming games
Margarida Carvalho -
Large-scale network optimization: Steiner tree problems
Martin Luipersbeck -
Logistics networks with intermediate stops - designing innovative and green solutions
Maximilian Schiffer
Monday, 14:30-16:00
MD-01: Quantitative models embedded in decision-support tools for healthcare applications
Stream: Keynotes
Room: UPV Nexus (building 0)
Sibel Salman
MD-02: Industry 4.0 Production Planning
Stream: Scheduling Practice
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S101 (building 0)
Maria Mavri
Qualitative assessment of the influence of manufacturing complexity drivers onto production planning problems in the context of Industrie 4.0
Dennis Horstkemper, Bernd Hellingrath -
Modeling and simulation of a production system with an Industry 4.0 approach, as a new learning environment through the use of virtual tools
Luis Omar Alpala, David Zambrano, Dayana Vallejo, Luis vallejo -
Future research areas for supply chain management containing blockchain technology
Emine Bozoklar, Ebru Yılmaz -
Is it cheaper to print a good or to manufacture it using traditional techniques? Cost always makes matter.
Maria Mavri, Evgenia Fronimaki
MD-03: Facility Location in Supply Chains I
Stream: Location Analysis and Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S103 (building 0)
Abdullah Dasci
Locating hydrogen refueling stations with a capacitated flow capturing location model
Kai Zhang, Yu Song -
A warehouse location-transportation model for pharmaceutical distribution planning
Eli Angela Toso, Aura Jalal -
A strategic model for location and route planning for a service parts distribution system
Ajinkya Tanksale, F. Tevhide Altekin, Abdullah Dasci, Hazal Ercan , Guvenc Sahin -
An iterative BTST method for the multi-Weber problem
Atsuo Suzuki
MD-04: Corporate Finance and Portfolio Management
Stream: New Challenges in Investment Strategies, Risk and Financial Modelling
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S104 (building 0)
Victor Dragota
Portfolio selection under cumulative prospect theory with piecewise exponential value functions
Suleyman Ozekici, Nuri Şensoy -
Optimal financing strategy when considering R&D innovation
Jiang Wang, Changchang Wu, Lihua Chen -
A hybrid belief rule based decision support system for assessing credit risk for mortgage lending
Swati Sachan, Jian-Bo Yang, Dong-Ling Xu -
Dividend policy: estimating the duration of making systematically bad decisions
Victor Dragota, Camelia Delcea
MD-05: Exact Methods for Vehicle Routing Problems I
Stream: Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S105 (building 0)
Roberto Roberti
An exact algorithm for the static repositioning problem in bike sharing systems
Jose M. Belenguer, Enrique Benavent, JULIO DAZA ESCORCIA -
An exact method for the multi-trip VRP with time windows
Rosario Paradiso, Roberto Roberti, Demetrio Laganà, Wout Dullaert -
Decomposition algorithms for the multi-modal ride-sharing routing problem
David Pisinger, Miriam Enzi, Sophie Parragh, Matthias Prandtstetter -
An exact method for the consistent vehicle-routing problem
Roberto Roberti, Dominik Goeke, Michael Schneider
MD-06: Retail Distribution Planning I
Stream: Demand and Supply Management in Retail and Consumer Goods
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S106 (building 0)
Heinrich Kuhn
Branch-and-cut and heuristic algorithms for an inventory routing problem with perishable products
Aldair Alvarez, Jean-François Cordeau, Raf Jans, Pedro Munari, Reinaldo Morabito -
Order policies for a perishable product in retail
Karin G.J. Pauls-Worm, Eligius M.T. Hendrix -
On the issuing rules and agreements in a divergent retail supply network to reduce the waste and increase the freshness of perishable products
Rob Broekmeulen, Karel van Donselaar -
Design challenges and performance analysis of the pick-support AGV system
Kaveh Azadeh, Debjit Roy, René de Koster
MD-07: Analytic Hierarchy Process IV
Stream: Analytic Hierarchy Process / Analytic Network Process
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S107 (building 0)
Jozsef Temesi
Preference elicitation from pairwise comparison matrices by evolutionary computing
Ludmil Mikhailov -
A study on the application of multi-criterion decision making with quantitative data to research and development budget process in Korea
Yoon Been LEE -
An MCDM-integrated maximum coverage approach for positioning of military surveillance systems
FATMA ÇARMAN ÇEVİK, Ceren Tuncer Sakar -
Correction of the elements of a pairwise comparison matrix: concepts and methods
Jozsef Temesi
MD-08: Advances in Combinatorial Optimization
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S108 (building 0)
Silvano Martello, Paolo Toth
Longitudinal analysis of heuristic performance
Steven Verwerft, Kenneth Sörensen -
Finding shortest pairs of paths with the fewest shared labels
Marta Pascoal, Joao Clímaco -
A mixed integer linear programming model for rolling stock rebalancing
Federico Farina, Dennis Huisman, Roberto Roberti, Shadi Sharif Azadeh -
A robust optimization approach for the cyclic job shop problem
Idir Hamaz, Laurent houssin, Sonia Cafieri
MD-09: The Role of Mathematical Optimization in Data Science IV
Stream: European Working Group: Data Science Meets Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S109 (building 0)
Vanesa Guerrero
A branch-and-price approach to find optimal decision trees
Murat Firat, Guillaume Crognier, Adriana F. Gabor, Yingqian Zhang -
Predicting review helpfulness: an open problem?
Anne-Sophie Hoffait, Ashwin Ittoo -
Interpretable deep learning models for financial applications
Pavankumar Murali -
Optimized re-ranking approaches for a doctor recommender system
Hongxun Jiang
MD-10: Decision Aiding Methods IV
Stream: Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S110 (building 0)
Nelson Hein
Paraconsistent logic in the economic-financial evaluation of Brazilian companies
Adriana Kroenke, Nelson Hein, Luana Sara Bizzato, Eliane Andrade -
Multi-criteria utility models with veto related preference structures - investigation of methods and properties
Andrej Bregar -
Assessing energy retrofit strategies for public buildings: an application of the ELECTRE-TRI nC model
Marta Bottero, Giuseppina Ciulla, José Rui Figueira, Salvatore Greco, Grazia Napoli, Federico Dell'Anna -
Performance of Brazilian companies: an evaluation through moderate pessimism
Nelson Hein, Adriana Kroenke, Vinicius Jacintho
MD-11: DEA Theory III
Stream: DEA: Theory
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S111 (building 0)
Martina Kuncova, Martina Kuncova
Perception-based evaluation of online ratings through uncertain decision intervals
Francisco Javier Santos Arteaga, Debora Di Caprio -
Sensitivity analysis and assurance region of efficiency in data envelopment analysis with integer inputs and outputs
Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, Mohammad Fallah, Alireza Amirteimoori, Mohsen Vaez-Ghasemi, bijan Rahmani Parchikolaei, Mohammad Mehdi Hosseinzadeh, Somayeh Razipour-GhalehJough, Hamid Sharafi -
Multi-criteria comparison of travel agencies and tour operators in V4 countries
Martina Kuncova, Veronika Hedija
MD-12: Non-Standard Optimization and Decision-Making Methods I
Stream: Fuzzy Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S112 (building 0)
Martin Gavalec
Condition of order preservation in pairwise comparisons matrix with fuzzy elements
Jaroslav Ramik -
Some fuzzy location and connection models
Karel Zimmermann, Martin Gavalec -
On scale normalization in pairwise comparisons
Jiri Mazurek -
Coordination of fuzzy processes working in regular stages
Martin Gavalec, Daniela Ponce, Karel Zimmermann
MD-13: Supply Chain Scheduling
Stream: Supply Chain Management II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S201 (building 0)
Lina Simeonova
Cuckoo search for integrating machine scheduling and vehicle routing
Ting-Jhao Jian, bailu fang, GEN-HAN WU -
Definition of a new flow graph to model the constraints of a VRPPD in the RCPSPR
Marina Vinot, Philippe LACOMME -
Paint shop scheduling in the automotive supply industry
Felix Winter, Emir Demirović, Nysret Musliu, Christoph Mrkvicka -
An integrated mixed method approach for decision making in a multi-facility supply chain: a real life case from the UK steel industry
Lina Simeonova, Niaz Wassan, Said Salhi
MD-14: Methods for Large-Scale Optimization Problems
Stream: Nonlinear Programming: Methods
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S202 (building 0)
Zaikun Zhang
A parallelizable algorithm for orthogonally constrained optimization problems
Xin Liu -
A Levenberg-Marquardt method for large nonlinear least-squares problems with dynamic accuracy in functions and gradients
Elisa Riccietti, Stefania Bellavia, Serge Gratton -
Accelerated Regularized Newton Methods for minimizing composite convex functions
Geovani Grapiglia, Yurii Nesterov -
A space transformation framework for nonlinear optimization
Zaikun Zhang, Serge Gratton, Luis Nunes Vicente
MD-15: Recent Enhancements in Vehicle Routing
Stream: Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S203 (building 0)
Luís Gouveia
Determining the best changes in time windows for vehicle routing problems in a city area
Corrinne Luteyn, Pieter Vansteenwegen -
A practical pickup and delivery problem with transfers and time windows
Onur Can Saka, Sibel Salman -
The robust vehicle routing problem with time windows: compact model and branch-price-and-cut method
Pedro Munari, Alfredo Moreno, Jonathan De La Vega, Douglas Alem, Jacek Gondzio, Reinaldo Morabito -
A new formulation for the Hamiltonian p-median problem
Luís Gouveia, Tolga Bektas, Daniel Santos
MD-16: Robust Optimization
Stream: Network Optimization and Social Networks
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S115 (building 0)
Robert Manger
Design of water usage and treatment networks: an adaptive discretization approach
Sascha Kuhnke, Arie Koster -
A robust optimization approach to solve the multi-hub express shipment service problem network design problem
Jose Miguel Quesada, Jean-Charles Lange, Jean-Sébastien Tancrez -
Robust operational planning for mobile medical units
Martin Comis, Christina Büsing -
Algebraic formulation and solution of robust path problems
Robert Manger, Ana Klobučar Barišić
MD-17: Stochastic Optimization in Energy and Environmental Management
Stream: Stochastic and Robust Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S205 (building 0)
Patrick O'Driscoll
Meeting corporate renewable power targets
Alessio Trivella, Danial Mohseni-Taheri, Selvaprabu Nadarajah -
Multistage stochastic programs in waste management
Dušan Hrabec, Pavel Popela, Radovan Šomplák -
Optimizing environmental water release decisions in river systems
Simranjit Kaur, Avril Horne, Alysson Costa, Rory Nathan, Joanna Szemis -
A multi-period valuation of a topping oil refinery
Patrick O'Driscoll
MD-18: Financial Modeling and Risk Management
Stream: Decision Making Modeling and Risk Assessment in the Financial Sector
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S206 (building 0)
Markku Kallio
Mean-risk optimal portfolio in a behavioral framework
Cristinca Fulga -
Rational irrationality: how 'predictable' are investors during financial instabilities?
Mohammad Emambocus, Gurjeet Dhesi, Babar Syed -
Markowitz portfolio optimisation using homogeneous subsets
Elmira Mynbayeva, John Lamb -
Cooperative mitigation of contagion in financial networks
Markku Kallio, Aien khabazian
MD-19: Vector and Set-Valued Optimization IV
Stream: Vector- and Set-Valued Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S207 (building 0)
Marcin Studniarski
Multiobjective approaches based on variable ordering structures for intensity problems in radiotherapy treatment
Thanh Tam Le -
Cooperative infrastructure and spectrum sharing in heterogeneous mobile networks
Mauro Passacantando, Lorela Cano, Antonio Capone, Giuliana Carello, Matteo Cesana -
On approximate efficiency for nondifferentiable robust multiobjective optimization problems
Tadeusz Antczak -
Necessary and sufficient conditions for robust Q-minimal solutions in uncertain vector optimization
Marcin Studniarski, Anna Michalak
MD-20: Decision Analytical Perspectives on Societal Challenges
Stream: Decision Analysis and Decision Support Systems
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S301 (building 0)
Juuso Liesiö
Implications of world mega trends for decision analysis/decision support research
Hannele Wallenius, Jyrki Wallenius -
Decision analysis and political processes
Nikolaos Argyris, Simon French -
Just society: a decision theoretic perspective
Rakesh Sarin -
A collaborative expert system for decision support in public policy
Matthias Wildemeersch, Elena Rovenskaya, Leena Ilmola
MD-21: Workforce Scheduling and Line Balancing III
Stream: Project Management and Scheduling
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S303 (building 0)
Evgeny Gurevsky
Real-time personnel re-scheduling after a minor disruption
Rachid Hassani, Issmail El Hallaoui, Guy Desaulniers -
Bi-objective assembly line rebalancing problem with equipment assignment
Selin Özpeynirci, Elif Simsek -
Reconfigurable transfer line balancing problem: exact and heuristic methods
Youssef Lahrichi -
Set-partition versus set-cover formulations for column generation based solution methodologies for optimal crew scheduling in the airline industry
George Kozanidis, Odysseas Moschopoulos, Christos Kaimakamis
MD-22: Multicriteria Optimization for Portfolio and Subset Selection
Stream: Multiobjective Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S304 (building 0)
Iryna Yevseyeva
Mean-variance Pareto front approximations with just a handful of Pareto optimal solutions
Janusz Miroforidis, Przemysław Juszczuk, Ignacy Kaliszewski, Dmitry Podkopaev -
Multi-criteria based optimisation model for human resource planning in telecommunication operations
Zirui Feng, Grammatoula Papaioannou, Rupal Rana, Jiyin Liu, Anne Liret -
The R2 Indicator: a study of its expected improvement when used as a selection criterion
Andre Deutz -
Ranking of instructional videos based on flexible TOPSIS
Blanca Pérez-Gladish, Vicente Liern, Enrique Lopez, Cristina Mendaña
MD-23: Event Timetabling
Stream: Timetabling
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S305 (building 0)
Sanja Petrovic
Euro conference scheduling: the problem is you!
Thomas Stidsen, Pieter Smet, Greet Vanden Berghe -
A planning tool for assigning proctors to university exams
Tino Henke, André Scholz, Gerhard Wäscher -
Exam scheduling at United States Military Academy West Point
Robin Schuchmann -
An integer programming formulation of aposteriori fuzzy MOLP and assessment of efficient solutions via DEA for a case study in course timetabling
Mustafa Mehmet Bayar, Murat Atan, Irmak Uzun-Bayar
MD-24: Financial Mathematics and OR IV
Stream: Financial Mathematics and OR
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S306 (building 0)
Betül Kalaycı
A neural network enhanced volatility component model
Jia Zhai, Yi Cao -
Time inconsistent stochastic differential game: theory and an example in insurance
Hong Mao -
Dynamic cash management models with loan opportunities
Zimian Zhang -
Mutual relevance of investor sentiment and finance by modeling coupled stochastic systems by using MARS
Betül Kalaycı, Ayse Ozmen, Azar Karimov, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber
MD-25: Graph Drawing
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S307 (building 0)
Rafael Marti
Resolution of the robust buffer allocation problem using network flows
Pascal Wortel -
Non-crossings paths with geographic constraints
Rodrigo Silveira, Bettina Speckmann, Kevin Verbeek -
Heuristics for the min-max arc crossing problem in graphs
Arild Hoff, Vicente Campos, Juanjo Peiró, Rafael Marti -
Hybrid representations of graphs: complexity results and heuristics
Giuseppe Di Battista
MD-26: Railway Rapid Transit Systems Planning and Operation
Stream: Public Transportation I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S308 (building 0)
David Canca, Eva Barrena
Heuristic search for the most compact graph for train unit scheduling optimisation
Pedro Jesús Copado Méndez, Raymond S. K. Kwan -
Cost evaluation of minimizing energy consumption in railway rapid transit lines timetables
Alejandro Zarzo, David Canca -
Static, time dependent and elastic passenger demand in railway timetabling
Eva Barrena, David Canca, Francisco A. Ortega Riejos -
On solving the integrated network design and line planning problem with elastic demand
David Canca, Alicia De Los Santos Pineda, Gilbert Laporte, Juan A. Mesa
MD-27: Facilities Planning and Design
Stream: Production, Service and Supply Chain Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S309 (building 0)
Daniel Ramon Lumbierres
An algorithm for designing a hybrid layout
Ana Raquel Xambre -
Optimal component compartmentalisation of process plants for modular construction
Timothy Haughton, Panagiotis Angeloudis, Panos Parpas -
Applying heuristic techniques for the combined design and scheduling of multiple lines multiproduct batch plants
Floor Verbiest, Trijntje Cornelissens, Johan Springael, Tânia Pinto Varela, Ana Barbosa-Povoa -
A multistage stochastic programming model for the strategic supply chain design
Daniel Ramon Lumbierres, F.-Javier Heredia
MD-28: Behavioral Foundations of Service Systems
Stream: Service Operations Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S310 (building 0)
Mirko Kremer
How observed queue length and service times drive queue behavior in the lab
Zeynep Aksin, Busra Gencer, Evrim Didem Gunes, Ozge Pala -
Bounded rationality in clearing service systems
Pelin Canbolat -
Pooling queues in discretionary services
Guillaume Roels, Mor Armony, Hummy Song -
Mismanaging the quality-speed tradeoff in congested environments
Mirko Kremer, Francis de Véricourt
MD-29: Game Theoretical Models and Applications II
Stream: Game Theory, Solutions and Structures
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S311 (building 0)
Juan Tejada
Game-theory approach to selecting the most beneficial inventory management policy: the case of online retailers assortment planning
zahra saberi, Morteza Saberi, Omar Khadeer Hussain, Elizabeth Chang -
Some applications of bankruptcy problems to engineering and management problems
MARIA TERESA ESTAÑ, Natividad Llorca, Joaquin Sánchez-Soriano -
Design of a market mechanism to achieve revenue adequacy for TSOS operating HVDC lines
Andrea Tosatto, Tilman Weckesser, Spyros Chatzivasileiadis -
Game theoretical centrality in social networks with multi-valued nodes
Juan Tejada, Javier Castro, Daniel Gomez Gonzalez, Elisenda Molina
MD-30: Game Theory Applications in Operations and Sustainability
Stream: Game Theory and Operations Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S312 (building 0)
Gokce Esenduran
Converting retail food waste into by-product
Mustafa Hayri Tongarlak -
A parametric analysis of collaborative intermodal transport
Alberto Giudici -
Supplier development in a multi-tier supply chain
Pınar Şimşek Yalçın, Özgen Karaer, Tim Kraft -
Incremental solutions to online generalized multi-item multi-unit combinatorial auctions
Anup Kumar Sen, Amitava Bagchi
MD-31: Behavioural OR: General Papers
Stream: fuzzt
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S313 (building 0)
Etienne Rouwette
Behavioural operational research within two areas of conflict: an extended classification approach
Damian Braschczok -
Developing ORBIT: the operational research behavioural interventions toolkit
Katharina Burger, Leroy White, MARTIN KUNC, Jonathan Malpass -
Integration and application of problem structuring methods: an application in oil exploration
Fahad Mehmood -
Physics, foibles and failings: applying the 'behavioural turn' to the breadth of system dynamics practice
Etienne Rouwette, David Lane
MD-32: Air Transportation
Stream: Routing, Logistics, Location and Transportation
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S314 (building 0)
Yagmur Simge Gök
Integrated capacity management for airport runway systems
Stefan Frank, Karl Nachtigall -
Airspace sectorization by graph-and-geometric approach
Yasufumi Saruwatari, Yoichi Izunaga, Takamori Ukai, Kota Kageyama -
Robust scheduling in airline operations planning: how robust are those schedules?
Aykan Akincilar -
New efficient heuristics to solve tactical airport check-in allocation problems
Yagmur Simge Gök, Maurizio Tomasella, Daniel Guimarans, Cemalettin Ozturk
MD-33: Data Mining and Statistics III
Stream: Data Mining and Statistics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S315 (building 0)
Ozden Gur Ali
A data-mining based process to early identify breast cancer from metabolomic data
Víctor Manuel Rivas Santos, Pedro José Sánchez-Rovira, Josè Javier Rosell García, Leticia Díaz-Beltrán, Jose Perez del Palacio, Francisca Vicente, Caridad Díaz-Navarro, Daniel Franco, Ana Laura Ortega-Granados, Olga Genilloud, Carmen González-Olmedo, Sergio Granados-Principal, Francisco Javier García-Verdejo -
Improvement of schools performance with BI implementation
Rose Nelson, Olga Nazarenko -
Automatic forecasting of category-store sales considering cross-category effects
Ragip Gurlek, Ozden Gur Ali -
Combining local survey data with meta-analysis of global relative risks - studies to more accurately predict prevalence of diseases
Angi Ghanem, Ozden Gur Ali
MD-34: Numerical and Simulation Methods in Finance II
Stream: Numerical and Simulation Methods in Finance
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S113 (building 0)
Ana Monteiro, Ayşe Mutlu Derya
An agent-based model for Korean stock market - KOSPI 200 and interactions among investors
Chansoo Kim, Kyung O Baek, Haneol Cho -
Roster design for complex queue systems in banking
Federico Trigos, Alan Vazquez, Leopoldo Cárdenas-Barrón -
Kernel density estimation: local cubic polynomial approach with non-arbitrage constraints
Ana Monteiro, Antonio Santos
MD-48: OR Applied to Disaster Relief and Development Operations
Stream: Humanitarian Operations
Room: 4D UPV B.3 (building 0)
Alfonso Pedraza-Martinez
Multi-criteria optimization for last mile distribution of disaster relief aid: test cases and applications
Begoña Vitoriano, José María Ferrer, F. Javier Martin-Campo, M. Teresa Ortuno, Alfonso Pedraza-Martinez, Gregorio Tirado -
Multi-vehicle prize collecting arc routing for connectivity problem
VAHID Akbari, Sibel Salman -
OR applications to humanitarian logistics in Latin America
Jaime Mora Vargas -
OR applied to humanitarian operations
Alfonso Pedraza-Martinez, Maria Besiou, Luk Van Wassenhove
MD-49: OR in Agriculture I
Stream: OR in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Room: 4D UPV B.4 (building 0)
Victor M. Albornoz
Lagrangian decomposition bounds for a crop rotation problem with adjacency constraints
Geraldo Mauri -
A multi-objective model to optimize the food resource allocation in dairy systems
Gastón Notte, Pablo Chilibroste, Martin Pedemonte, Hector Cancela -
Mathematical models for improving the process of grape reception at Aveleda
Eliana Costa e Silva, Aldina Correia, Isabel Cristina Lopes -
Integrated versus hierarchical approach for zone delineation and crop planning under uncertainty
Victor M. Albornoz
MD-50: OR for Developing Countries III
Stream: OR for Developing Countries
Room: 4D UPV 1.1 (building 0)
Milagros Baldemor, Leroy White
Improving underprivileged children's access to education: a multi-methodology intervention in Hungary
Gabriella Csanyi, Valentina Ferretti -
Tackling the compositional nature of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) data in statistical analysis
Fatine Ezbakhe, Agustí Pérez-Foguet -
Education and environmental awareness in students of civil engineering, César Vallejo University Lima East Campus
Implementation and evaluation of the targeting performance of the 4Ps program in Northwestern Philippines
Milagros Baldemor
MD-51: Designing Sustainable Vehicle Operations Management
Stream: Environmental Sustainability in Supply Chains
Room: 4D UPV 1.2 (building 0)
Jutta Geldermann, Christina Scharpenberg, Martin Hrusovsky
Vehicle routing of mixed fleets with combustion-powered and electric vehicles
Herbert Kopfer, Benedikt Vornhusen, Jan Dethloff -
Sustainable vehicle routing of daily goods from small, regional producers
Christina Scharpenberg, Jutta Geldermann -
An integrated simulation-optimization for intermodal transport planning under uncertainty: a combination of offline and online planning
Martin Hrusovsky, Emrah Demir, Werner Jammernegg, Tom van Woensel -
The potentials and uncertainties associated with the coordinated charging of electric vehicles
Marcel Dumeier, Jutta Geldermann
MD-52: Health Care Modelling (ORAHS) III
Stream: OR for Health and Care I
Room: 4D UPV 1.3 (building 0)
Maria Eugénia Captivo
A stochastic programming approach for multi-appointment outpatient scheduling in cardiology
Lida Anna Apergi, John Baras, Kenneth Wood, Bruce Golden -
Home healthcare staffing and scheduling
Maria I. Restrepo, Louis-Martin Rousseau -
Dynamic appointment scheduling with forecasting for priority queuing systems with access time service levels
Ka Yuk Carrie Lin -
Optimizing ambulance dispatching and relocation
Maria Eugénia Captivo, Ana Sofia Carvalho, Inês Marques
MD-53: Seru Production and Price/Lead-time Competition and Financial Distress
Stream: Operations/Marketing Interface
Room: 4D UPV 1.4 (building 0)
Kathryn E. Stecke
Newsvendors' equilibrium strategies under price and lead-time competition
Zhengping Wu -
Matching uncertain market demand with seru production design
Yong Yin -
Investigating operational factors on the way to financial distress
Nagihan Comez Dolgan -
The impact of platform-based product design on product differentiation
Hamed Jalali, Maud Van den Broeke, Inneke Van Nieuwenhuyse
MD-54: Multicriteria Assessment
Stream: Energy Economics, Environmental Management and Multicriteria Decision Making
Room: 4D UPV 1.6 (building 0)
Ana Barbosa-Povoa
Multi-criteria analysis and consequential lifecycle assessment of solid waste management - an integrated approach
João Clímaco, Anna Bernstad Saraiva, Rogério Valle, Cláudio Fernando Mahler -
Exploring the use of multi-criteria decision approaches for chemical alternatives analysis
Charles Corbett, Christian Beaudrie, Tom Lewandowski, Timothy Malloy, Xiaoying Zhou -
Evidence for overcoming the efficiency gap by fully integrating the decision process
Christian Schützenhofer -
Environmental impact assessment in supply chain design and planning models: goal and scope definition challenges
Bruna Mota, Ana Carvalho, Maria Isabel Gomes, Ana Barbosa-Povoa
MD-55: Academic-Practitioner Discussion Panel
Stream: Making an Impact I
Room: 4D UPV 2.1 (building 0)
John Hopes
MD-56: Optimization in Renewable Energy Systems III
Stream: Optimization in Renewable Energy Systems
Room: 4D UPV 2.2 (building 0)
Andreas Bley
Comparing time aggregation techniques in relation to capacity-expansion modeling
Stefanie Buchholz -
European industries' energy efficiency and performance under different productive regimes, revealing the role of heterogeneity, path dependence and energy mix
Eirini Stergiou, Kostas Kounetas -
Uncertainties and impacts of the demand response in the European power system
Héctor Marañón-Ledesma -
A Lagrangian solution approach for multi-sector energy system optimization
Andreas Bley, Frank Fischer, Angela Pape
MD-57: Data Analytics for Bioinformatics
Stream: Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Medicine
Room: 4D UPV 2.3 (building 0)
Sofiane Oussedik
Quality criteria for supply optimization: study case in an oncological healthcare institution
Juan Pablo Zamora Aguas, Oscar Mayorga T., Jair Eduardo Rocha-Gonzalez -
The use of continuous-time Markov models to disentangle differences in patterns of long-term functioning for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Qi Cao, Roel Freriks, Jurjen van der Schans, Annabeth Groenman, Pieter Hoekstra, Maarten Postma, Erik Buskens, Jochen Mierau -
Integer and constraint programming approaches for long-term care facility location
Mert Paldrak, Gamze Erdem, Gokberk Ozsakalli, Deniz Türsel Eliiyi -
Overview of decision optimization for data science experience
Sofiane Oussedik
MD-58: Teaching OR/MS II
Stream: OR Education
Room: 4D UPV 2.4 (building 0)
Aline Leão
Methods and tools in operations management - experience from inverted-classroom-teaching
Stefan Treitl -
Legos and board games as resources for designing student-based learning experiences in optimization
Pablo González-Brevis, Cristian Palma -
Playful labs to support the teaching of linear programming
Jainet Bernal Orozco -
Taking off with mathematics: an activity for introductory OR courses
Aline Leão, Franklina Toledo, Adaiton Moreira de Oliveira Filho
MD-59: Supply Chain Modelling and Optimisation
Stream: OR Advances in Agribusiness
Room: 4D UPV 2.5 (building 0)
Jorge E. Hernández
Determining the space and the percentage of preference of each product category of a department store by using multi criteria decision making methodologies
Gulcin Dinc Yalcin, Zehra Kamisli Ozturk -
Routes planning for managing inventory at animal husbandry department
Sanjay Choudhari, Saurabh Chandra -
Optimization of cooperative production and distribution schemes in an agro-business model
Jose Velasquez, Camilo Gomez, Liliana Aponte -
Review on operational research advances in agri-food supply chains and societal challenges
Jorge E. Hernández, Janusz Kacprzyk, Andrew Lyons, Angel Ortiz, Hervé Panetto
MD-60: Meet the editors of EJOR
Stream: EURO Special Sessions
Room: 4D UPV B.5 (building 0)
Roman Slowinski
Some facts about the European journal of operational research (EJOR)
Roman Slowinski, Emanuele Borgonovo, Robert Dyson, José Fernando Oliveira, Steffen Rebennack, Ruud Teunter -
The single-item green lot-sizing problem with fixed carbon emissions
Stéphane DAUZERE-PERES, Nabil Absi, Safia Kedad-Sidhoum, Bernard Penz, Christophe Rapine -
The multi-vehicle traveling purchaser problem with pairwise incompatibility constraints and unitary demands: a branch-and-price approach
Daniele Manerba, Michel Gendreau, Renata Mansini
Monday, 16:30-17:30
ME-01: The Discrete Charm of Districting
Stream: Plenaries
Room: UPV Nexus (building 0)
Rubén Ruiz
The Discrete Charm of Districting
Roger Z. Rios
Tuesday, 8:30-10:00
TA-01: Community structure in complex networks
Stream: Keynotes
Room: UPV Nexus (building 0)
Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber
Community structure in complex networks
Santo Fortunato
TA-02: DEA, Banking, Financial Institutions I
Stream: DEA: Applications
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S101 (building 0)
Julián Benavides
Evaluating the performance and ranking of Refah bank branches in Iran by using data envelopment analysis
Mohsen Rostamy-Malkhalifeh, Hossein Rahmati, Mohammad Ali Sahmani, Mohsen ziaee -
Evaluating efficiencies of financial holding companies in Taiwan: an application of copula-based stochastic frontier methods
Chi-Chuan Lee -
Introduction to best classification in data envelopment analysis and using it to improve performance of Refah bank branches in Iran
Mohsen ziaee, Mohammad Ali Sahmani, Hossein Rahmati, Mohsen Rostamy-Malkhalifeh -
Efficiency determinants of Brazilian commercial banks
Julián Benavides, Juan Garrido , Guillermo Buenaventura, Felipe Henao
TA-03: Facility Location in Supply Chains II
Stream: Location Analysis and Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S103 (building 0)
Jean-Sébastien Tancrez
The design of resilient food supply chain networks prone to disruptions
Seyed Mohammad Gholami-Zanjani, Walid Klibi, Mohammad Saeed Jabalameli -
Evaluating horizontal cooperation in supply chains
Thomas Hacardiaux, Jean-Sébastien Tancrez -
A methodology for the design of express service lines
Victor Bucarey, Cristian E. Cortes, Fernando Ordonez, Bruno Stefoni -
Flexibility mechanisms for the design of robust supply chains
Jean-Sébastien Tancrez, Matias Schuster
TA-04: Financial Modelling and Applications
Stream: New Challenges in Investment Strategies, Risk and Financial Modelling
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S104 (building 0)
Giulia Rotundo
Evidence regarding external financing in Romanian exporting medium sized enterprises from manufacturing sector
Eduard Gabriel Ceptureanu -
Debt growth as a leading indicator for stock returns: evidence from an emerging market
rouhollah ebrahimabadi, Gurjeet Dhesi -
Capturing long-term coupling and short-term decoupling crude oil and natural gas prices
Hayette GATFAOUI -
Estimating enterprise values based on linear optimization
Soeren Guntram Harms, Marcel Clermont, Heinz Ahn
TA-05: Exact Methods for Vehicle Routing Problems II
Stream: Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S105 (building 0)
Hakan Altunay
A multidirectional dynamic programming algorithm for the shortest path problem with resource constraints
Ilyas Himmich, Issmail El Hallaoui, Francois Soumis -
Branch and cut solution approach for the capacitated location routing problem
Theocharis Metzidakis, Panagiotis Repoussis, Manolis Kritikos, George Ioannou -
Mathematical models and an exact algorithm for the heterogeneous vehicle routing problem
Federico Perea, Gilbert Laporte, Rubén Ruiz, Luis Fanjul Peyró -
A new mathematical model for the close-open vehicle routing problem
Hakan Altunay
TA-06: Consumer Returns in Retail
Stream: Demand and Supply Management in Retail and Consumer Goods
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S106 (building 0)
Alexander Hübner
Selling consumer returns on the secondary market: an OEMs strategy to deal with a non-cooperative retailer
Andrea Borenich, Yanick Dickbauer, Marc Reimann, Gilvan C. Souza -
Optimal pricing of points in points plus cash reward programs
Ricardo Montoya -
Closed-loop supply chain network design under demand, return and quality uncertainty
Sakine Batun, Kadir Biçe -
The relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality in e-commerce
Evripidis Kechagias, George Chatzistelios, Georgios Papadopoulos, DIMITRA KYRIOU
TA-07: Analytic Hierarchy Process V
Stream: Analytic Hierarchy Process / Analytic Network Process
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S107 (building 0)
Massimo Squillante
A dynamic hybrid modeling approach for global facility location
Hafiz Muhammad Khurram Ali, Khalid Akhtar, Sami Farooq, Mirza Jahanzaib -
The AHP in eco gestation of operations: a reuse of organic waste case
A multi-phase decision making approach combining the EFA, AHP and Multi-MOORA for the career choice of undergraduates in department of statistics
Sevgi Abdalla -
An experimental approach for comparing inconsistency of multiplicative, additive and fuzzy approaches
Massimo Squillante, Bice Cavallo, Alessio Ishizaka, Maria Grazia Olivieri
TA-08: Combinatorial Optimization on Graphs I
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S108 (building 0)
Francesco Carrabs
The discrete P-dispersion problem for the close enough traveling salesman problem
Carmine Cerrone, Francesco Carrabs, Raffaele Cerulli, Bruce Golden -
A three-stage p-median based exact method for the optimal diversity management problem
Adriano Masone, Antonio Sforza, Claudio Sterle, Igor Vasilyev, Anton Ushakov -
On a network function virtualization chaining problem with simple path routing: properties and formulations
Giuliana Carello, Bernardetta Addis, Meihui Gao -
A metaheuristic algorithm for the all-colors shortest path problem
Francesco Carrabs, Raffaele Cerulli, Andrea Raiconi
TA-09: The Role of Mathematical Optimization in Data Science V
Stream: European Working Group: Data Science Meets Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S109 (building 0)
Adam Elmachtoub
Small-data, large-scale linear optimziation
Vishal Gupta, Paat Rusmevichientong -
Condition number analysis of logistic regression and its implications for standard first-order solution methods
Paul Grigas, Robert M. Freund, Rahul Mazumder -
Discovering optimal policies: a machine learning approach to model analysis
Fernanda Bravo, Yaron Shaposhnik -
Smart predict, then optimize
Adam Elmachtoub, Paul Grigas
TA-10: Decision Aiding Methods V
Stream: Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S110 (building 0)
Nguyen Anh Vu Doan
Better together: improved predictive accuracy of preference disaggregation by discovering structural similarities in preference models
Moha Ghaderi, Nuria Agell, Milosz Kadzinski -
GAIA-SMAA-PROMETHEE for a hierarchy of interacting criteria
Sally Giuseppe Arcidiacono, Salvatore Greco, Salvatore Corrente -
PROMETHEE R: from ranking to rating
Bertrand Mareschal -
An alternative weight stability analysis for PROMETHEE II rankings based on inverse optimization
Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Yves De Smet
TA-11: Uplift Modelling
Stream: Business Analytics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S111 (building 0)
Sebastian Maldonado
Profit-driven decision tree approaches for uplift modeling
Floris Devriendt, George Petrides, Stefan Lessmann, Wouter Verbeke -
Sampling techniques for uplift modeling for improved stability and performance
Dimitri Robert, Floris Devriendt, George Petrides, Wouter Verbeke -
A survey & experimental evaluation of multiple treatment uplift modeling
Diego Andres Olaya Lasso, Wouter Verbeke -
Profit-based credit scoring based on robust optimization and support vector machines
Sebastian Maldonado, Julio López
TA-12: Non-Standard Optimization and Decision-Making Methods II
Stream: Fuzzy Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S112 (building 0)
Jaroslav Ramik
Interval linear programming: checking weak optimality of a given solution is NP-hard
Miroslav Rada, Milan Hladík, Elif Garajová -
Determinants of technological innovation capability in high technology and manufacturing firms - using Fuzzy-DEMATEL method
Reed-Joe Chang, Po-Wei Su, Ching-Torng Lin, Thi Phuong Thao Tran -
Using multi criteria decision making to select the most appropriate organization of maintenance section in Iran airline
Ahmad Makui -
Computing interval eigenvectors of interval fuzzy and max-plus matrices
Ján Plavka, Martin Gavalec
TA-13: Continuous Optimization and Industrial Applications
Stream: Applications Related to Continuous Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S201 (building 0)
Sureyya Ozogur-Akyuz
A unified optimization framework for electrochemical wastewater treatment with continuous energy consumption monitoring
Emine Esra Gerek, Ali Savaş Koparal, Omer Nezih Gerek -
Optimal cross-border electricity trading
Maria Flora -
Monitoring the multivariate coefficient of variation via optimised control charts
Vicent Giner-Bosch, Philippe CASTAGLIOLA, J. Carlos García-Díaz, Andrés Carrión
TA-14: Proximal Gradient-Type Algorithms
Stream: Nonlinear Programming: Methods
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S202 (building 0)
Junfeng Yang
Some theoretical and numerical analysis for nonsmooth convex regression with cardinality penalty
Wei Bian -
Iteratively dynamically reweighted methods for nonconvex regularized problems
Hao Wang -
Proximal algorithms with extrapolation for structured nonconvex nonsmooth problems
Bo WEN -
On progressive hedging algorithm for multistage stochastic programming and stochastic variational inequalities
Junfeng Yang
TA-15: Vehicle Routing with Time Windows
Stream: Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S203 (building 0)
Said Dabia
Logic-based benders decomposition for the heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing problem with time windows
Vinícius Armentano, Ramon Fachini -
The stochastic and robust time window assignment vehicle routing problem
Maaike Hoogeboom, Patrick Jaillet, Yossiri Adulyasak, Wout Dullaert -
A comparative study of branch-and-price algorithms for vehicle routing with time windows and waiting time costs
Stefano Michelini, Yasemin Arda, Hande Kucukaydin -
Cover inequalities for a vehicle routing problem with time windows and shifts
Said Dabia, Stefan Ropke, Tom van Woensel
TA-16: Urban Logistics
Stream: Green Logistics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S115 (building 0)
Jan Fabian Ehmke
Investing in facilities today to reduce routing emissions tomorrow
Fabien Tricoire, Sophie Parragh -
A two-echelon vehicle routing problem with unmanned ground vehicles for city logistics
Jakob Puchinger, Shaohua Yu -
Optimizing routes with sustainability criteria in transportation management
Lorena Reyes-Rubiano, Laura Calvet, Javier Faulin, Angel A. Juan -
Can tolling schemes really reduce emissions of freight transportation in urban area?
Jan Fabian Ehmke, Shu Zhang, Ann Campbell
TA-17: Stochastic Programming in Tactical and Capacity Expansion Planning
Stream: Stochastic and Robust Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S205 (building 0)
Laureano F. Escudero
Risk management for rapid transit network capacity expansion planning
Ángel Marín, Luis Cadarso, Laureano F. Escudero -
Scenario reduction by conditional scenarios
Cesar Beltran-Royo -
A tactical planning model with uncertain demand using a two-stage stochastic programming model for a fruit supply chain
LluisM Pla, Wladimir Soto-Silva, Marcela C. Gonzalez-Araya, Jordi Mateo, Francesc Solsona -
On strategic and operational uncertainties for capacity expansion planning risk management
Laureano F. Escudero, Antonio Alonso-Ayuso
TA-18: Risk Measurement and Modeling
Stream: Decision Making Modeling and Risk Assessment in the Financial Sector
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S206 (building 0)
Fabio Bellini
An ordinal information based estimator of risky asset returns
Eranda Cela, Stephan Hafner, Roland Mestel, Ulrich Pferschy -
Elicitability and identifiability of measures of systemic risk
Jana Hlavinová, Tobias Fissler, Birgit Rudloff -
Generalized Little's law and an asset picking system to model an investment portfolio: a large-scale model
Maria Luisa Ceprini, John D C Little -
Dynamic properties of classical and robust Orlicz and Haezendonck-Goovaerts risk measures
Fabio Bellini, Roger Laeven, Emanuela Rosazza Gianin
TA-19: Vector and Set-Valued Optimization V
Stream: Vector- and Set-Valued Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S207 (building 0)
Phan Quoc Khanh
Dynamic origin-destination-matrix estimation for commuter train planning: an entropy-maximization approach
Abderrahman Ait Ali -
On generalized-convex constrained multi-objective optimization and application in location theory
Christian Günther -
Lipschitz properties of cone-convex set-valued functions
Anh Tuan Vu, Thanh Tam Le -
Linear and nonlinear metric regularity and optimality conditions
Phan Quoc Khanh
TA-20: Decision Analysis Applications I
Stream: Decision Analysis and Decision Support Systems
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S301 (building 0)
Antti Punkka
The global value of offshore wind energy
Zana Cranmer, Erin Baker -
Energy network management of an oil refinery
elif mete -
Data-driven decision support for maintenance management using unsupervised learning and integer programming
Subanatarajan Subbiah, Talha Badr, Ralf Gitzel -
Development of a flexible multi-objective duty roster planning tool
Antti Punkka, Aleksi Porokka
TA-21: Workforce Scheduling and Line Balancing IV
Stream: Project Management and Scheduling
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S303 (building 0)
Sergey Kovalev
Parallel machine scheduling with job splitting, sequence-dependent setup times, and limited setup resources
Hyun-Jung Kim, Jun-Ho Lee -
A cutting plane approach for the multi-machine precedence-constrained scheduling problem
George Vairaktarakis, Prahalad Venkateshan, Joseph Szmerekovsky -
Workforce management in call centers
Marc-Philip Piehl, Michael Manitz -
Order batching & sequencing in bucket brigade order picking
Yossi Bukchin, Eran Hanany, Eugene Khmelnitsky
TA-22: Multicriteria Optimization for Scheduling and Transportation Problems
Stream: Multiobjective Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S304 (building 0)
Vitor Basto-Fernandes
A multi-objective approach for a sustainable flexible parallel assembly line: a real case study
Ahmed Mohammed, Irina Harris -
A network approach to group decision making portfolios and its application in multiobjective scheduling
Michael Emmerich, Iryna Yevseyeva -
Modelling and solution methods for efficient utilization of multiple servers
Nursen Aydin, Ibrahim Muter, Ilker Birbil -
Evolutionary multi-objective scheduling for anti-spam filtering throughput optimization
Vitor Basto-Fernandes, Iryna Yevseyeva, Michael Emmerich
TA-23: Course Timetabling
Stream: Timetabling
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S305 (building 0)
Sanja Petrovic
A multi-objective approach for university course timetabling problem
Erika Tatiana Ruíz Orjuela, Diego Andrés Carreño Dueñas, Luis Amaya Gonzalez -
Course timetabling in a flexible semester structure
Marco Chiarandini -
Bi-criteria simulated annealing algorithms for the robust university course timetabling problem
Can Akkan, Ayla Gülcü -
An integer programming based scheduling of university wide orientation course activities
AYDIN ULUCAN, Eren Miski Aydin, Bulent Cekic
TA-24: Financial Mathematics and OR V
Stream: Financial Mathematics and OR
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S306 (building 0)
Zhongfei Li
An assessment of long-term investments risk in longevity risk protection
Justyna Majewska, Grażyna Trzpiot -
Portfolio selection with minimum regularised covariance determinant estimators
Marco Neffelli, Marina Resta, Maria Elena De Giuli -
A variance decomposition in stock portfolios
Javier Giner -
A multinomial-tree gambling model
Zhongfei Li
TA-25: Combinatorial Optimization and Logistics Operations
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S307 (building 0)
Jiyin Liu
On emptying a container bay by neural network
Yat-wah Wan, Wen-Fu Yang -
Inventory sharing policy for medical supplies in Hong Kong hospitals
King-Wah Anthony Pang, Ping Zhang, Hong Yan -
Field scheduling with time windows to minimise the service risk of missing appointments
Chenlu Ji, Rupal Rana, Jiyin Liu -
A new approach for the vehicle sharing and workforce scheduling problem
Pol Arias, Rupal Rana, Jiyin Liu
TA-26: Crew Planning
Stream: Public Transportation I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S308 (building 0)
Twan Dollevoet, Thomas Breugem
A matheuristic for the driver scheduling problem with staff cars
Shyam Sundar Govindaraja Perumal, Jesper Larsen, Richard Lusby, Morten Riis, Kasper Sørensen -
A column generation approach for railway crew replanning
Thomas Breugem, Twan Dollevoet, Dennis Huisman -
Novel formulations for railway crew rostering
Twan Dollevoet, Thomas Breugem, Dennis Huisman
TA-27: Logistics
Stream: Production, Service and Supply Chain Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S309 (building 0)
Sangmoo Shin
Competition, decision rights, and supply chain structure
Sudheer Gupta -
Lifetime extension and an application to PC upgrading
Sha Zhu, Rommert Dekker, Willem van Jaarsveld -
Optimal allocation of spares to maximize the window fill rate in a two-echelon exchangeable-item repair system
Michael Dreyfuss, Yahel Giat -
How does the Korean textile industry build competitive capabilities? Comparative case studies
Sangmoo Shin, Euisung Jung
TA-28: Service Operations and Supply Chains: A Cross-Section
Stream: Service Operations Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S310 (building 0)
Itir Karaesmen
Data-driven process mining: discovering treatment approaches for preference-sensitive medical conditions
Feryal Erhun, Katherine Bobroske, Lawrence Huan, Michael Freeman, Anita Cattrell, Jenny Wang, Rich King, Stefan Scholtes -
Improving access of low back pain patients through prioritization at a neurosurgery clinic
Esma Gel -
Optimal assignment of human resources to a public service organization: the case of using quantitative methods in a qualitative problem
Stelios Koukoumialos, Athanasios Spanos, Michael Vidalis -
Coordinating broker's procurement and logistics decisions
Itir Karaesmen
TA-29: Models in Game Theory: Solutions
Stream: Game Theory, Solutions and Structures
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S311 (building 0)
Amparo Urbano
A two-step proportional rule for division with multiple characteristics
Miguel A. Hinojosa, Amparo Mármol -
Strategic vector-valued games with Rawlsian preferences
Amparo Mármol, Asunción Zapata, Luisa Monroy, Maria de los Angeles Caraballo -
Opinion formation and targeting when persuaders have extreme and centrist opinions
Agnieszka RUSINOWSKA, Akylai Taalaibekova -
Multiproduct trading of indivisible goods with many sellers and buyers
Amparo Urbano, IVAN ARRIBAS
TA-30: Operations Research Games I
Stream: Game Theory and Operations Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S312 (building 0)
Ana Meca
Full null player in partition function form
Maria Gloria Fiestras-Janeiro, Mikel Alvarez-Mozos, Andrés Jiménez-Losada, José María Alonso-Meijide -
Delay allocation in stochastic projects
Juan Carlos Gonçalves-Dosantos, Ignacio García-Jurado, Julian Costa -
Warning against recurring risks: an information design approach
Francis de Véricourt, Saed Alizamir, Shouqiang Wang -
A tractable network game of atomic dynamic flows
Bo Chen
TA-31: Behaviour in Models II
Stream: fuzzt
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S313 (building 0)
Pekka Laitila
Does corporate social responsibility impact preferences in ESG portfolio optimization?
Gordon Dash, Nina Kajiji -
Simulation of cultural processes and their social impact
Leonidas Sakalauskas -
Affective decision making models with applications to social robotics
Si Liu, David Rios Insua -
On practical applicability of ranked nodes method for constructing conditional probability tables of Bayesian networks
Pekka Laitila, Kai Virtanen
TA-32: Picking and Location Assignment
Stream: Routing, Logistics, Location and Transportation
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S314 (building 0)
Zehra Duzgit
Cooperation strategies for improving the order-picking operations in a synchronized zone picking warehouse
Ying-Chin Ho, Chih-Feng Chou -
An integrated cluster-based storage assignment policy
Masoud Mirzaei, Nima Zaerpour, René de Koster -
A new method to solve for exact upper bounds for interval transportation problem with uncertain supplies and demands De Silva, Mohomed Juman -
Design of a warehouse order picking policy system using genetic algorithm
Zehra Duzgit, Ahmet Can Saner, Ozgur Toy
TA-33: Data Mining and Statistics IV
Stream: Data Mining and Statistics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S315 (building 0)
Edward Thommes
Public transport passenger flow analysis and prediction using alternating Markov-modulated linear regression
Nadezda Spiridovska, Irina Jackiva -
An application of process mining and association rule mining for indoor customer data
Onur Doğan, Basar Oztaysi -
Assessing the prior event rate ratio method via probabilistic bias analysis on Bayesian networks
Edward Thommes, Salaheddin Mahmud, Yinong Young-Xu, Julia Thornton Snider, Robertus van Aalst, Jason Lee, Ayman Chit
TA-34: Reverse Logistics and Remanufacturing Networks
Stream: Sustainable Supply Chains
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S113 (building 0)
Salvatore Cannella
Strategic design of multiple lifecycle products for remanufacturing operations
Neil Geismar, M. Serkan Akturk, James Abbey -
Inspecting the boomerang when it returns: on the impact of core quality grading on the bullwhip performance of closed-loop supply chains
Borja Ponte, Mohamed Naim, Aris Syntetos, Salvatore Cannella, Roberto Dominguez -
On the dynamics of closed-loop supply chain with stochastic remanufacturing lead times
Roberto Dominguez, Salvatore Cannella, Borja Ponte, Mohamed Naim, Aris Syntetos -
Bullwhip effect and closed-loop supply chains: systematic review and simulation analysis
Salvatore Cannella, Roberto Dominguez, Borja Ponte, Jose M Framinan
TA-48: Exploring Dynamic Behaviors in Humanitarian Operations
Stream: Humanitarian Operations
Room: 4D UPV B.3 (building 0)
Tharcisio Fontainha
Joint fundraising appeals: allocation rules and conditions that encourage aid agencies' collaboration
Tina Wakolbinger, Fuminori Toyasaki -
Improving disaster response processes through the application of the design structure matrix
Tharcisio Fontainha, Paulo Goncalves, Adriana Leiras
TA-49: OR in Agriculture II
Stream: OR in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Room: 4D UPV B.4 (building 0)
Concepción Maroto
Risk evaluation of livestock farms by integrating GIS and multicriteria techniques
Áurea Gallego Salguero, Marina Segura, Concepción Maroto, Consuelo Calafat Marzal, Israel Quintanilla -
Which is better for planning the bottling lines of an export-oriented winery: a stochastic linear programming model or a robust optimization model?
Sergio Maturana, Nicolas Villavicencio, Alejandro Mac Cawley -
Multi-objective optimization for the selection of wells for a water monitoring campaign of the Patiño aquifer, Paraguay
Christian von Lucken, Liz Báez, Cynthia Emilia Villalba Cardozo, Juan Pablo Nogues -
Aggregated linear programming models to estimate emissions of livestock production from animal diets
Concepción Maroto, Marina Segura, Concepción Ginestar, Baldomero Segura
TA-50: Optimization of Biomass-Based Supply Chains
Stream: Biomass-Based Supply Chains
Room: 4D UPV 1.1 (building 0)
Magnus Fröhling
Designing optimal contracts between biomass processors and producers in the US biofuels industry
Sinem Tokcaer, Ozgur Ozpeynirci, Hayri Önal -
The effect of postponement strategies under sequence dependent setup times in the wine industry
Alejandro Mac Cawley, Sergio Maturana, Benjamin Bastidas, Mauricio Varas -
Households' decision processes in an agent-based simulation using PROMETHEE
Beatriz Beyer, Lars-Peter Lauven, Jutta Geldermann -
Combining GIS and location planning to evaluate biomass utilisation chains
Magnus Fröhling, Andreas Rudi, Charlie Liebscher
TA-51: OR for Energy Systems Integration
Stream: Environmental Sustainability in Supply Chains
Room: 4D UPV 1.2 (building 0)
Mel Devine
Energy sector integration - opportunities and challenges arising from an electrification of heating and transport sectors
Hans Christian Gils -
Multi-objective optimal congestion management in the German transmission grid
Manuel Ruppert, Viktor Slednev, Valentin Bertsch, Wolf Fichtner -
Soft-linking capacity expansion problems: development of local energy systems connected to the central grid
Stian Backe, Pedro Crespo del Granado, Dimitri Pinel, Asgeir Tomasgard, Magnus Korpås -
Modelling demand-side flexibilities from wastewater treatment plants in an integrated energy system
Dana Kirchem, Valentin Bertsch, Juha Kiviluoma, Muireann Lynch, Eoin Casey
TA-52: Treatment Scheduling
Stream: OR for Health and Care I
Room: 4D UPV 1.3 (building 0)
Bruno Vieira
Improving the efficiency of the operating room environment with a generalizable optimization and machine learning model
Margaret L. Brandeau -
Stochastic appointment scheduling in a team primary care practice with two nurses and two providers
Ana Muriel, Hyun Jung 'Joanne' Alvarez Oh, Hari Balasubramanian, Ekin Koker -
Effective and equitable appointment scheduling in rehabilitation centers
Pinar Keskinocak, Idil Arsik , Kirthana Hampapur, Kristin Goin -
Improving timeliness in radiotherapy using discrete-event simulation modeling
Bruno Vieira, Derya Demirtas, Jeroen B. van de Kamer, Erwin W. Hans, Wim van Harten
TA-53: Product Line Design, Strategic Consumer Behavior, and Distribution Channel
Stream: Operations/Marketing Interface
Room: 4D UPV 1.4 (building 0)
Ovunc Yilmaz
The impact of distribution channels on trial-version provision with a positive network effect
Fan Li, Zelong Yi -
Managing risk of change based on similarity of propagation effects
Qing Yang -
Empirically estimating strategic behavior for hotel standby upgrade programs
Ovunc Yilmaz, Mark Ferguson, Pelin Pekgun, Guangzhi Shang
TA-54: OR in Sports
Stream: OR in Sports
Room: 4D UPV 1.6 (building 0)
Stephan Westphal
Home-away pattern sets: properties, experiments, and flexibility
Frits Spieksma, Dries Goossens -
Fair players allocation in ATP tournaments generation
Gabriele Dragotto, Federico Della Croce, Rosario Scatamacchia -
Avoiding combinatorial clashes for The Champions Hockey League group stage draw
Stephan Westphal, Martin Dahmen
TA-55: Technical Issues in Practice
Stream: Making an Impact I
Room: 4D UPV 2.1 (building 0)
Sofiane Oussedik
TA-56: Optimization of Energy Systems
Stream: Optimization in Renewable Energy Systems
Room: 4D UPV 2.2 (building 0)
Welington de Oliveira
Energy plant operation and installation plan via stochastic programming
Tomoki Fukuba, Shuichi Isomura, Takayuki Shiina -
On the determination of Turkish natural gas balancing and wholesale market prices
Kürşad Derinkuyu, Rabia Taspinar, Furkan EZER, Melike Yıldız, Seher Onay, Sevde Nur Ozbolat, Pelin Tekin -
Optimization of biogas production by anaerobic digestion
Helenice Florentino, Daniela Cantane, Felipe Teles, Leandro Marcucci -
Stochastic dual dynamic programming with modified cuts applied to the Brazilian long-term hydrothermal scheduling problem
Welington de Oliveira, Felipe Beltrán, Guilherme Fredo, Erlon Finardi
TA-57: Public Health Networks
Stream: Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Medicine
Room: 4D UPV 2.3 (building 0)
Justyna Rój
Minimizing health-compromising behaviors via school-based programs: an optimization approach
Banafsheh Behzad -
Markovian decision models to design public policies on critical patient units in a public health network
Alejandro Cataldo, Antoine Sauré, Jonathan Patrick -
Financial performance index for hospitals: DEA approach. Case of Poland
Justyna Rój
TA-58: Teaching OR/MS III
Stream: OR Education
Room: 4D UPV 2.4 (building 0)
Marta Pascoal
Students' preferences for learning operations research elicited by using qualitative and AHP methods
Marina Segura, Concepción Maroto, Concepción Ginestar, José Ramónn Navarro -
How dropping their worst homework might be prejudicial to your students: an application of Simpson's paradox and its impact on equity
Javier Rubio-Herrero -
OR for children: robotic warehouse simulation using Lego Mindstroms
Lin Xie -
Introducing network optimization problems to middle school students
Marta Pascoal
TA-59: Policy-Enabling Models for the Power Sector
Stream: Technical and Financial Aspects of Energy Problems
Room: 4D UPV 2.5 (building 0)
Afzal Siddiqui
Analysis of storage and water value in power systems for policymaking on renewable energies
Diego Tejada, Afzal Siddiqui, Sonja Wogrin, Efraim Centeno Hernáez -
Switching options in peaking power plants: enticing availability by capacity remuneration
Stein-Erik Fleten, Erik Haugom, Alois Pichler, Carl Ullrich -
Utility-scale energy storage in an imperfectly competitive power sector
Ahti Salo, Vilma Virasjoki, Afzal Siddiqui -
Economic and environmental consequences of market power in the South-East Europe regional electricity market
Afzal Siddiqui, Verena Viskovic, Yihsu Chen, Makoto Tanaka
TA-60: EURO Excellence in Practice Award I
Stream: EURO Special Sessions
Room: 4D UPV B.5 (building 0)
Ulrich Dorndorf
A combinatorial exchange for fishery access rights
Martin Bichler, Douglas Ferrell, Vladimir Fux, Jacob Goeree -
Scheduling the South American qualifiers to the 2018 FIFA World Cup by integer programming
Guillermo Durán, Mario Guajardo, Denis Saure -
Operational research as a driver for rural regeneration
Valentina Ferretti, Elisa Gandino
Tuesday, 10:30-12:00
TB-01: Putting Operations Research to work
Stream: Keynotes
Room: UPV Nexus (building 0)
Geir Hasle
Putting Operations Research to work
Iris F.A. Vis
TB-02: DEA, Banking, Financial Institutions II
Stream: DEA: Applications
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S101 (building 0)
Lucie Chytilová
Discriminate analysis and data envelopment analysis with specific data and its application for companies in the Iranian stock exchange
Mohammad Fallah, Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, Alireza Amirteimoori, Mohsen Vaez-Ghasemi, bijan Rahmani Parchikolaei, Mohammad Mehdi Hosseinzadeh -
Comparative analysis for mapping the relative positions of bank brands: an application of attribute-based perceptual mapping using factor analysis and DEA
Jinal Parikh -
The banking sector in Columbia from the perspective of relative efficiency
Gloria Rodriguez-Lozano -
Efficiency evaluation using DEA with interval dual-role factors at banking sector of Visegrad Group countries
Lucie Chytilová
TB-03: Facility Location in Transportation Networks
Stream: Location Analysis and Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S103 (building 0)
Sanja Petrovic
Analysis of location model for charging facility considering driving distance
Yohei Kakimoto, Hiroyuki Goto, Yoichi Shimakawa, Hirotaka Takahashi -
Greedy, exact and hybrid solution methods applied to the traffic counters location problem in transportation networks
Bruno Salezze Vieira, Thayse Ferrari, Glaydston Ribeiro, Romulo Orrico, Nilo Campos Júnior, Leonel Teixeira Júnior, Leonardo Perim -
A branch and cut approach for location planning of electric vehicle recharging infrastructure
Paul Göpfert, Stefan Bock -
A capacitated directed cycle hub location problem under congestion and uncertainty
Cihan Butun, Sanja Petrovic, Luc Muyldermans
TB-04: Investments and Asset Allocations: Methods and Applications
Stream: New Challenges in Investment Strategies, Risk and Financial Modelling
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S104 (building 0)
Anna Maria D'Arcangelis
Multivariate count processes analysis of defaults
Ana Escribano, Mario Maggi -
Optimal investment and deferred annuity choice with inflation and labour income risks
Chul Jang, Andrew Clare, Iqbal Owadally -
Intertemporal analysis of mutual funds investing in European stocks: the analysis of herding through centrality measures
Giulia Rotundo, Anna Maria D'Arcangelis
TB-05: Vehicle Routing under Uncertainty
Stream: Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S105 (building 0)
Epaminondas Kyriakidis
Algorithm for vehicle routing problem under uncertainty
Shuichi Isomura, Tomoki Fukuba, Takayuki Shiina -
The vehicle routing problem with dynamic occasional drivers - a multistage formulation
Lars Dahle, Henrik Andersson, Marielle Christiansen, Lars Magnus Hvattum -
A mean-variance objective for robust vehicle routing problem with uncertain demands
Marcella Bernardo, Jürgen Pannek -
A stochastic vehicle routing problem for the collection of two similar products
Epaminondas Kyriakidis, Constantinos Karamatsoukis, Theodosis Dimitrakos
TB-06: Store Management
Stream: Demand and Supply Management in Retail and Consumer Goods
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S106 (building 0)
Youssef Boulaksil
Vertical integration of distribution and inventory management with pooling
Florian Arnold, Kenneth Sörensen, Johan Springael -
Solving the backroom layout problem in grocery stores
Maria Pires -
An optimization approach for product allocation with integrated shelf space dimensioning in retail stores
Alexander Hübner, Kai Schaal, Tobias Düsterhöft -
Optimal cash rationing strategies for a two-product, cash constrained retailer's inventory system under stochastic demand
Youssef Boulaksil
TB-07: Applications in Industrial Engineering
Stream: Analytic Hierarchy Process / Analytic Network Process
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S107 (building 0)
Selecting the best contractor company for a defense project by using AHP
Nurdinç Şenay, Muharrem Tasyurek -
A novel two stages intutitonistic fuzzy approach proposal based on ANP and matehematical modelling for risk assessment
AHP based KEMIRA approach for shopping mall selection
Pelin Toktaş, GÜLİN FERYAL CAN -
An integrated intuitionistic fuzzy approach based on AHP and MIACRA: an application for bevarage manufacturing
TB-08: Combinatorial Optimization on Graphs II
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S108 (building 0)
Raffaele Cerulli
Heuristic algorithms for the strong generalized minimum label spanning tree
Andrea Raiconi, Carmine Cerrone, Ciriaco D'Ambrosio -
On the single door cross-docking problem
Marcello Sammarra, Manlio Gaudioso, M. Flavia Monaco -
A GRASP for the supervised learning minimum cost SAT problem
Giovanni Felici, Paola Festa, Tommaso Pastore, Daniele Ferone, Antonio Napoletano -
Optimizing the investments in mobile networks and subscriber migrations for a telecommunication operator
Adrien CAMBIER, Michael Poss, Rosa Maria Figueiredo, Matthieu Chardy, Adam Ouorou
TB-09: The Role of Data Science in Optimization
Stream: European Working Group: Data Science Meets Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S109 (building 0)
Patrick De Causmaecker
A data-driven model for routing mobile medical facilities
Sibel Salman, Burcin Bozkaya, Eda Yücel, Cemre Gokalp -
Constraint learning using tensor (COUNT)
Mohit Kumar, Luc De Raedt, Stefano Teso -
Value of product location information in agrifood logistics decision making: a multi-level perspective
Viet Nguyen, Jacqueline Bloemhof -
Data, information, knowledge and optimisation.
Patrick De Causmaecker
TB-10: Decision Aiding Methods VI
Stream: Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S110 (building 0)
Samira El Gibari
Optimality and boundedness in interval linear programming: complexity and characterization
Elif Garajová, Milan Hladík, Miroslav Rada -
A novel FMEA model for machine tool risk analysis
James Liou, Huai-Wei Lo, Yen-Ching Chuang -
Sigma-Mu efficiency analysis: a new methodology for evaluating units through composite indices
Menelaos Tasiou, Salvatore Greco, Alessio Ishizaka, Gianpiero Torrisi -
A comparison of the MRP-WES method with other MCDM methods based synthetic indicators.
Samira El Gibari, Francisco Ruiz, Jose Manuel Cabello, TRINIDAD GOMEZ
TB-11: Customer Relationship Management
Stream: Business Analytics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S111 (building 0)
Dries Benoit
Integrating textual information in customer churn prediction models: a deep learning approach
Arno De Caigny, Kristof Coussement, Koen W. De Bock, Stefan Lessmann -
Time series classification for early churn prediction in dynamic networks
Tine Van Calster, María Óskarsdóttir, Bart Baesens, Wilfried Lemahieu -
Paradoxes of the retention reaction curve
Igor Sloev -
Social ties in customer referral programs
Iris Roelens, Philippe Baecke, Dries Benoit
TB-12: Fuzzy Sets Theory in MCDA
Stream: Fuzzy Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S112 (building 0)
Kurt Nielsen
Techniques to model uncertain input data of multi-criteria decision making problems: a literature review
Sarah Ben Amor, Renata Pelissari, Maria Celia de Oliveira, alvaro abackerli -
Using Fuzzy-DEMATEL method to explore decisive factors in after market of auto lighting industry
Jing Li, Reed-Joe Chang, Ching-Torng Lin, Jian-Ke Huang -
Risk assessment of pharmaceutical product distribution using intuitionistic fuzzy FMEA and TOPSIS model
Shahrzad Faghih Roohi, Alp Akcay, Yingqian Zhang, Eelco de Jong -
Multi-attribute procurement auctions with fuzzy attributes
Kurt Nielsen
TB-13: Algorithms in Continuous Optimization
Stream: Applications Related to Continuous Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S201 (building 0)
Juan Carlos Cortés
Complexity of an inexact restoration method
Luis Felipe Bueno, José Mario Martínez -
Efficient alternating minimization methods for variational edge-weighted colorization models with sphere constraints
Maryam Yashtini -
Application of novelty search to the particle swarm optimization algorithm
Juan Carlos Cortés, David Martínez-Rodríguez, Clara Burgos-Simon, José-Ignacio Hidalgo, Rafael-J. Villanueva
TB-14: Sparse Optimisation with Applications
Stream: Nonlinear Programming: Methods
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S202 (building 0)
Xiaoqi Yang
Restricted eigenvalue conditions and recovery bounds of l_q regularization problems
Xiaoqi Yang -
Lower-order regularization method for group sparse optimization with applications in systems biology
Yaohua Hu, Chong Li, Kaiwen Meng, Jing Qin, Xiaoqi Yang -
On the binary Eisenberg-Noe model and its extension
Yu-Hong Dai -
Balance analysis of sparsity and robustness for portfolio adjustment problem
Fengmin Xu
TB-15: Real-Life Vehicle Routing I
Stream: Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S203 (building 0)
Kemal Kaya
Integrated vehicle and pollster routing
Sandra Gutierrez, Luis Torres, Diego Recalde, Ramiro Torres, Pablo Zuleta, Andrés Miniguano -
Ambulance routing under nuclear facility disaster
Gyu M. Lee -
Vehicle routing with an endogenous learning effect: an application to offshore plug and abandonment campaign planning
Steffen Bakker -
A rich vehicle routing problem involving split deliveries, heterogeneous fleet, and outsourcing option
Kemal Kaya, Gultekin Kuyzu, Salih Tekin
TB-16: Maritime logistics
Stream: Green Logistics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S115 (building 0)
Harilaos Psaraftis
Optimal choice of speed reduction ports for shipping liners
Shuaian Wang -
A game theoretic approach to improve compliance to sulphur regulations
Thalis Zis -
Real-time schedule recovery in liner shipping service with regular uncertainties and disruption events
Chen LI -
The profit maximizing liner shipping problem with flexible frequencies: balancing economic and environmental performance
Harilaos Psaraftis, Massimo Giovannini
TB-17: Applications of Stochastic Optimization
Stream: Stochastic and Robust Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S205 (building 0)
Patrizia Beraldi
Stochastic optimization of simulation models: management of scarce water resources under risk and uncertainty
Alexei Gaivoronski, Giovanni Sechi, Jacopo Napolitano, Paola Zuddas -
The capacitated supplier selection problem with total quantity discount and activation costs under demand uncertainty: exact and approximate approaches
Daniele Manerba, Guido Perboli -
A stochastic optimization model for healthcare facility network design in a disaster environment
Muge Acar, Onur Kaya -
Risk averse management of virtual power plants using stochastic programming
Patrizia Beraldi, Maria Elena Bruni, Antonio Violi, Gianluca Carrozzino
TB-18: Theoretical Developments in Problem Structuring Methods
Stream: Soft OR, Problem Structuring Methods
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S206 (building 0)
Leroy White
Constructing problems and choosing methodologies for complex decision contexts
John Mingers -
Systemic risk analysis: analytical support to identify priorities from causal risk maps
Susan Howick, Colin Eden, Igor Pyrko -
Integrating problem structuring methods and concept-knowledge theory for enabling collective decision-making process for policy design: some hints from Cyprus case study
Irene Pluchinotta, Raffaele Giordano, Dimitrios Zicos, Tobias Krueger, Alexis Tsoukias -
Strong RLT1 bounds from decomposable Lagrangean relaxation for some quadratic 0-1 optimization problems with linear constraints
Monique Guignard-Spielberg, Jongwoo Park
TB-19: Vector and Set-Valued Optimization VI
Stream: Vector- and Set-Valued Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S207 (building 0)
Elena Molho
Metric subregularity of the diagonal subdifferential operator and applications
Rita Pini, Monica Bianchi, Gabor Kassay -
Limit vector variational inequality problems
Monica Bianchi, Igor Konnov, Rita Pini -
Some duality results in set optimization with applications
Elena Molho, Elisa Caprari, l b -
Primal worst and dual best in robust vector optimization
Elisa Caprari, Elena Molho, l b
TB-20: Decision Analysis Applications II
Stream: Decision Analysis and Decision Support Systems
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S301 (building 0)
Miguel Martínez-Panero
The effects of operations analysis on the 5th generation aircraft design
Muharrem Tasyurek, Nurdinç Şenay -
When is information sufficient for action? Search with unreliable yet informative intelligence
Moshe Kress -
Multi-criteria ABC inventory classification using AHP method
Communities of interest and the districting problem
Miguel Martínez-Panero, Verónica Arredondo, Teresa Peña, Federica Ricca
TB-21: Convex Optimization
Stream: Convex, Semi-Infinite and Semidefinite Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S303 (building 0)
Agnieszka Prusińska
Copositive approach to adjustable robust optimization
Markus Gabl -
A new fuzzy programming approach to solve bi-level decentralized multi-objective linear fractional programming problem
Tunjo Perić, Tihomir Hunjak -
Separable cubic model for solving smooth large-scale unconstrained minimization problems
Carmo Bras, José Mario Martínez, Marcos Raydan -
Implicit function and tangent cone theorems for singular inclusions. Applications to nonlinear programming
Agnieszka Prusińska, Ewa Bednarczuk, Alexey Tretyakov
TB-22: Many-Objective Optimization
Stream: Multiobjective Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S304 (building 0)
Joao Duro, Robin Purshouse
Extreme point guided PICEA-g for nadir point estimation in many-objective optimization
Rui Wang, Jianmai Shi -
Machine learning analysis of solutions generated by many-objective Pareto local search
Andrzej Jaszkiewicz -
Multi-objective optimization for distributed design of complex systems
Joao Duro -
Toolkit for benchmarking multiobjective robust optimization algorithms
Shaul Salomon, Robin Purshouse
TB-23: Simulation in Management Accounting and Control
Stream: Agent-Based Simulation in Business and Economics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S305 (building 0)
Stephan Leitner
Cooperative behavior of Q-learning agents in a repeated Cournot oligopoly game
Christian Mitsch -
Analyzing the supplier structure in a buyer-supplier model over time: an agent-based model
Kristian Strmenik -
Utility maximization under model uncertainty
Ariel Neufeld -
An agent-based variant of the hidden-action problem: on the economics of reciprocity
Stephan Leitner, Friederike Wall
TB-24: Optimal Control
Stream: Optimal Control
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S306 (building 0)
Stefan Wrzaczek
Gradient methods on strongly convex feasible sets and optimal control of affine systems
Vladimir Veliov -
A sequential decision process with stochastic action sets
Adam Narkiewicz -
Optimal control of a continuous-time W-configuration assemble-to-order system
Mohsen Elhafsi, Jianxin Fang, Herve Camus -
Using vintage structure for a multi-stage optimal control model with random switching time
Stefan Wrzaczek, Ivan Frankovic, Michael Kuhn
TB-25: Districting Problems: Models and Applications
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S307 (building 0)
Ozgur Ozpeynirci
Mathematical model and grasp for the districting problem in home health care services in a rapid-growing Colombian city
Juan G. Villegas, Sebastian Cortes Zapata, Elena Valentina Gutierrez Gutierrez, Juan D. Palacio -
Political districting in Turkey: a proposal for more fair representation
Ozgur Ozpeynirci, Hayri Önal, Enver Yakın -
Mathematical model for a taxi-carsharing service
Aleksandra Panyukova, Valentina Dudareva
TB-26: Recovery and Congestion in Public Transportation Systems
Stream: Public Transportation I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S308 (building 0)
Esteve Codina
A routes-based heuristic for real-time railway traffic management problem
Ricardo Garcia-Rodenas, Maria Luz Lopez, Luis Cadarso -
Energy consumption and passenger compensation policy in disruption management from a microscopic point of view
Luis Cadarso, Ricardo Garcia-Rodenas -
Effects of introducing a control delay in real-time railway traffic management
Sofie Van Thielen, Francesco Corman, Pieter Vansteenwegen -
A transit network planning model integrating reliability and recoverability aspects
Esteve Codina, Francisca Rosell, Luis Cadarso
TB-27: Capacity Planning
Stream: Production, Service and Supply Chain Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S309 (building 0)
Justus Arne Schwarz
Optimal supply contract for new product development with risk consideration
Guoqing Zhang, Shiping Zhu -
Combined effects of price, process flexibility and modularity for reducing supply-demand mismatch
Nishant K Verma -
An integrated production scheduling and workforce capacity planning model and analyses for maintenance repair operations in the airline industry
Fatma Sedanur Ozturk, Kadir Ertogral -
Analyzing the impact of finite capacity on sales and operations planning for product rollovers
Justus Arne Schwarz, Baris Tan
TB-28: Service systems
Stream: Service Operations Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S310 (building 0)
Oualid Jouini
Simulation analytics for emergency medical services
Yong-Hong Kuo, Janny LEUNG, Colin Graham -
Early registration of patients: an empirical investigation of scheduling of emergency surgery rooms
Santamaria-Acevedo Gustavo, Oualid Jouini, Benjamin Legros, Zied Jemai -
A hybrid approach based on MACTOR and 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation for the analysis of the energy service company market
Ozgur Yanmaz, Cigdem Kadaifci, Umut Asan -
A simulation-based method for shift scheduling in multi-channel contact centers
Siqiao Li, Ger Koole, Oualid Jouini
TB-29: Solutions in Cooperative Game Theory
Stream: Game Theory, Solutions and Structures
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S311 (building 0)
Juan Vidal-Puga
Bankruptcy with a variable number of agents and priorities
Miguel Ginés-Vilar -
Allocating the costs of cleaning a river: estimating responsibilities versus incentive compatibility
Gómez-Rúa María, Jorge Alcalde-Unzu, Elena Molis -
A panting rule in minimum cost spanning tree problems with multiple sources
Adriana Navarro Ramos, Gustavo Bergantinos -
One-way and two-way cost allocation in hub network problems
Juan Vidal-Puga, Gustavo Bergantinos
TB-30: Operations Research Games II
Stream: Game Theory and Operations Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S312 (building 0)
Ana Meca
On sequencing situations with exponential and logarithmic cost functions
Alejandro Saavedra-Nieves, Peter Borm, Jop Schouten -
The effect of regulation and uncertainty on the investment incentives in the broadband market
soumaya amassaghrou -
Dynamic pricing, local and national advertising decisions in a supply chain under different leadership roles
Anshuman Chutani, Suresh Sethi -
Multiple corporation tax games: the role of dual and irreplaceable benefactors
Antonio José Mayor Serra, Ana Meca, JOSE A. GARCIA-MARTINEZ
TB-31: Behavioural Impacts in OR Practice
Stream: fuzzt
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S313 (building 0)
Judit Lienert
A diagnostic approach to improve the design and evaluation of decision support interventions
Lisa Scholten -
Effects of or applications and characteristics of or practitioners: an empirical study
Violeta Cvetkoska -
How does literacy, decision style and loss aversion influence end-users' choice of electricity dynamic tariffs in a smart grid context?
Marta Lopes, Inês Reis, Carlos Henggeler Antunes -
To aggregate or disaggregate? Experience from stakeholder interviews with two preference elicitation philosophies (SWING-weighting, UTA-GMS)
Judit Lienert, Jun Zheng
TB-32: Multimodal Transportation
Stream: Routing, Logistics, Location and Transportation
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S314 (building 0)
Kris Braekers
Dynamic multimodal freight routing using a co-simulation optimization approach
Maged Dessouky -
Integrating local drayage and network flow planning in intermodal transport
Hilde Heggen, An Caris, Kris Braekers -
Revenue-driven operational planning: sea-rail multimodal freight transportation vs road transportation
Aysun Mutlu, Yaşanur Kayıkçı, Bülent Çatay -
Intermodal terminal selection and its effect on pre- and end-haulage costs
Kris Braekers, Hilde Heggen, Noah Crauwels
TB-33: Data Mining and Statistics V
Stream: Data Mining and Statistics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S315 (building 0)
Spatio-temporal clustering and sampling with continuous density-based distance weights
Antonia Gieschen, Jake Ansell, Belen Martin Barragan, Raffaella Calabrese -
Probabilistic inference and evidence-based decision making with incomplete data
Jian-Bo Yang, Dong-Ling Xu -
Pattern analysis methods based on sorting algorithms
Alexey Myachin -
Evidential reasoning rule for sequential machine learning - an application to fault detection
Dong-Ling Xu, Jian-Bo Yang
TB-34: Advances in Sustainable Supply Chain Dynamics
Stream: Sustainable Supply Chains
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S113 (building 0)
Uğurcan Özden
Cyber-physical system application for sustainable supply chain management
Valentas Gružauskas, Edita Gimžauskienė -
Government's optimal inter-temporal subsidy in the presence of uncertain cost reduction and strategic consumers
Weichun Chen, Benny Mantin, Bo Li -
Exploring pricing and incentivisation policies in the management of a closed loop supply chain
Brian Dangerfield -
A blockchain platform for raw material stock optimization
Uğurcan Özden, Y. Ilker Topcu
TB-48: Post-Disaster Relief Problems
Stream: Humanitarian Operations
Room: 4D UPV B.3 (building 0)
Andréa Cynthia Santos
An overview of the supply chain logistics with a limited autonomy vehicle problem
Ana Flavia Macambira, Pedro Henrique González, Hugo Barbalho, Luidi Simonetti -
Models and algorithms for emergency road accessibility after major earthquakes
Celso Satoshi SAKURABA, Andréa Cynthia Santos, Christian Prins -
Heuristics for last-mile distribution in case of large-scale earthquake
Andréa Cynthia Santos, Puca Huachi Penna, Christian Prins
TB-49: OR in Agriculture III
Stream: OR in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Room: 4D UPV B.4 (building 0)
LluisM Pla
Improving harvesting operations in an oil palm plantation
Daniel Castillo-Gómez, Mariana Escallon, Jorge Leal, Andres Medaglia, Carlos Montenegro -
Postharvest quality characteristics according to harvest time of strawberry 'Seolhyang' grown in Korea
SaeJin Hong, YoungRog Yeoung, Seong-Jun Kim, Jeong Hee Choi -
Design of silicon pads in the forced-air cooling treatment for harvested strawberries
Seong-Jun Kim, SaeJin Hong, Jeong Hee Choi -
Supporting fresh fruit purchase and storage decisions through a system based on a mixed integer programming model
Wladimir E. Soto-Silva, Marcela C. Gonzalez-Araya, LluisM Pla
TB-50: Modeling Tools for Energy and Sustainable Policy I
Stream: Long-term Planning in Energy, Environment and Climate
Room: 4D UPV 1.1 (building 0)
Sandrine Selosse
In decarbonizing the European electric sector - the role of interconnections
Seyram SIGGINI, Jerôme Gutierrez, Sophie Demassey, Edi Assoumou -
Benefits of energy storage and transmission switching in power systems with high renewable energy penetration
Meltem Peker, Ayse Selin Kocaman, Bahar Yetis Kara -
An optimization model for carbon capture & storage/utilization vs. carbon trading and its application
The influence of carbon storage and biomass potentials in the future development of bioenergy with carbone capture and storage
Sandrine Selosse
TB-51: Modelling Challenges in Energy Systems Analysis
Stream: Environmental Sustainability in Supply Chains
Room: 4D UPV 1.2 (building 0)
Mel Devine
Solving problems with equilibrium constraints with an application to energy markets
Sauleh Siddiqui -
An augmented Lagrangian approach for solving the optimal generator placement problem in a transmission grid with a high share of renewable energies
Viktor Slednev, Manuel Ruppert, Valentin Bertsch, Wolf Fichtner -
Justification for the use of a dynamic gas flow formulation
Andreas Belderbos, Erik Delarue -
Modelling the impact of demand response on different electricity markets: results and issues
Mel Devine, Valentin Bertsch
TB-52: Healthy Diets
Stream: OR for Health and Care I
Room: 4D UPV 1.3 (building 0)
J.C. Gerdessen
A mathematical model to establish an optimal diet in Spain following Mediterranean standards
Monica Hernandez, TRINIDAD GOMEZ, Laura Delgado Antequera, Rafael Caballero -
Diet optimization for vulnerable groups in Ecuador
Fernanda Salazar, Sandra Gutierrez -
Recommending healthy meal plans using a many-objective optimization approach
Cumali Türkmenoğlu, A. Sima Etaner-Uyar, Berna Kiraz -
Synergy between OR and nutrition research: decision-making in dietary assessment and advice
J.C. Gerdessen, G.D.H. (Frits) Claassen, Jack van der Vorst, Pieter van 't Veer
TB-53: Big Data, Social Media, and Personal Data
Stream: Operations/Marketing Interface
Room: 4D UPV 1.4 (building 0)
José P. Garcia-Sabater
Big data vs small data: consumer profiling with data requirements
Jiahua Wu -
Economics of free mobile applications: personal data
Vincent Lefrere -
STEM and teens: an algorithm bias on a social media
Clara Jean -
Distributed programming production planning with a shared capacity coordinated by a Lagrangian relaxation model on a rolling horizon
Gregorio RIUS-SOROLLA, Julien Maheut, José P. Garcia-Sabater
TB-54: Sport Strategy Optimization
Stream: OR in Sports
Room: 4D UPV 1.6 (building 0)
Susanne Hoffmeister
Optimizing a golfer's strategy with MDPs
Matthieu Guillot, Gautier Stauffer -
Optimizing strategic substitution in soccer
Jörg Rambau, Rónán Rian Carl Richter -
Decision-making in sport's annual planning
Sarka Krizkova, Martin Gavalec -
Markov decision processes for sport strategy optimization
Susanne Hoffmeister, Jörg Rambau
TB-55: Lost in Translation
Stream: Making an Impact I
Room: 4D UPV 2.1 (building 0)
Joaquim Gromicho
Lost in translation: expectations and misconceptions
Joaquim Gromicho
TB-56: Optimization in Renewable and Energy Systems I
Stream: Optimization in Renewable Energy Systems
Room: 4D UPV 2.2 (building 0)
Ayşe Mutlu Derya
Cost effective electrical public transport network design
Jeroen Vester, Shadi Sharif Azadeh -
Common effluent treatment plants locations allocation modelling in an industrial cluster
Saurabh Chandra, Manish Sarkhel -
Short-term wind speed prediction using multivariable dense data for optimum micro-grid operations
Tansu Filik, Ümmühan Başaran Filik -
Electromagnetic field optimization for Turkey's transportation energy demand estimation
Alkin Yurtkuran, Ilker Kucukoglu
TB-57: Software for Mixed-Integer Optimization I
Stream: Software for Optimization
Room: 4D UPV 2.3 (building 0)
Gregor Hendel
On signed symmetries in MILP
Imre Polik, Philipp Christophel -
How to fold a linear program
Timo Berthold, Qi Huangfu, Michael Perregaard -
Gurobi 8.0 - what's new
Michael Winkler -
More performance with the new generic callback in CPLEX 12.8
Xavier Nodet
TB-58: Topics on Education
Stream: OR Education
Room: 4D UPV 2.4 (building 0)
Joao Miranda
Evaluating the potential trade-off between students' satisfaction and school performance using multiobjective programming
SANDRA GONZÁLEZ GALLARDO, Oscar David Marcenaro Gutierrez, Mariano Luque -
Predicting job selection based on departmental courses by using clustering and adaptive regression methodologies
Ayşe Kuyrukçu, Fatma Yerlikaya Özkurt -
Training schools and supply chain stakeholders for medicines shortages (cost action CA15105)
Joao Miranda, Sarah Ben Amor -
Study on optimization of charge of quarters scheduling in military academy
TB-59: Integrating Renewable Energy Resources into Power Systems
Stream: Technical and Financial Aspects of Energy Problems
Room: 4D UPV 2.5 (building 0)
Raquel García-Bertrand
Inertia changes in power systems with high wind power plant integration. An overview of frequency analysis challenges
Ana Fernandez-Guillamon, Angel Molina-Garcia, Antonio Vigueras-Rodriguez -
Spot market, futures and risk management in the integration of renewable resources
Carlos Ruiz, Paolo Falbo -
Optimizing storage allocation and investment for transmission constrained networks considering losses and high renewable penetration
Sonja Wogrin, Diego Tejada, Dean Yacar -
Robust transmission network expansion planning under correlated uncertainty
Raquel García-Bertrand, Cristina Roldán, Roberto Mínguez, José Manuel Arroyo
TB-60: EURO Excellence in Practice Award II
Stream: EURO Special Sessions
Room: 4D UPV B.5 (building 0)
Ulrich Dorndorf
The OR revolution in Vattenfall BA Wind
Martina Fischetti, Jesper Runge Kristoffersen, Michele Monaci, David Pisinger -
Blending systems thinking approaches for organisational analysis: reviewing child protection in England
David Lane, Eileen Munro, Elke Husemann -
An efficient algorithm for milk transport logistic optimization developed for the dairy industry enterprise Zott SE & Co. KG
Sascha Wörz, Michael Schmid, Heinz Bernhardt
Tuesday, 12:30-14:00
TC-01: MINLP and the cost of interpretability in Data Science
Stream: Keynotes
Room: UPV Nexus (building 0)
MINLP and the cost of interpretability in Data Science
Dolores Romero Morales
TC-02: DEA in Education
Stream: DEA: Applications
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S101 (building 0)
Nabil Amara
Assessing the education frontiers in Vietnam
Minh Hanh Le, Heinz Ahn -
Benchmarking in higher education using data envelopment analysis and the Bologna process data
Kazim Baris Atici, AYDIN ULUCAN, Akin Ozkan -
Measuring academic research efficiency: a comparison of results from parametric and nonparametric methods
Nabil Amara, Nizar Souiden, Mehdi Rhaiem -
Evaluation of disaster management system: a case study of earthquake performance in Turkey
Erdem Aksakal, Ufuk Altınsoy
TC-03: Facility Location and Sustainability
Stream: Location Analysis and Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S103 (building 0)
Glaydston Ribeiro
Compromise programming for closed loop supply chain networks
Said Salhi, Chandra Irawan, Muhammad Abdulrahman -
Solving a bi-objective facility location problem in the presence of uncertainty
Najmesadat nazemi, Sophie Parragh -
Ambulance simulation package
Samuel Ridler, Andrew J Mason, Andrea Raith -
Literature review of facility location and environmental issues
Vanessa de Almeida Guimarães, Glaydston Ribeiro
TC-04: Dynamic Asset allocation
Stream: New Challenges in Investment Strategies, Risk and Financial Modelling
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S104 (building 0)
Roy Cerqueti, Mario Maggi
Networks and market-based measures of systemic risk: the global banking system in the aftermath of the financial crisis
Chiara Pederzoli, Gian Paolo Clemente, Rosanna Grassi -
Optimal investment strategies with stochastic interest rate and minimum performance constraint
Daniele Marazzina -
Discounting of mean reverting cash flows
Henrik Andersson -
A beta decomposition to set up a low beA asset allocation strategy
Mario Maggi, Antonio Amendola, Dennis Montagna
TC-05: Pickup and Delivery Problems
Stream: Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S105 (building 0)
Cristiam Gil
An exact formulation for the one-to-one pickup and delivery problem with divisible split ups
Bolor Jargalsaikhan, Ward Romeijnders, Kees Jan Roodbergen -
Order first cluster second algorithm for pick up and delivery problem
Tejas Ghorpade, Narayan Rangaraj -
A two-compartment single vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pickups and deliveries, stochastic demands and predefined customer order
Constantinos Karamatsoukis, Roza Zakar, Epaminondas Kyriakidis, Theodosis Dimitrakos -
A column-generation based model to pickup and delivery problem with transfers
Cristiam Gil
TC-06: Retail Distribution Planning II
Stream: Demand and Supply Management in Retail and Consumer Goods
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S106 (building 0)
Thomas Archibald
Solving the integrated order picking and vehicle routing problem with order batching and delivery time windows
Daniel Schubert, Heinrich Kuhn, Andreas Holzapfel -
Collaborative load plan design in the retail market: the pickup hub and delivery problem
Axel Grimault, Yun He, Fabien Lehuédé, Juliette Medina, Olivier Péton -
Integrating consumer preferences and shelf life data in urban e-grocery logistics planning
Christian Fikar, Andreas Mild, Martin Waitz -
Designing effective proactive transshipments in retail networks
Thomas Archibald, Kevin Glazebrook, Sandra Rauscher
TC-07: Timetabling under Capacity Constraints
Stream: Public Transportation II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S107 (building 0)
Nikola Bešinović
Integrated micro-macro railway timetable
Miguel Angel Ruiz Sanchez, Ángel Marín, Luis Cadarso, Esteve Codina -
Periodic timetabling with limited infrastructure capacity
Sebastian Albert, Soumya Dutta, Julius Pätzold, Narayan Rangaraj -
A mathematical model for timetabling problem in railway transportation
Fatih BAHAR, Lale Ozbakir, Pinar Tapkan, Sinem KULLUK, M. Burak TELCİOGLU -
A new flexible headway model for designing operationally feasible railway timetables
Nikola Bešinović
TC-08: Applications in Industry and Services I
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S108 (building 0)
José Fernando Oliveira
A dynamic IRP approach for the smart waste collection problem
Tania Ramos, Carolina Soares de Morais, Ana Barbosa-Povoa -
A heuristic approach to dispatch and conflict-free routing problem of capacitated vehicles for container transfers and relocations in a warehouse setting
Emmanouil Thanos, Tony Wauters, Greet Vanden Berghe -
Cruise itineraries optimal scheduling
Gianni Di Pillo, Stefano Lucidi, Renato Mari, Massimo Roma -
Integrating capacity and pricing under uncertainty in the car rental business
José Fernando Oliveira, Beatriz Brito Oliveira, Maria Antónia Carravilla, Alysson Costa
TC-09: Matheuristics
Stream: Matheuristics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S109 (building 0)
Tony Wauters
A matheuristic improvement procedure for the Euclidean travelling salesman problem
Peter Greistorfer, Moritz Kettele, Rostislav Staněk -
A matheuristic approach for forming, scheduling and routing field service teams with prioritized multi-skill tasks
Seray Çakırgil, Eda Yücel, Gultekin Kuyzu -
Two decomposition strategies for a constructive matheuristic applied on shift minimization personnel task scheduling problem
Reshma Chirayil Chandrasekharan, Pieter Smet, Tony Wauters -
A math-heuristic approach for the bus driver scheduling problem for a company in Bogotá-Colombia
Juan Castillo
TC-10: Decision Aiding Methods VII
Stream: Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S110 (building 0)
Salvatore Greco
On generating utility functions in stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis (SMAA)
Luis C. Dias, Rudolf Vetschera -
SURE: a method for decision-making under uncertainty
Richard Hodgett, Sajid Siraj -
Multiple criteria hierarchy process and stochastic analysis for a nominal classification method based on similarity and dissimilarity
Ana Sara Costa, Salvatore Corrente, Salvatore Greco, José Rui Figueira, José Borbinha -
Robust ordinal regression and stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis for the level dependent Choquet integral
Salvatore Greco, Sally Giuseppe Arcidiacono, Salvatore Corrente
TC-11: Fraud Analytics
Stream: Business Analytics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S111 (building 0)
Cristian Bravo
Accounting fraud analytics for effective corporate regulation
Maria Jofre -
Including fine-grained features in customs fraud detection
Jellis Vanhoeyveld, David Martens, Bruno Peeters -
From one-class to two-class classification by incorporating expert knowledge
Dieter Oosterlinck, Dries Benoit, Philippe Baecke -
A text analytics-based decision support system for detecting fraudulent car insurance claims
Cristian Bravo, Andres Medina, Rodrigo Joannon, Richard Weber
TC-12: Maritime Transportation
Stream: Maritime Transportation
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S112 (building 0)
Yauheni Kisialiou
Integrating fleet deployment into liner shippingvessel repositioning
Kevin Tierney, Daniel Wetzel -
The effects of the ultra large container ship on port choice and call size
Nemanja Milovanovic -
Contracting in ocean shipping market with empty container repositioning under asymmetric information
Mingzhu Yu, Ruina Yang, Chung-Yee Lee -
Robust supply vessel planning under weather and demand uncertainty
Yauheni Kisialiou, Irina Gribkovskaia
TC-13: Financial Literacy and Investment Choices
Stream: Financial Modeling, Risk Management and Managerial Accounting
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S201 (building 0)
Rosella Castellano
Money's importance from the religious perspective
Claudiu Herteliu, Ionel Jianu, Iulia Jianu, Catalin Vasile Bobb, Gurjeet Dhesi, Marcel Ausloos -
Financial literacy: systematic literature review and future research agenda
Sebastian Ion Ceptureanu -
The explanatory power of financial literacy on consumer financial behaviors: new evidences from Europe
Gianni Nicolini, Marlene Haupt -
What if versus probabilistic financial investment scenarios: a behavioural and physiological investigation
Rosella Castellano, Gaetano Tieri, Giorgia Ponsi, Marco Mancinelli
TC-14: Optimization Algorithms on Riemannian manifolds
Stream: Nonlinear Programming: Methods
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S202 (building 0)
Orizon P Ferreira, Chong Li
A two-phase proximal-like algorithm in domains of positivity
Paulo Oliveira -
Some tools in geometric optimization
Genaro Lopez -
Newton's method for semismooth vector field on Riemannian manifolds
Orizon P Ferreira, Fabiana R. de Oliveira -
Proximal point method for locally Lipschitz functions in multiobjective optimization on Hadamard manifolds
Glaydston Bento, João Xavier da Cruz Neto, Lucas Vidal
TC-15: Real-Life Vehicle Routing II
Stream: Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S203 (building 0)
Ramin Raeesi
The 3L-VRPTW with advanced real-world loading constraints
Corinna Krebs, Henriette Koch, Andreas Bortfeldt -
Integrated routing and scheduling of salt trucks with replenishment in urban areas
sorour zehtabiyan, Gultekin Kuyzu, Eda Yücel -
An optimization model for the raw material pick-up process of a CGC through VRP
Lara KASIRGA, Y. Ilker Topcu -
The robust multi-objective pollution routing problem on urban roadway networks
Ramin Raeesi, Konstantinos G. Zografos
TC-16: Green Logistics Applications
Stream: Green Logistics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S115 (building 0)
Panagiotis Angeloudis
Maritime vessels bunkering problem under the window time constraint
Mouna Aissaouislaoui, Mohamed Benslimane, Tarik ZOUADI, Khalid EL YASSINI -
Charging station placement in free-floating electric car sharing systems
Georg Brandstätter, Markus Leitner, Mario Ruthmair -
A competitive multiperiod supply chain network model with freight carriers and green technology investment option
Jose Cruz, Sara Saberi, Joseph Sarkis, Anna Nagurney -
Design of intermodal sustainable supply chains using inland waterways
Panagiotis Angeloudis, Pablo Achurra-Gonzalez
TC-17: Robust Optimization - Theory and Applications
Stream: Stochastic and Robust Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S205 (building 0)
Chungmok Lee
Uniform distribution approach in chance constraint stochastic transportation problem
Robust stochastic network flow interdiction
Joe Naoum-Sawaya -
Robust scheduling with common due-date and interval processing times uncertainty
Maciej Drwal -
A bi-label programming approach for robust transit-line planning problem
Chungmok Lee, Rahul Nair
TC-18: Understanding the Practice of Problem Structuring Methods
Stream: Soft OR, Problem Structuring Methods
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S206 (building 0)
Mike Yearworth
Applying a context and action framework to evaluate the interactions between the context, content, and process of problem structuring methods
Adrian Small, David Wainwright -
Examining the case for the routine use of problem structuring methods as a stimulus for anticipatory organisational change
David Lowe, Karen Clark, Gerald Midgley, Mike Yearworth -
Quantifying the value of problem structuring interventions?
Mike Yearworth, Patrick Tully, Leroy White, Katharina Burger
TC-19: Vector and Set-Valued Optimization VII
Stream: Vector- and Set-Valued Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S207 (building 0)
Enrico Miglierina
Saddle point conditions for weak and proper efficiency in vector optimization
Giandomenico Mastroeni -
On the existence of solutions to quasiequilibrium problems
Massimiliano Giuli -
Stability of convex feasibility problem: the finite dimensional case
Enrico Miglierina, Carlo Alberto De Bernardi, Elena Molho -
Stability for the convex feasibility problem: the infinite-dimensional case
Carlo Alberto De Bernardi, Enrico Miglierina, Elena Molho
TC-20: Multiattribute and Bayesian Methods in Decision Making and Negotiation
Stream: Decision Analysis and Decision Support Systems
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S301 (building 0)
Ilkka Leppanen
On rationality conditions for multi-attribute choice behavior
Pekka Korhonen, Jyrki Wallenius, Tolga Genc, Peng Xu -
A bilateral negotiation model using a Bayesian process of beliefs updating
María Jesús Rufo Bazaga, Jacinto Martín, Carlos Javier Pérez Sánchez -
Bayesian factorization machines for risk management and robust decision making
Pablo Angulo, Víctor Gallego, David Gómez-Ullate, Pablo Súarez-García -
Decision support system for search engine advertising campaign management by determining negative keywords
Başak Tavşanoğlu, Kemal Kilic
TC-21: Games and Networks
Stream: Convex, Semi-Infinite and Semidefinite Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S303 (building 0)
Laura Rosa Maria Scrimali
Myerson value and position value in network games
Ayşe Mutlu Derya -
Bridging effect, simple games, and an importance measure for edges
Jia-Ping Huang -
Types of nodes and centrality measures in networks
Vladimir Matveenko, Alexei Korolev -
Coalitional games in evolutionary supply chain networks
Laura Rosa Maria Scrimali
TC-22: Multiobjective Integer and Mixed Integer Programming Problems: Methods and Applications I
Stream: Multiobjective Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S304 (building 0)
Ozlem Karsu, Firdevs Ulus
A novel multi-objective approach for sustainable aggregate production planning: a case study
Seyyed Amir Babak Rasmi, Metin Turkay, Cem Kazan -
An algorithm for solving bi-objective integer programming problems
Firdevs Ulus, Ozlem Karsu, Saliha Ferda Dogan -
Vector optimization models on combinatorial configuration sets and approaches to their solution
Liudmyla Koliechkina, Oksana Pichugina -
Generating evenly distributed equitably efficient solutions in multi-objective optimization problems
Ozlem Karsu, Bashir A. Bashir
TC-23: Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation
Stream: Agent-Based Simulation in Business and Economics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S305 (building 0)
Loretta Mastroeni
Agent-based models for opinion dynamics: a survey
Maurizio Naldi, Loretta Mastroeni, Pierluigi Vellucci -
An agent-based methodology to quantify relations between security and efficiency in air transport systems
Stef Janssen, Alexei Sharpanskykh, Ricky Curran -
Analytic modelling of the dynamics of multi-agent systems
Stefania Monica, Federico Bergenti -
Agent-based models for personal finance decisions
Pierluigi Vellucci, Loretta Mastroeni, Maurizio Naldi
TC-24: Dynamical Models in Sustainable Development I
Stream: Dynamical Models in Sustainable Development
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S306 (building 0)
Stein Ivar Steinshamn, Pierre Kunsch
Social efficiency of road transportation system in EU member states: a dynamic eco-inefficiency approach
Agnieszka Stefaniec, Seyedkeyvan Hosseini -
The dynamic network DEA model with future performance for eco-efficiency analysis in OECD countries
Wendi Ouyang -
Solar farm land analysis using AHP technique
Inmacualada Guaita-Pradas, Inmaculada Marqués, Baldomero Segura -
Three species and three agents on a common ground: an optimization model with strategic and biological interaction
Stein Ivar Steinshamn, Nils-Arne Ekerhovd
TC-25: Optimization in Safety and Security
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S307 (building 0)
Karl Doerner
Path inconsistency: models and exact approaches
Philipp E.H. Salzmann, Michael Schilde, Karl Doerner -
A comparison of different graph networks for the periodic vehicle routing problem with time spread constraints
Adria Soriano, Thibaut Vidal, Margaretha Gansterer, Karl Doerner -
Metaheuristics for the multi-objective and periodic node edge, arc routing problem considering costs and route inconsistency
Georg Erwin Adrian Fröhlich, Michael Schilde, Karl Doerner -
Fast and stochastic optimal resource planning for electric grids in emergencies
Sumanta Mukherjee, Krishnasuri Narayanam, Amith Singhee, Francisco Barahona, Joao Goncalves
TC-26: Optimization in Public Transport and Shared Mobility
Stream: Public Transportation I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S308 (building 0)
M. Grazia Speranza
Integration methods for aircraft scheduling and trajectory optimization at a busy terminal manoeuvring area
Marcella Samà, Andrea D'Ariano, konstantin Palagachev, Matthias Gerdts -
Optimal multi-line bus dispatching at terminals with electric charging scheduling constraints
Marco Rinaldi, Federico Parisi, Andrea D'Ariano, Francesco Viti, Georgios Laskaris -
Determining the most vulnearable components in transportation networks
Necati Aras, Hande Kucukaydin, Aylin Oncu -
The shared customer collaboration vehicle routing problem
M. Grazia Speranza, Elena Fernandez, Mireia Roca-Riu
TC-27: Inventory Models
Stream: Production, Service and Supply Chain Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S309 (building 0)
Gholam Reza Nasiri
A simulation-based optimal inventory management model considering dynamic demand in IoT environment
Doo-hwan Kim, SANGHA SUNG, Kangbae Lee, Hyeon Jo -
An inventory model with non-linear holding cost and return on investment maximization
Joaquin Sicilia-Rodriguez, Valentín Pando-Fernández, Luis A. San-José-Nieto -
Production smoothing and safety stock placement in supply networks
Kunal Kumar, Tarik Aouam -
An internal financing approach in the FMCG supply chain planning companies: a direct inventory improvement procedure with a case study
Gholam Reza Nasiri
TC-28: Dynamic Programming for Revenue Mangement, Pricing, and Control
Stream: Service Operations Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S310 (building 0)
Dan Adelman
Dynamic lead-time quotation for substitutable products
Tuba Yilmaz Gozbasi, Esma Gel, Pinar Keskinocak -
A price-responsive occupant-aware thermostat
Canan Uckun, Dan Adelman -
Dynamic matching of workers to jobs with learning curves
Dan Adelman, Adam Mersereau
TC-29: Game Theory, Solutions and Structures II
Stream: Game Theory, Solutions and Structures
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S311 (building 0)
Ignacio García-Jurado
The Coleman-Shapley-index: being decisive within the coalition of the interested
Frank Huettner, André Casajus -
Characterizing weighted prenucleoli without consistency
Peter Sudhölter, Pedro Calleja, Francesc Llerena -
Axiomatic foundations of a unifying concept of core for games in effectiveness form
Stéphane Gonzalez, Aymeric Lardon -
Values, nullifiers and dummifiers
Ignacio García-Jurado, Julian Costa, José María Alonso-Meijide
TC-30: Cooperative Games of Operations Management
Stream: Game Theory and Operations Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S312 (building 0)
Ulas Ozen
Cooperation in urban consolidation centers
Behzad Hezarkhani -
Maximal covering location games: an application for the coast guards
Loe Schlicher -
Vaccine allocation: a cooperative game theoretic approach
Marieke Musegaas, Loe Schlicher, Evelot Westerink-Duijzer -
On the core of m-attribute games
Ulas Ozen, Marco Slikker
TC-31: Behavioural Processes in OR practice
Stream: fuzzt
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S313 (building 0)
L. Alberto Franco
In praise of the introverted: an extended use of soft systems methodology mode 2
Jose-Rodrigo Cordoba-Pachon, Sulafah Basahel -
Framing strategies and their impact on client/consultant meetings
Ashley Carreras, L. Alberto Franco -
Learning multi-criteria decision aiding workshop facilitation: experience from student case studies
Francis Marleau Donais, Irene Abi-Zeid -
Formulations in facilitation practice: an exploratory video-based investigation of their use in situ
L. Alberto Franco, Mie Nielsen
TC-32: Order Batching and Picking
Stream: Routing, Logistics, Location and Transportation
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S314 (building 0)
Utku KOC
Using flexible routing to improve the performance of a synchronized sequential zone-picking system
Shan-Nung Chu, Ying-Chin Ho -
The cafeteria problem: order sequencing and picker routing in on-the-line picking systems
Stefan Fedtke, David Füßler, Nils Boysen -
Local search based strategies to solve the order batching problem
Çağla Cergibozan, A. Serdar Tasan -
Integrated order acceptance, production planning and distribution problems
Utku KOC, Selçuk Gören
TC-33: Data Mining, Statistics Theory and Its Applications
Stream: Data Mining and Statistics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S315 (building 0)
Carly Foster
Remaining useful life estimation based on deep learning approach
Youngji Yoo, Jun-Geol Baek -
Analyzing business conditions by quantitative text analysis -time series analysis using appearance rate and principal component
Nariyasu Yamasawa -
Data science techniques applied to analysis of incidents registered by the 1-1-2 Canary Islands emergency services
Carlos Perez Gonzalez, Marcos Colebrook, José Luis Roda-García, Carlos Rosa Remedios, Teno González Dos Santos -
A realist evaluation of a learning analytics pilot project at Northumbria University, UK
Carly Foster
TC-34: Stochastic Optimization with Application
Stream: Dynamical Systems and Mathematical Modelling in OR
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S113 (building 0)
Yukihiro Maruyama
An adversarial risk analysis approach for differential games: a botnet defense model
Jorge Gonzalez-Ortega, David Rios, Antonio Gomez-Corral -
Multiple optimal decision rules and their applications in finance
Georgy Sofronov -
Optimal approximate dynamic programming strategies for online caching problem in wireless networks
Xinan Yang -
On non-deterministic sequential decision processes and its applications
Yukihiro Maruyama
TC-48: Humanitarian Problems under Uncertain Parameters
Stream: Humanitarian Operations
Room: 4D UPV B.3 (building 0)
Christophe Duhamel, Andréa Cynthia Santos
Optimization of pre- and post-disaster decisions in infrastructure risk management
Camilo Gomez -
Inventory management of perishable items in long-term humanitarian operations using Markov decision processes
Guilherme Ferreira, Edilson Arruda -
Forecasting material requirements in ERP-based humanitarian logistics
Jose Gavidia -
Modeling the field hospitals location problem after natural disasters
Christophe Duhamel, Andréa Cynthia Santos
TC-49: OR in Agriculture and Fisheries
Stream: OR in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Room: 4D UPV B.4 (building 0)
Pall Jensson
Multi-diet formulation model under activity-based costing for animal feed production
Adela Pages Bernaus, VIRNA ORTIZ-ARAYA, LluisM Pla, Jordi Mateo, Francesc Solsona, Dídac Florensa -
Determining the eco-efficiency of Chilean raspberry orchards through two LCA+DEA methods: an empirical comparison from an environmental and an operational point of view
Lidia Angulo Meza, Ricardo Rebolledo-Leiva, Marcela C. Gonzalez-Araya, Alfredo Iriarte -
An extended approach allowing endogeneity in stochastic frontier models: an application to agricultural Brazilian municipal data
Geraldo Souza, Eliane Gomes -
Linear optimization model for fish processing production planning
Pall Jensson
TC-50: Modeling Tools for Energy and Sustainable Policy II
Stream: Long-term Planning in Energy, Environment and Climate
Room: 4D UPV 1.1 (building 0)
Sandrine Selosse
EU and Norwegian policy analysis using CGE modelling
Gerardo Perez Valdes -
The Canadian contribution to limiting global warming below 2 degree C: an analysis with NATEM
Olivier Bahn, Kathleen Vaillancourt, Oskar Sigvaldason -
Combining spatial analysis and choice experiments for the evaluation of sustainable neighbourhood strategies
Caterina Caprioli, Marta Bottero, Marina Bravi, Chiara D'Alpaos, Federico Dell'Anna, Giulio Mondini -
Multi-objective multi-item fixed-charge solid transportation problem with green supply chain network in an intuitionistic fuzzy environment
Sankar Kumar Roy
TC-51: Radiotherapy Optimization
Stream: OR for Health and Care II
Room: 4D UPV 1.2 (building 0)
Matthias Ehrgott
Beam angle optimization in IMRT: are we really optimizing what matters?
Joana Matos Dias, Humberto Rocha, Tiago Ventura, Brígida da Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes -
Targeted multi-criteria optimization in imrt planning using knowledge based model creation
Katrin Teichert, Philipp Süss -
Scheduling radiotherapy treatments considering stochastic appointment durations, patient unavailability and machine breakdowns
Petra Vogl, Roland Braune, Walter Gutjahr, Karl Doerner -
Evaluating the quality of radiotherapy treatment plans for prostate cancer
Emma Stubington, Matthias Ehrgott, Omid Nohadani
TC-52: Workforce Planning
Stream: OR for Health and Care I
Room: 4D UPV 1.3 (building 0)
Inês Marques
Workforce planning for palliative care specialists in Nova Scotia: an operational research approach
Majid Taghavi, Grace Johnston, Robin Urquhart, David Henderson, Cheryl Tschupruk, Beth Tupala -
Improving shift schedule of non-urgent patient transportation ambulances while maximizing emergency coverage
Theresia van Essen, Pieter van den Berg -
The big data newsvendor: practical insights from machine learning
Gah-Yi Ban, Cynthia Rudin
TC-53: International Aspects of OR I
Stream: International Aspects of OR
Room: 4D UPV 1.4 (building 0)
Ulrike Reisach
Liberated social entrepreneur using business metrics: QZenobia refugee/migrant big data analytics startup
Berat Kjamili, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber -
Artificial intelligence and ethics - an international comparison of perceptions and policies
Ulrike Reisach
TC-54: Soccer Analytics
Stream: OR in Sports
Room: 4D UPV 1.6 (building 0)
Nobuyoshi Hirotsu
The return to leadership: empirical evidence from football
Daniel Weimar, Joachim Prinz -
Regression based ratings for individual football players
Lars Magnus Hvattum -
Serial correlation in DEA applied to soccer teams and interpretation of weights
Lucia Isabel Garcia-Cebrian -
A Markov process approach for modeling a soccer game in the analysis of characteristics of teams
Nobuyoshi Hirotsu, Keita Inoue, Kenji Yamamoto
TC-55: Optimization R Us: Using R for Data-Driven Optimization
Stream: Making an Impact I
Room: 4D UPV 2.1 (building 0)
Joaquim Gromicho
Optimization R Us: using R for data-driven optimization
Joaquim Gromicho
TC-56: Optimization in Renewable and Energy Systems II
Stream: Optimization in Renewable Energy Systems
Room: 4D UPV 2.2 (building 0)
Andreas Bley
Capacity payments, price cap, and the missing money problem
Irena Milstein, Asher Tishler -
Bilevel linear programming investment problems with lower-level primal and dual variables
Henrik Bylling, Steven Gabriel, Trine Krogh Boomsma -
Electromagnetic field optimization algorithm for the photovoltaic solar cell parameter estimation problem
Ilker Kucukoglu, Alkin Yurtkuran
TC-57: Software for Mixed-Integer Optimization II
Stream: Software for Optimization
Room: 4D UPV 2.3 (building 0)
Timo Berthold
Benchmarks of commercial and noncommercial optimization software
Hans Mittelmann -
Adaptive algorithmic behavior for solving mixed integer programs using bandit algorithms
Gregor Hendel, Matthias Miltenberger, Jakob Witzig -
Learning to tune parameters of NUOPT MILP solver
Koichi Fujii -
To use or not to use an algebraic modeling language (such as OPL)?
Alex Fleischer
TC-58: OR Promotion among Academia, Businesses, Governments
Stream: OR Education
Room: 4D UPV 2.4 (building 0)
Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber
The contest approach for funding research in academic units
Baruch Keren, Yossi Hadad, Yizhaq Minchuk -
OR/MS education and international cooperation for employability
Joao Miranda, Ana Paula Teixeira -
A system-dynamics approach to assess the factors which influence the quality of primary education in developing countries
Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, Pedamallu Chandra Sekhar, Linet Ozdamar, Herman Mawengkang, Hanife Akar
TC-59: OR Models for the Operation and Planning of Integrated Energy Systems
Stream: Technical and Financial Aspects of Energy Problems
Room: 4D UPV 2.5 (building 0)
Juan Miguel Morales
A three-stage stochastic optimization model for the design of smart energy districts under uncertainty
Matteo Zatti, Emanuele Martelli, Juan Miguel Morales -
Operational detail in long-term energy-system planning models: assessment of the impact and moving forward
Kris Poncelet, Erik Delarue -
Investments in merchant energy storage: trading-off between energy and reserve markets
Hrvoje Pandzic -
Chronological time-period clustering for optimal capacity expansion planning with storage
Salvador Pineda Morente, Juan Miguel Morales
TC-60: Meet the editors EJDP
Stream: EURO Special Sessions
Room: 4D UPV B.5 (building 0)
Vincent Mousseau
EURO Journal on Decision Processes - Meet the Editors
Vincent Mousseau
Tuesday, 14:30-16:00
TD-01: Integrated Optimization in Public Transportation: Does it help?
Stream: Keynotes
Room: UPV Nexus (building 0)
Daniele Vigo
TD-02: DEA, Agriculture, Food
Stream: DEA: Applications
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S101 (building 0)
Natalia Kuosmanen
The techical efficiency of Turkish crop production: a comparison of data envelopment analysis and stochastic frontier analysis
Bulent Cekic, Cem Menten, Kazim Baris Atici -
Designing healthier diets using data envelopment analysis
Argyris Kanellopoulos, Ante Ivancic, J.C. Gerdessen -
The analysis of relative efficiency of small food and drink producers across selected EU countries using DEA
Zrinka Lukac, Margareta Gardijan Kedžo -
How creative destruction of farms affects total factor productivity of Finnish agricultural sector?
Natalia Kuosmanen, Timo Kuosmanen
TD-03: Location in the Public Sector and Humanitarian Logistics
Stream: Location Analysis and Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S103 (building 0)
Carmela Piccolo
Optimal location of base hospitals for doctor-helicopters
Takamori Ukai, Ken-ichi Tanaka -
Reorganizing existing facilities network using multi-period model
Zati Aqmar Zaharudin, Andrea Genovese, Andrew Brint -
Benefit maximizing network design in the public sector
Robert Aboolian, Oded Berman -
A multi-type facility location problem to support territorial re-organization decisions in non-competitive contexts
Giuseppe Bruno, Antonio Diglio, Carmela Piccolo
TD-04: Portfolio Modelling
Stream: New Challenges in Investment Strategies, Risk and Financial Modelling
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S104 (building 0)
Francesco Cesarone
On the numerical stability of asset allocation models
Pierpaolo Uberti, Maria Laura Torrente -
The l1-regularization for dynamic-portfolio selection
Stefania Corsaro, Valentina De Simone, Zelda Marino, Francesca Perla -
On the stability of portfolio selection models
Francesco Cesarone, Fabio Tardella, Carlo Mottura, Jacopo Maria Ricci -
Robustness via noncooperative games
Giancarlo Bigi, Simone Sagratella
TD-05: Routing Problems with Drones
Stream: Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S105 (building 0)
Ahmad Hemmati
Formulations and algorithms for multi-trip drone routing problem with time windows
Yossiri Adulyasak, Chun Cheng, Louis-Martin Rousseau -
Traveling salesman problem with multi-drone
Emine Es Yurek, H. Cenk Özmutlu -
Vehicle routing problem with drones: a computational study
Daniel Schermer, Mahdi Moeini, Oliver Wendt -
A multi-modal truck and drone delivery system
Ahmad Hemmati, Mohammad Moshref-Javadi, Matthias Winkenbach
TD-06: Stochastic Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, Management and Science I
Stream: Stochastic Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, Management and Science
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S106 (building 0)
Christopher Kirkbride
Analysis of lot priority rules in semiconductor production systems by queuing networks
Bernhard Oberegger, Boualem Rabta, Gerald Reiner -
Determination of important disease spread characteristics using Markov chain models
Zeynep Gökçe İşlier, Wolfgang Hörmann, Refik Gullu -
An integrated inventory replenishment, lateral transshipments, and routing problem
hussein naseraldin, Shiry Varem, Aharon Ben-Tal -
Effective heuristic policies for time-critical intelligence gathering operations
Christopher Kirkbride
TD-07: Recent Advances in Line Planning, Timetabling and Crew Scheduling
Stream: Public Transportation II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S107 (building 0)
Valentina Cacchiani
Combined line planning and train timetabling for strongly heterogeneous railway lines
Fei Yan, Rob Goverde -
Robust train timetabling and stop planning with uncertain passenger demand
Jianguo Qi, Valentina Cacchiani, Lixing Yang -
Column generation approach: a case study for light railway public transportation system
Sinem KULLUK, Lale Ozbakir, M. Burak TELCİOGLU, Pinar Tapkan, Fatih BAHAR -
Line planning and train timetabling using passenger demand data
Valentina Cacchiani, Gert-Jaap Polinder, Marie Schmidt, Dennis Huisman
TD-08: Applications in Industry and Services II
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S108 (building 0)
Helena Ramalhinho Lourenco
A branch-price-and-cut algorithm for optimal decoding in LDPC-based communications
Banu Kabakulak, Z. Caner Taşkın, Ali Emre Pusane -
A dual-ramp algorithm for the uncapacitated multiple allocation hub location problem
Telmo Matos, Fábio Maia, Dorabela Gamboa -
Using mobile electric platforms for droid or drone-based last mile deliveries
Hagen Salewski, Dominik Goeke -
Optimizing factory logistics in an automotive industry
Helena Ramalhinho Lourenco, Marcelus Lima
TD-09: Evaluation as a Service for Optimization and Data Science
Stream: European Working Group: Data Science Meets Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S109 (building 0)
Szymon Wasik, Maciej Antczak
- platform supporting evaluation as a service architecture
Szymon Wasik, Maciej Antczak, Jan Badura, Artur Laskowski -
Using contests to crack algorithmic and data science problems
Rinat Sergeev, Jin Paik -
Review of online platforms supporting evaluation of algorithms
Artur Laskowski, Maciej Antczak, Jan Badura, Szymon Wasik -
Brilliant challenges: lessons learned while collecting evaluation data for optimization problems
Maciej Antczak, Jan Badura, Artur Laskowski, Jacek Blazewicz, Szymon Wasik
TD-10: Decision Aiding Methods VIII
Stream: Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S110 (building 0)
Salvatore Corrente
Comparing consistency indices of multiplicative pairwise comparison matrices
Bice Cavallo -
Some properties of the additive representation of preferences in pairwise comparisons
Michele Fedrizzi, Matteo Brunelli, Alexandra Caprila -
Effectiveness-equity tradeoffs in the aggregation of preferences
Srinivas Prasad, Luis Novoa, Atilla Ay -
Interactive evolutionary multiobjective optimization through dominance-based rough set approach: the knapsack problem
Salvatore Corrente, Salvatore Greco, Benedetto Matarazzo, Roman Slowinski
TD-11: Sales Forecasting
Stream: Business Analytics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S111 (building 0)
Kristof Coussement
Comparing the ability of Twitter and Facebook data to predict box office sales
Matthias Bogaert, Michel Ballings, Roel van den Broek, Asil Oztekin -
Gaussian processes for daily demand prediction in the hospitality industry
Wai Kit Tsang, Dries Benoit -
Container dwell time prediction via analytics techniques
Rosa G. González-Ramírez, Sebastian Maldonado -
Design and development of a business diagnostico tool
Jairo César Gómez Acero, Stefany Murillo, Eduardo Rodriguez Araque
TD-12: Liner Shipping Optimization
Stream: Maritime Transportation
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S112 (building 0)
Kevin Tierney
Cargo fare class mix problem in synchromodal container transportation
Judith Mulder, Bart Van Riessen, Rudy Negenborn, Rommert Dekker -
Container liner shipping cargo-mix: a study on capacity utilisation
Dario Pacino, Jonas Christensen -
A decomposed Fourier-Motzkin framework to derive capacity models of container vessels
Mai Ajspur, Rune Jensen -
The stochastic liner shipping fleet repositioning problem with uncertain container demands
Stefan Kuhlemann, Kevin Tierney, Achim Koberstein
TD-13: Credit Risk Modeling
Stream: Financial Modeling, Risk Management and Managerial Accounting
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S201 (building 0)
Cristian Bravo
A relabelling approach to handling the class imbalance problem in consumer credit risk modelling
Yazhe Li, Tony Bellotti, Niall Adams -
OR and sovereign contingent debt instruments
Andrea Consiglio, Stavros A. Zenios -
Deep learning for text-based credit scoring for micro, small and medium enterprises
Matthew Stevenson, Cristian Bravo
TD-14: Optimization and Equilibrium Problems
Stream: Nonlinear Programming: Methods
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S202 (building 0)
Genaro Lopez
Linear convergence of gradient algorithm on Riemannian manifolds
Xiangmei Wang, Chong Li -
Equilibrium problems on Riemannian manifolds with applications
Chong Li, Genaro Lopez, Xiangmei Wang -
A variational equilibrium formulation for humanitarian organizations under competition
Patrizia Daniele, Anna Nagurney, Emilio Alvarez-Flores, Valeria Caruso -
A continuous optimisation approach for aiming strategies in solar power tower plants
Thomas Ashley, Emilio CARRIZOSA, Enrique Fernández-Cara
TD-15: New Applications in Vehicle Routing I
Stream: Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S203 (building 0)
Elena Fernandez
Delivery process with flexibility using automated parcel lockers
Ido Orenstein, Tal Raviv -
Interday scheduling and routing of multi-skilled teams with consistency consideration and rescheduling option
Yulia Anoshkina, Frank Meisel -
A ride-sharing problem with meeting points and return restrictions
Wenyi Chen, Martijn Mes, Marco Schutten -
Target visitation arc routing with clustered demand
Elena Fernandez, Gilbert Laporte, Gerhard Reinelt, Jessica Rodríguez-Pereira
TD-16: Discrete and Global Optimization I
Stream: Discrete and Global Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S115 (building 0)
Dorit Hochbaum
An overview and comparison of metaheuristics for the two-dimensional strip packing problem
Rosephine Georgina Rakotonirainy, Jan van Vuuren -
The solid assignment problem
Mohamed Mehbali, Dhia Kadhem, Abdellah Salhi, Xinan Yang -
Distributed integral simplex using decomposition for set partitioning problems
omar foutlane -
Multi-period probabilistic set covering problem
Konstantin Pavlikov
TD-17: Advances in Stochastic and Robust Optimization
Stream: Stochastic and Robust Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S205 (building 0)
Francesca Maggioni
Optimization under uncertainty: a comparison of approaches based on dominance
Marie Schmidt -
Robust optimization with mixed-integer uncertainty sets
Juan Borrero, Leonardo Lozano -
Robust optimization approach for multivariate stratified sample surveys
Mohammad Asim Nomani, Jan Pablo Burgard, Mirjam Duer, Ralf Münnich -
Guaranteed bounds for general non-discrete multistage risk-averse stochastic optimization programs
Francesca Maggioni, Georg Pflug
TD-18: Different Perspectives on Problem Structuring Methods
Stream: Soft OR, Problem Structuring Methods
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S206 (building 0)
Isabella Lami
Aesthetic perspectives in OR interventions
Edoardo Fregonese, Isabella Lami, Elena Todella -
Design and integration of methodologies for the management of organizations
Maria Alejandra Castellini, Alberto Paucar-Caceres, Jose Luis Zanazzi -
A refreshed pedagogical agenda for problem structuring methods
Stephen Harwood, Maurizio Tomasella -
Exploring idea development in tool-supported group development
Isabella Lami, L. Alberto Franco, Elena Tavella
TD-19: Sustainable Supply Chain Operations
Stream: Supply Chain Management I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S207 (building 0)
Peter Berling
Where to exert carbon abatement efforts in a supply chain?
Yann Bouchery, Astrid Koomen, Tarkan Tan -
Joint carbon abatement efforts in supply chains
Tarkan Tan, Mohsen Reisi Ardali, Behnam Fahimnia, Charles Corbett -
A dual sourcing inventory model for modal split transport
Sandra Transchel, Chuanwen Dong, Stefan Minner -
An assessment of the potential carbon emission savings from lot sizing decisions
Marcel Turkensteen, Wilco van den Heuvel
TD-20: Behavioural Aspects in Spatial Decisions
Stream: Decision Analysis and Decision Support Systems
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S301 (building 0)
Valentina Ferretti
Several models for the comparison of decision maps
Valérie Brison, Marc Pirlot -
Multicriteria and multi-stakeholder negotiation related to strategic environmental assessment of ore ports development in maritime Guinea
Jean-Philippe Waaub, Mariama Diallo, Dan Lansana Kourouma -
How to support spatial decision making?
Magdalena Wagner -
Cognitive biases in spatial decision-making processes
Valentina Ferretti
TD-21: Optimization and Variational Analysis
Stream: Nonlinear Programming: Theory
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S303 (building 0)
Rafael Correa, Marco A. López-Cerdá
Nonconvex integration using epsilon-subdifferentials
Rafael Correa -
Lyapunov pairs for perturbed sweeping processes
Emilio Vilches -
Hiriart-Urruty Phelps-like formula for the subdifferential of integral sums
Abderrahim Hantoute -
Moreau-Rockafellar type for the subdifferential of the supremum function
Marco A. López-Cerdá, Rafael Correa, Abderrahim Hantoute
TD-22: Multiobjective Integer and Mixed Integer Programming Problems: Methods and Applications II
Stream: Multiobjective Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S304 (building 0)
Ozlem Karsu, Firdevs Ulus
Multiple stock size two dimensional cutting stock problem - an application to a marble company
Umutcan Ayasandir, Meral Azizoglu, Murat Koksalan -
Interactive approaches for bi-objective UAV route planning in continuous space
Hannan Tureci Isik, Murat Koksalan, Diclehan Tezcaner Ozturk -
Interactive multi response surface optimization under uncertainty for robust parameter design
Melis Özates Gürbüz, Gülser Köksal, Murat Koksalan -
An efficient implementation for searching optimal paths in multi-objective networks
Natsumi Takahashi, Shao-Chin Sung
TD-23: Lot Sizing I - Stochastic Models
Stream: Lot Sizing, Lot Scheduling and Production Planning
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S305 (building 0)
Roberto Rossi, Mengyuan Xiang
Multi-echelon multi-product capacitated lot-sizing problem with lead time and uncertain demand
Simon Thevenin, Yossiri Adulyasak, Jean-François Cordeau -
Safety stock allocation under capacity constraints and customer-specific service-times in multi-echelon inventory routing
Sebastian Malicki, Stefan Minner -
Solving the integrated lot-sizing and cutting stock problem under demand uncertainty
Eduardo Curcio, Vinícius Loti de Lima, Flávio Keidi Miyazawa, Elsa Silva, Pedro Amorim -
An efficient heuristic for joint replenishment problems
Mengyuan Xiang, Roberto Rossi, Belen Martin Barragan
TD-24: Dynamical Models in Sustainable Development II
Stream: Dynamical Models in Sustainable Development
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S306 (building 0)
Penka Petrova
Optimal pest control through geometric catastrophes
Theodosis Dimitrakos, Epaminondas Kyriakidis -
System dynamics modeling for sustainable development in agricultural value chains
Busra Atamer Balkan, Sedef Meral -
Developing a water sustainable development index (WSDI)
Jonathan Morris -
Explaining the link between the sustainable economic system and the efficient education system: the opposite example of Bulgaria
Penka Petrova, R. M. Kazakov
TD-25: EURO Young O.R. Researchers
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S307 (building 0)
Alberto Santini, Martina Fischetti
Branch-and-cut-and-price strategy for the port-scheduling problem
David Sacramento Lechado -
A tabu-search algorithm for the routing open shop problem with time windows and precedence constraints
Erik Hellsten -
The energy collection problem in offshore wind parks
Martina Fischetti -
A hybrid machine learning and ALNS approach to the orienteering problem
Alberto Santini
TD-26: Railway Optimization
Stream: Public Transportation I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S308 (building 0)
Samuel Deleplanque
Real-time train rescheduling
Andrea Bettinelli, Matteo Pozzi, Luigi Marzio, Daniele Vigo, Massimo Rosti, Rosalba Suffritti, Davide Nucci, Antonio Di Carmine -
A stochastic optimization approach to rail yield management at Trenitalia by IBM
Alessandra Berto, Stefano Gliozzi -
Modelling train movements for time-tabling
Per Olov Lindberg, Disa Asplund, Martin Aronsson, Jan-Eric Nilsson -
Optimizing the shunting yards
Samuel Deleplanque, Paola Pellegrini, Joaquin Rodriguez
TD-27: Line Balancing
Stream: Production, Service and Supply Chain Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S309 (building 0)
Dug Hee Moon
Balancing and sequencing assembly lines for stochastic demand product mixes
Celso Gustavo Stall Sikora -
Simultaneous line balancing and buffer allocation for single model assembly line with stochastic task times
Elif Gizem Göçer, Salih Tekin -
Collision-free multi-robot collaboration in assembly line balancing
Erdal Emel, İsmail Enes Parlak -
Effects of buffer allocations in a mixed-models flow lines considering designated workers
Dug Hee Moon, Young Hoon Lee, Yang Woo Shin, Chang Seong Ko
TD-28: Incentives and customers in services
Stream: Service Operations Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S310 (building 0)
Kenan Arifoglu
Service systems with rationally inattentive customers
Caner Canyakmaz, Tamer Boyaci -
Spatio-temporal service performance of two car-sharing operators under customer substitution
Szymon Albinski, Stefan Minner -
Outsourcing and reservation: tools to manage blended sales and services operations in call centers
Benjamin Legros, Oualid Jouini, Ger Koole -
Hospital readmission reduction program: the roles of yardstick competition and limited capacity
Kenan Arifoglu, Hang Ren, Tolga Tezcan
TD-29: Game Theory, Solutions and Structures III
Stream: Game Theory, Solutions and Structures
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S311 (building 0)
Marco Dall'Aglio
Assignment games with an informed player
SAADIA EL OBADI, Silvia Miquel, Marina Nunez -
Characterization of allocation rules for set covering situations
Manuel A. Pulido Cayuela, Gustavo Bergantinos, Gómez-Rúa María, Natividad Llorca, Joaquin Sánchez-Soriano -
Construction of contractually stable partitions for additive hedonic games
Masaya Tanaka, Shao-Chin Sung -
Algorithms in the court: the CREA project
Marco Dall'Aglio
TD-30: Game Theoretic Models in Sustainable Operations
Stream: Game Theory and Operations Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S312 (building 0)
Sam Aflaki
Hedging and strategic forward trading with renewable energy in electricity supply chains
Derck Koolen, Wolfgang Ketter, Liangfei Qiu, Alok Gupta -
Retail location competition under carbon penalty
Özgen Karaer, Emre Nadar, Hande Dilek -
Performance-based contracts for energy efficiency projects
Sam Aflaki -
Competition in carbon-offset markets
Gokce Esenduran
TD-31: Behavioural Impacts in OR-Supported Processes II
Stream: fuzzt
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S313 (building 0)
Raimo P. Hämäläinen
Can we learn from wrong simulation models? An experimental study exploring simple models
Naoum Tsioptsias, Antuela Tako, Stewart Robinson -
Impact of dashboards visualizing causal and stock-flow structure on operations management performance
Michael Leyer, Jürgen Strohhecker -
A drop in the bucket? Evaluating decision aiding tools in wastewater infrastructure planning cases
Fridolin Haag, Judit Lienert -
Behavioural effects in two procedures for creating a strategy portfolio for climate change mitigation
Raimo P. Hämäläinen, Tuomas Lahtinen
TD-32: Evacuation and Route Planning
Stream: Routing, Logistics, Location and Transportation
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S314 (building 0)
Pedro M. Casas
A mesoscopic framework to model evacuation dynamics: a case study on a university campus
Jorge Huertas, Jony Zambrano, Andres Medaglia -
Bi-level sustainable random regret minimization problem
Shabnam Najafi -
The free route flight planning problem
Adam Schienle, Ralf Borndörfer, Marco Blanco -
Airspace evacuation strategies
Pedro M. Casas
TD-33: Recent Perspectives and Advances in Statistics
Stream: Data Mining and Statistics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S315 (building 0)
Müjgan Tez
A simulation study comparing the performances of GAM, GAM with B-spline(GAMB) and GLM in classification
Pakize Taylan -
Financial time series forecasting using a fuzzy support vector machine
Engin Tas, Ayca H. Turkan -
Study of the European Parliament votes through the multiple partitioning of signed multiplex networks
Nejat Arinik, Rosa Figueiredo, Vincent Labatut -
A numerical approach for statistical inference of nonlinear regression model parameters
Özlem Türkşen, Müjgan Tez
TD-34: Game Theory and its Applications
Stream: Dynamical Systems and Mathematical Modelling in OR
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S113 (building 0)
Ryusuke Hohzaki
Rationalizability in multicriteria games
Yasuo Sasaki -
A search game with an interdictor
Atsushi Kurosu, Ryusuke Hohzaki, Takamori Ukai, Yutaka Sakuma, Syuuji Yamada -
Effect of retailer's profit maximization on the amount of unsold products in the presence of strategic customers
Yasushi Masuda, Taishi Kawahara, Hideaki Takagi -
A dynamic security game considering cameras and invaders' passage time
Ryusuke Hohzaki
TD-48: Humanitarian Strategical and Risk Management Problems
Stream: Humanitarian Operations
Room: 4D UPV B.3 (building 0)
Celso Satoshi SAKURABA, Andréa Cynthia Santos
Location model of shelters and warehouses, and stock prepositioning, considering the population behavior of evacuation at home level
Pamela P. Alvarez, Andrés Bronfman, Francisca Carrera -
An integrated acquisition and download schedule for satellite constellations given environmental and security scenario requirements
Maria José Pinto, Ana Isabel Barros, Pieter van Gelder, Ron Noomen, Monica Maria De Marchi -
Forecasting for disaster relief
Nezih Altay -
Interactive what-if oriented PDDL planning for collaborative crisis management
Yann Semet, Bruno Marcon, Mario Fiorentino, Marcello Cinque
TD-49: OR in Forestry I
Stream: OR in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Room: 4D UPV B.4 (building 0)
Lidija Zadnik Stirn
Integrating biodiversity conservation in forest management planning through multicriteria decision making techniques
Marta Ezquerro, Marta Pardos, Luis Diaz-Balteiro -
Integrated management of forest ecosystem services: an optimisation model based on multicriteria analysis and methaeuristic approach
Sandro Sacchelli, Iacopo Bernetti -
Robust optimization vs. simulation-based approach in timber harvest scheduling
Robert Hlavatý, Jan Kašpar -
Analysis of public's perception of forest management (FM) alternatives using multivariate and multi-objective methodology
Lidija Zadnik Stirn, Petra Grošelj
TD-50: Machine Learning for Energy Applications
Stream: Long-term Planning in Energy, Environment and Climate
Room: 4D UPV 1.1 (building 0)
Gilles Guerassimoff
Machine-learning for energy, environment and climate
Valérie Roy -
Machine learning for energy demand model from a load curve
Hamza MRAIHI, Edi Assoumou, Gilles Guerassimoff, Valérie Roy -
Household behavior by load curve analysis with machine learning techniques
Ahmed CHAABANE, Gilles Guerassimoff, Valérie Roy
TD-51: Optimization Problems for Critical Medical Resource Allocation
Stream: OR for Health and Care II
Room: 4D UPV 1.2 (building 0)
Bismark Singh
Column generation for the kidney exchange problem
Lucie Pansart, Hadrien Cambazard, Nicolas Catusse, Gautier Stauffer -
An evaluation of the logistics of a university hospital supply
Karina Lyra Fontes, Marcos Estellita Lins -
A new logistic approach for a health care supply chain
Sylvain Bertel -
Decision-support tools for influenza pandemic preparedness
Bismark Singh, Hsin-Chan Huang, David Morton, Gregory Johnson, Bruce Clements, Lauren Meyers
TD-52: Pricing and Revenue Management I
Stream: Analytics and Pricing
Room: 4D UPV 1.3 (building 0)
Fredrik Odegaard
Exploration and exploitation for decision making
Andria Ellina, Christine Currie, Christophe Mues -
Vertical probabilistic selling under competition: the role of consumer anticipated regret
Dongyuan Zhan -
Stacking the house - revenue management in live entertainment
Fredrik Odegaard, Kyle Maclean
TD-53: International Aspects of OR II
Stream: International Aspects of OR
Room: 4D UPV 1.4 (building 0)
Ulrike Reisach
Gender diversity in the upper echelons and firm sustainability performance: an examination of Istanbul stock exchange companies
F. Pinar Acar, Gözde Gözüm -
Supply chain modelling for Indian railways catering services
Narasimhan Ravichandran -
A comparison of the operational efficiencies between national and public museums in South Korea
Sukran Kim, Jaewoo Chung -
Regional impact analysis of Chinese OFDI on carbon emission
Wenju Tian
TD-54: Sports Analytics I
Stream: OR in Sports
Room: 4D UPV 1.6 (building 0)
Tomi Seppala
Application of a hybrid optimization model to improve the performance of the NBA lineups
Rodrigo Infante-Escudero, Roman Rodriguez-Aguilar -
Ranking the solutions of the models in literature on forming the best team for sports clubs by using TOPSIS method
Gercek Budak, Imdat Kara -
Scheduling youth divisions in Argentinian football
Agustina Lopez, Guillermo Durán, Mario Guajardo, Gonzalo Zamorano -
The playing styles of the soccer teams in the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil based on game data and factor analysis
Tomi Seppala, Tai Nguyen, Tai Nguyen
TD-55: OR in Practice - The Human Factor
Stream: Making an Impact I
Room: 4D UPV 2.1 (building 0)
Gerben Groenendijk
The human factor: being right is one thing, it's another to be acknowledged for it
Nicole Havinga, Bryan Kuiper -
No walk in the park! Skills for developing routing optimization software in practice
Gerben Groenendijk, Vera van den Dool
TD-56: Advances in Renewable and Energy Systems
Stream: Optimization in Renewable Energy Systems
Room: 4D UPV 2.2 (building 0)
Gordon Dash, Nina Kajiji
Cross border pollution and taxes
Salvador Sandoval -
Carbon capture, utilization and storage in the context of Turkish energy market
Danial EsmaeiliAliabadi -
Reduction of transmission-grid constraints for computationally efficient N-1 secure dispatch
Richard Weinhold, Robert Mieth -
Undetectable cyber-physical attacks on power grids under the AC model
Mauro Escobar, Daniel Bienstock
TD-57: Software for Optimization Modeling I
Stream: Software for Optimization
Room: 4D UPV 2.3 (building 0)
Robert Fourer
Recent advances for building and deploying analytical solutions using aimms
Ovidiu Listes -
Model deployment in GAMS
Frederik Proske -
Optimizing in the cloud - deploying optimization models on the cloud with web services REST APIs
Bjarni Kristjansson -
Developing optimization applications through algebraic modeling in AMPL: featuring Python and R APIs for a quick and easy integration with other applications.
FIlipe Brandão, Robert Fourer
TD-58: Machine Learning and Data Analysis I
Stream: Emerging Applications of Data Analysis
Room: 4D UPV 2.4 (building 0)
Alexander Aduenko
LSTM network time series predicts high-risk tenants
Wolfgang Garn, Yin Hu, Paul Nicholson, Bevan Jones, Hongying Tang -
A novel training algorithm to build decision trees for anomaly detection
Sarah ITANI, Fabian Lecron, Philippe Fortemps -
Content-based image retrieval and analysis with use of scalable morphological models
Ivan Reyer, Ksenia Aminova -
Model generation for machine intelligence
Vadim Strijov, Oleg Bakhteev
TD-59: Operation and Planning Problems in Electric Energy Systems with Renewable Resources
Stream: Technical and Financial Aspects of Energy Problems
Room: 4D UPV 2.5 (building 0)
Luis Baringo
Risk-based operational model of a distribution company in the presence of electric vehicles and renewable energy resources
Miadreza Shafie-khah, S. M. Bagher Sadati, Jamal Moshtagh, João P. S. Catalão -
Planning and operating the future European power system
Ruth Dominguez, Miguel Carrión, Giorgia Oggioni -
Sample average approximation for risk-averse problems: a virtual power plant scheduling application
Ricardo Pinto de Lima, Antonio Conejo, Loïc Giraldi, Olivier Maître, Ibrahim Hoteit, Omar Knio -
Robust self scheduling of a virtual power plant in energy and reserve electricity markets
Ana Baringo, Luis Baringo, José Manuel Arroyo
Tuesday, 18:00-19:00
TE-01: IFORS Distinguished Lecture: Air Transportation Optimization
Stream: Plenaries
Room: Opera House (building 0)
Michael Trick
Air Transportation Optimization
Cynthia Barnhart
Wednesday, 8:30-10:00
WA-01: IFORS Tutorial Lecture
Stream: IFORS Tutorial Lecture
Room: UPV Nexus (building 0)
Michael Trick
Solving Hard Shortest Path Problems with the Pulse Framework
Andres Medaglia
WA-02: DEA and Energy
Stream: DEA: Applications
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S101 (building 0)
Helena Brozova
A combined multi-criteria decision making method for efficiency assessment of marine renewable energies
Negar Akbari -
Measuring the allocation efficiency of power generation portfolio under nuclear-free homeland energy policy
Li-Ming Chou, Chang Dong-Shang, Chun-Cheng Chen, Yi-Chun Chen -
Determining preferred responses in crisis situations
Helena Brozova, Michal Škoda
WA-03: Production and Operations Management
Stream: Production and Operations Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S103 (building 0)
Milena Bieniek
A dynamic multi-commodity lot-sizing problem with supplier selection, storage selection and discounts for the process industry
Thomas Kirschstein, Frank Meisel -
Joint optimal pricing and lot-sizing decisions for an advance sales system under stochastic conditions
Maryam Ghoreishi, Christian Larsen -
When is (inventory-driven) dynamic bundling profitable?
Wee Meng Yeo -
Consumer returns policies in consignment contracts with inventory control and price-dependent additive demand
Milena Bieniek
WA-04: Advances in Risk Management
Stream: New Challenges in Investment Strategies, Risk and Financial Modelling
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S104 (building 0)
Roy Cerqueti
Dependency and systemic risk in banking and insurance
Rosanna Grassi, Gian Paolo Clemente, Asmerilda Hitaj -
Green bonds funds: efficiency and concentration risk
Anna Maria D'Arcangelis, Giulia Rotundo -
Non stationarity of high order return distribution moments and their irrational fractional Brownian motion modelling
Gurjeet Dhesi, Muhammad Bilal Shakeel, Thamila Madji, Marcel Ausloos -
Systemic risk assessment through adjacency clustering coefficient
Roy Cerqueti, Rosanna Grassi, Gian Paolo Clemente
WA-05: Inventory and Location Routing Problems
Stream: Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S105 (building 0)
Emilio Jose Alarcon Ortega
An effective matheuristic for the multi-vehicle inventory routing problem
Oguz Solyali, Claudia Archetti, Haldun Sural -
A two-echelon inventory-routing problem for the last mile delivery of perishable products
Sonja Rohmer, G.D.H. (Frits) Claassen, Gilbert Laporte -
A heuristic approach based on biased randomization for location routing problem
Abdullah Almouhanna, Banafsheh Khosravi, Djamila Ouelhadj, Angel A. Juan -
A matheuristic for the consistent inventory routing
Emilio Jose Alarcon Ortega, Michael Schilde, Karl Doerner
WA-06: Stochastic Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, Management and Science II
Stream: Stochastic Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, Management and Science
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S106 (building 0)
José Niño-Mora
Optimal policy for economic production lot-sizing model with preventive maintenance
Minjae Park -
Modelling of a buffer stock by a random walk with two barriers
BAŞAK GEVER, Zulfiye Hanalioglu, Tahir Khaniyev -
A global optimization method for a quadratic reverse convex programming problem by listing FJ points
Syuuji Yamada -
Numerical instability in average reward Markov decision processes
José Niño-Mora
WA-07: Timetabling and Passengers
Stream: Public Transportation II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S107 (building 0)
Marie Schmidt, Evelien van der Hurk
Solution methods for integrated timetabling and passenger routing
Philine Schiewe, Anita Schöbel -
Demand and supply interaction for the train timetabling problem
Naut Bulten, Rommert Dekker, Shadi Sharif Azadeh -
Synchronizing transfers through integrated timetabling and vehicle scheduling - an iterative matheuristic approach with public transit traffic assignment
Joao Fonseca, Tobias Zündorf, Evelien van der Hurk, Allan Larsen -
Timetabling with integrated passenger distribution
Johann Hartleb, Marie Schmidt, Markus Friedrich, Dennis Huisman
WA-08: OR in the Physical Internet
Stream: OR in the Physical Internet
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S108 (building 0)
António Ramos
Operations research in the physical internet: literature review and opportunities for research
Manuel Lopes, Teresa Pereira, Pedro Lopes -
Simulation-based optimization approach for PI-networks
Christian Haider, Stefanie Kritzinger, Alexander Kinast, Erik Pitzer, Michael Affenzeller -
Physical internet: a study of the containers layer in the NOLI reference model
Moustafa Nakechbandi, Jean-Yves Colin, Hervé MATHIEU -
Operational research problems in the physical internet
António Ramos, Elsa Silva, José Fernando Oliveira
WA-09: Graphs, Data and Optimization
Stream: European Working Group: Data Science Meets Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S109 (building 0)
Pieter Leyman
A scale-independent structural definition of community detection in graphs
Alexander Braekevelt, Pieter Leyman, Patrick De Causmaecker -
Network structure and dynamics of European stock markets
José G. Dias -
Supporting evaluation of algorithms during pace challenges
Jan Badura, Maciej Antczak, Artur Laskowski, Szymon Wasik -
A self-adaptive evolutionary algorithm for the intermittent traveling salesman problem with different temperature profiles
Pieter Leyman, Patrick De Causmaecker
WA-10: Urban and Territorial Planning in MCDA
Stream: Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S110 (building 0)
Isabella Lami, Marta Bottero
An integrated multi-criteria spatial decision support system for urban energy scenarios
Sara Torabi, Patrizia Lombardi -
Dominance-based rough set analysis for understanding the drivers of urban development agreements
Marta DellOvo, Alessandra Oppio, Francesca Torrieri, Milosz Kadzinski, Grzegorz Miebs -
A multicriteria framework based on the Choquet integral and the analytic hierarchy process for evaluating scenarios of adaptive reuse
Francesca Abastante, Salvatore Corrente, Salvatore Greco, Isabella Lami, Elena Sezenna -
GAHP II Sorting method: an application to the vineyard landscape of Langhe, Roero and Monferrato (Italy)
Vanessa Assumma, Marta Bottero, Alessio Ishizaka
WA-11: Novel Applications of Analytics
Stream: Business Analytics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S111 (building 0)
Wouter Verbeke
The beneficial effect of ensemble learning in predicting student drop-out in online learning environment
Trung Hoai Minh Phan, Kristof Coussement, Dries Benoit, Arno De Caigny, Annelies Raes -
Higher order mining for incremental root cause analysis
Eduardo e Oliveira, Vera Miguéis, José Borges -
Motivating creativity with a carrot and a stick - creativity-weighted productivity, relative performance information, and perceived competition
Peter Rötzel, Burkhard Pedell -
Towards accurate and scalable metrics for predicting user engagement on tablets by combining multimodal biosensor data with behavioral interaction patterns
Klaas Nelissen, Seppe vanden Broucke, Bart Baesens, Monique Snoeck
WA-12: Operational Problems in Maritime Terminals
Stream: Maritime Transportation
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S112 (building 0)
Juan F. Correcher
A machine scheduling approach to the berth allocation problem under channel restrictions
Christian Bierwirth -
A new branch and benders cut scheme and heuristic column generation for the discrete berth allocation problem minimizing the makespan
Giorgi Tadumadze, Simon Emde, Heiko Diefenbach -
Optimization of daily berth allocation planning
Ozge Buyukdeveci, Serap Akcan -
A mixed integer linear formulation for the berth allocation problem in terminals with irregular layouts
Juan F. Correcher, Ramon Alvarez-Valdes, Thomas Van den Bossche, Greet Vanden Berghe
WA-13: Operational and Cyber Risk Modeling
Stream: Financial Modeling, Risk Management and Managerial Accounting
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S201 (building 0)
Pilar Gargallo
A new methodology for modelling operational risk using skew t-copulas and Bayesian inference
Betty Johanna Garzon Rozo, Jonathan Crook, Fernando Moreira -
Semi-closed simulated stock market: the impact of the traders' backgrounds
Valerio Ficcadenti, Gurjeet Dhesi, Mohammad Emambocus, Muhammad Bilal Shakeel, Babar Syed -
A novel approach for determining cybersecurity insurance pricing
Thomas Lee -
Measuring the leadership relationships between Spanish mutual funds: a dynamic Bayesian approach
Pilar Gargallo, Laura Andreu, Manuel Salvador, José Luis Sarto
WA-14: ETHOR I Ethics and Societal Complexity I
Stream: OR and Ethics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S202 (building 0)
Dorien DeTombe
Big data driven government policy a complex societal problem
Antoinette Muntjewerff -
The essence of ethics and societal complexity
Cathal MacSwiney Brugha -
Earthquake preparedness: optimal deployment of emergency treatment sites
Simona Cohen Kadosh, Zilla Sinuany-Stern, Yuval Bitan
WA-15: New Applications in Vehicle Routing II
Stream: Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S203 (building 0)
Mustafa Yilmaz
A vehicle routing problem with periodic replanning
Maria Luisa Carpente, Julian Costa, Manuel Fontenla, Ignacio García-Jurado, Silvia Lorenzo-Freire, Guido Ignacio Novoa-Flores -
Periodic vehicle routing problem with flexible visit frequencies
Ahmet Camcı, Ozgur Ozpeynirci, Arya Misiç -
The r-interdiction multi-depot vehicle routing problem
Mir Ehsan Hesam Sadati, Deniz Aksen, Necati Aras -
A mathematical model for time-dependent hierarchical Chinese postman problem
Mustafa Yilmaz, Merve Kayacı Çodur
WA-16: Discrete and Global Optimization II
Stream: Discrete and Global Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S115 (building 0)
Jan van Vuuren
Optimization in Sanger sequencing
Silvia Lorenzo-Freire, Maria Luisa Carpente, Ana Cerdeira-Pena, Ángeles Saavedra Places -
The Euclidean combinatorial configuration: properties and applications in optimization
Oksana Pichugina, Sergiy Yakovlev -
On the problem of kite location in airborne wind energy farms
Fernando A. C. C. Fontes, Dalila Fontes, Luis Tiago Paiva, Luís Roque -
Scheduling Markovian PERT networks to maximize the net present value: new results
Ben Hermans, Roel Leus
WA-17: Robust and Distributionally Robust Optimization
Stream: Stochastic and Robust Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S205 (building 0)
Francesca Maggioni
Distributionally robust optimization with confidence bands for probability density functions
Guanglin Xu -
Data-driven distributionally robust optimization with Wasserstein metric, moment conditions and robust contraints
Adrián Esteban-Pérez, Juan Miguel Morales -
The single-source capacitated facility location problem under demand uncertainty: robust optimization and branch-and-price algorithm framework
Jaehyeon Ryu, Sungsoo Park
WA-18: The Founders of OR and the Development of Soft OR & Problem Structuring Methods - Special Discussion Session
Stream: Soft OR, Problem Structuring Methods
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S206 (building 0)
Robert Dyson
The founders of OR and the development of Soft OR & PSMs
Frances O'Brien, Robert Dyson
WA-19: Spare Parts and Maintenance Management
Stream: Supply Chain Management I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S207 (building 0)
Joachim Arts
Stocking and expediting in two-echelon spare parts inventory systems under system availability constraints
Melvin Drent, Joachim Arts -
Operational level planning of a multi-item two-echelon spare parts inventory system
Engin Topan, Matthieu van der Heijden -
Practical repair shop priorities
Ece Zeliha Demirci, Joachim Arts, Geert-Jan van Houtum -
Spare parts provisioning for manufacturing systems
Gudrun Kiesmuller, Florian E. Sachs
WA-20: Decision Support Systems: AI Techniques
Stream: Decision Analysis and Decision Support Systems
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S301 (building 0)
Pascale Zaraté
Sketching for near-real time process mining
Vasco Santos, Bruno Oliveira, Orlando Belo -
OLAP signatures elicitation
Orlando Belo, Ricardo Silva -
Service-oriented approach for ETL development using patterns
Bruno Oliveira, Vasco Santos, Orlando Belo -
A proposed multicriteria analysis decision support tool for university students healthy life index: a pilot application for a faculty performance comparison
Aslı Özmen
WA-21: (Semi-)Infinite Programming
Stream: Nonlinear Programming: Theory
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S303 (building 0)
Maria Dolores Fajardo, Margarita Rodríguez Álvarez
Stability of the duality gap in linear semi-infinite programming
Miguel Goberna -
A new data qualification in convex multiobjective semi-infinite programming
Margarita Rodríguez Álvarez -
Exact stable relaxations in robust SOS-convex polynomial optimization
José Vicente-Pérez, Vaithilingam Jeyakumar -
Converse and total duality for evenly convex optimization problems
Maria Dolores Fajardo
WA-22: Applications of Multiobjective Optimization
Stream: Multiobjective Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S304 (building 0)
Antonio Gaspar-Cunha
Maximum entropy estimation of nutrient importance
Ante Ivancic, Argyris Kanellopoulos, Jacqueline Bloemhof -
A multi-objective global score for the beam angle selection problem
Guillermo Cabrera-Guerrero, Enrique Cabrera -
A multi- objective model for hospital supplies using modified evolutionary computation
Soumyajyoti Datta, Rohit Kapoor -
Multi-objective optimization of blow moulded containers through the evolution of neural networks
Antonio Gaspar-Cunha, Roman Denysiuk
WA-23: Lot Sizing II - Heuristics
Stream: Lot Sizing, Lot Scheduling and Production Planning
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S305 (building 0)
Bernardo Almada-Lobo
A two-phase approach for the parallel machine capacitated lot-sizing and scheduling problem with shared resources
Jesica de Armas, Manuel Laguna -
Sandwich approximation algorithms for lot-sizing problems
Wilco van den Heuvel, Guillaume Goisque, Christophe Rapine, Albert Wagelmans -
Fast heuristic for creating (online) production plans for the capacitated lot-sizing problem
Christian Almeder -
Matheuristcs for capacity planning at the glass container industry
Bernardo Almada-Lobo, Flaviana Moreira de Souza, Márcio Silva Arantes, Cláudio Fabiano Motta Toledo
WA-24: Dynamical Models in Sustainable Development III
Stream: Dynamical Models in Sustainable Development
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S306 (building 0)
Ingunn Gunnarsdottir, Pierre Kunsch
Dynamic modeling of the impact of energy transition on economy and environment
Chun-Cheng Chen, Chung-Shu Liu, Chih-Tung Hsiao, Chang Dong-Shang -
Evaluation and optimization of photovoltaic panel resources via a novel radiation - to - electrical power model
Omer Nezih Gerek, Ümmühan Başaran Filik, Tansu Filik -
Evaluation of photovoltaic storage systems under uncertainty applying stochastic dynamic programming
Dogan Keles, Joris Dehler -
Sustainable energy future in Iceland
Ingunn Gunnarsdottir, Brynhildur Davidsdottir
WA-25: Vehicle Routing Problems
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S307 (building 0)
Luciana Buriol
Spontaneous postman problems
Peter Recht -
An adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm for the blood sample transportation problem
Garazi Zabalo Manrique de Lara, Paolo Detti, Giorgio Di Benedetto -
Synchronization of unmanned vehicles and vans for parcel delivery
Olivier Gallay, Marc-Antoine Coindreau, Nicolas Zufferey -
Using relax-and-fix algorithm for solving an improved formulation of a maritime inventory routing problem
Luciana Buriol, Marcelo Friske
WA-26: Delays and Robustness in Railway Scheduling
Stream: Public Transportation I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S308 (building 0)
Rob Goverde
Railway delay management with passenger rerouting in face of train capacity constraints
Eva König, Cornelia Schoen -
Train delay prediction and its perspective for railway operations
Marie Milliet de Faverges -
Multi-objective timetable design for rail transport services
Narayan Rangaraj, Aayush Aggarwal -
Integrated timetable rescheduling and passenger routing by dynamic event-activity networks
Yongqiu Zhu, Rob Goverde
WA-27: Extensions of the Newsvendor Problem
Stream: Production, Service and Supply Chain Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S309 (building 0)
Yasemin Merzifonluoglu
Robust multi-market newsvendor problem with market selection and uncertain demand data
Mohammad Abdel-Aal, Shokri Selim -
Newsvendor models with supply uncertainty and a backup supplier
Dimitrios Pandelis, Ioannis Papachristos -
Analyzing supply chain contracts for behavioral newsvendor under information asymmetry
Abhishek Chakraborty, Sumit Sarkar -
Integrated demand and procurement portfolio management with spot market volatility and option contracts
Yasemin Merzifonluoglu
WA-28: Iterated Greedy
Stream: Memory-based Heuristics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S310 (building 0)
Rubén Ruiz
Bicriteria M-machine no-wait flowshop scheduling problem
Harun Aydilek, Asiye Aydilek, Ali Allahverdi -
Heuristic approaches to makespan and flowtime minimization in a two-level hybrid flow shop with no-wait constraint
Andreas Hipp, Caroline Raue, Rainer Leisten -
Iterated local search algorithm for the quadratic assignment problem
İslam Altın, Aydin Sipahioglu -
Keep it simple, stupid. Iterated greedy methods for scheduling problems
Rubén Ruiz
WA-29: Cutting and Packing I
Stream: Cutting and Packing
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S311 (building 0)
Julia Bennell
Research gaps and future research directions in cutting and packing
Julia Bennell, José Fernando Oliveira, Gerhard Wäscher -
Challenge ROADEF / EURO 2018 - cutting optimization
Quentin Viaud, Eric Bourreau -
Improving a semi-discrete lines representation for the 2D irregular strip packing problem
Wojciech Kuberski, Dirk Roose, Tony Wauters -
An archaeological irregular packing problem
Antonio Martinez Sykora, Julia Bennell, Carlos Lamas-Fernandez, Marta Cabo Nodar
WA-30: Operations and Game Theory
Stream: Game Theory and Operations Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S312 (building 0)
Bo Chen
Algebraic geometry in operational research games
Tri-Dung Nguyen -
Discounting, diversity, and investment
Wei Wei, Sebastian Ebert, Xunyu Zhou -
Computational analysis of market designs for smart grid implementation
Julia Grübel, Veronika Grimm, Sebastian Martin, Gregor Zöttl -
Nash equilibrium uniqueness for two-player non-cooperative continuous games
Maria Carmela Ceparano, Francesco Caruso, Jacqueline Morgan
WA-31: Behavioural Operations and Games I
Stream: fuzzt
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S313 (building 0)
Ayşegül Engin
Performance of selected contract designs for the newsvendor problem considering behavioral economic aspects of bargaining: experimental evidence
Maximilian Vincent Reimer -
Analysis of the hockey stick phenomenon using game theory and economical experiments
Natalia Correa, Sergio Ramirez -
The curse of knowledge in decentralized supply chains
Daniel Sanchez-Loor, Wei-Shiun Chang -
Optimistic overconfidence in bidding behavior with differently represented cost feedback in electronic reverse auctions
Ayşegül Engin
WA-32: Transportation and Uncertainty
Stream: Routing, Logistics, Location and Transportation
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S314 (building 0)
Camilo Quiroga
Exact models and optimal policies for shipment consolidation: a stochastic dynamic programming approach
Sila Cetinkaya, Liqing Zhang -
Optimizing the parking price of a car park by queueing models
Yossi Hadad, Baruch Keren -
The capacity choices of the U.S. domestic airline market and passengers demand forecasting
Nahid Jafari -
An optimization model for aircraft routing under uncertain operational times
Camilo Quiroga
WA-33: Data Mining Applications in Life Sciences
Stream: Data Mining and Statistics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S315 (building 0)
Pinar Karadayi Atas, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber
Epileptic seizures prediction through the analysis of EEG synchronization
Paolo Detti, Garazi Zabalo Manrique de Lara, Renato Bruni, Marco Pranzo -
Value of patient history for predictive models: a case study using French PMSI database
Hugo De Oliveira, Martin Prodel, Vincent Augusto -
An AHP model for estimating student desertion in higher education institutions
LUIS QUEZADA, Hernan Silva, ASTRID ODDERSHEDE, Pedro Palominos
WA-34: Networks and flows
Stream: Discrete Optimization, MIP and MINLP
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S113 (building 0)
Thorsten Schmidt-Dumont
New partition inequalities for the unsplittable flow problem
Arnaud Knippel, Sonia Vanier -
An optimal adding edge with short length between two levels of a complete k-ary tree
Kiyoshi Sawada -
Reinforcement learning in conjunction with autonomous vehicles for the control of traffic flow on highways
Thorsten Schmidt-Dumont, Jan van Vuuren
WA-48: Engineering Optimization
Stream: Engineering Optimization
Room: 4D UPV B.3 (building 0)
Wolfgang Achtziger
A contribution to general repair models and their application
Frank Beichelt -
A GRASP metaheuristic for generating optimal meshes for fluid flow simulation
Víctor Hugo Martínez Reza, Mayra Elizondo, Rubén Ávila Rodriguez -
Optimization of an industrial aluminum parts casting process based on simulated annealing
Antonio Jiménez-Martín, Alfonso Mateos, Guillermo de Lima -
On optimality conditions for classical formulations of topology optimization problems for discrete/discretized engineering structures
Wolfgang Achtziger
WA-49: OR in Forestry II
Stream: OR in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Room: 4D UPV B.4 (building 0)
Antonio Alonso-Ayuso
Optimization models of floorboard toplayer assembly
Matthias Kaltenbrunner, Maria Anna Huka, Manfred Gronalt -
Stochastic and multicriteria decision making applied to suppression of wildfires
Javier León, Begoña Vitoriano, John Hearne -
Integrating strategic and tactical decision levels in forestry management under uncertainty
Antonio Alonso-Ayuso, Laureano F. Escudero, Monique Guignard-Spielberg, Andrés Weintraub
WA-50: OR for Developing Countries IV
Stream: OR for Developing Countries
Room: 4D UPV 1.1 (building 0)
Herman Mawengkang, Begoña Vitoriano
Factors that affect the user satisfaction of information technology facility service
Roslina Roslina, Devy Mathelinea, Herman Mawengkang -
Integer programming model for tackling a variant of open vehicle routing problem in evacuation transportation planning system
Dedy Hartama, Herman Mawengkang -
Optimization model for logistic planning problem of fish processed product considering location-routing
Intan Syahrini, Devy Mathelinea -
An integer programming model for resource management planning problem in Aceh province, Indonesia
Taufiq Taufiq, Herman Mawengkang
WA-51: Health Care Scheduling
Stream: OR for Health and Care II
Room: 4D UPV 1.2 (building 0)
Eva Schmidt
Planning of out-of-hours service for pharmacies
Christina Büsing, Timo Gersing, Arie Koster -
Robust strategic planning for emergency doctors
Manuel Streicher, Sven Krumke, Eva Schmidt -
Next-day operating room scheduling with time-dependent stochastic surgery durations
Enis Kayis, Tugce Karatas, Refik Gullu -
Resource controlling in the health care sector
Eva Schmidt, Sven Krumke, Manuel Streicher
WA-52: E-Fulfillment
Stream: Analytics and Pricing
Room: 4D UPV 1.3 (building 0)
Jan Fabian Ehmke
Simulation-based optimization of time window allocation for attended deliveries
Magdalena Lang, Catherine Cleophas, Jan Fabian Ehmke -
On time window budgets for anticipation in attended home delivery
Sebastian Koch, Robert Klein -
A bilevel model with a solution algorithm for the network design and pricing problem
Christine Tawfik, Sabine Limbourg -
Flexible time window management for attended home deliveries
Charlotte Köhler, Jan Fabian Ehmke, Ann Campbell, Catherine Cleophas
WA-53: Probabilistic Forecasting
Stream: Stochastic Assessment of Renewable Energy
Room: 4D UPV 1.4 (building 0)
Miguel Carrión
Optimal switch-over time for non-repairable products with short lifecycles
Ruey Huei Yeh -
Benefits in economic terms of short term forecasting of renewable energy
John Boland -
Forecasting gross inland natural gas consumption in European countries through bagging methods
Erick Meira, Fernando Luiz Cyrino Oliveira -
Selling price determination of an electricity supplier for electric vehicles
Miguel Carrión, Ruth Dominguez, Rafael Zarate-Miñano
WA-54: Sports Analytics II
Stream: OR in Sports
Room: 4D UPV 1.6 (building 0)
Jiun-Yu Yu
An accessible lactate threshold assessment tool to support endurance athletes' trainings
Urtats Etxegarai, Eva Portillo, Jon Irazusta, Itziar Cabanes, Jon Larruskain -
Advanced voting systems for ranking of candidates
Petra Zýková -
Sports facility location planning with customers' preference
Jiun-Yu Yu
WA-55: MIP Solvers in Practice
Stream: Making an Impact II
Room: 4D UPV 2.1 (building 0)
Björn Thalén
MIP-solvers in practice
Björn Thalén, Joaquim Gromicho, Denise Tönissen, Timo Berthold, Alex Fleischer, Ronald Buitenhek, Frank Haeger
WA-56: Emergency Logistics and Healthcare Optimization
Stream: Healthcare Logistics
Room: 4D UPV 2.2 (building 0)
Issam Nouaouri
An ALNS algorithm for scheduling and routing in home healthcare services
Ahmet Çınar, Sibel Salman, Burcin Bozkaya -
Modeling yellow and red alert durations for ambulance systems
Amir Rastpour, Armann Ingolfsson, Bora Kolfal -
Stochastic modeling and simulation to minimize patient waiting time in an emergency department
Issam Nouaouri, Dorsaf Daldoul, Hanen Bouchriha, Hamid Allaoui
WA-57: Software for Optimization Modeling II
Stream: Software for Optimization
Room: 4D UPV 2.3 (building 0)
Susanne Heipcke
New modeling options for SAS® optimization
Jared Erickson -
Adding functions to AMPL
David M. Gay -
Pyomo: extensible optimization modeling in Python
Carl Laird, Michael Bynum, William Hart, John Siirola, Anya Castillo -
Opening Xpress Mosel
Susanne Heipcke, Yves Colombani
WA-58: Machine Learning and Data Analysis II
Stream: Emerging Applications of Data Analysis
Room: 4D UPV 2.4 (building 0)
Vadim Strijov
Cracking open the black box: a neural network based option valuation model
Yi Cao, Jia Zhai -
Narrow big data in streams: exact vs. approximate computing
Michal Cerny -
Temporal clustering of time series via threshold autoregressive models
Cem Iyigün, Sipan Aslan, Ceylan Yozgatligil -
Multimodel selection for classification problems
Alexander Aduenko, Vadim Strijov
WA-59: Bidding in Power Markets
Stream: Technical and Financial Aspects of Energy Problems
Room: 4D UPV 2.5 (building 0)
Christoph Graf
Transmission expansion investment coordination: transition from game-theoretic to mechanism design approach
Sambuddha Chakrabarti, Mohammad Reza Hesamzadeh, Yaser Tohidi -
Trading strategies for continuous intraday markets
Gilles Bertrand, Anthony Papavasiliou, Anthony Papavasiliou -
Stochastic-dynamic optimization of a joint strategy for day-ahead bidding and intraday trading
David Wozabal, Nils Löhndorf -
Market clearing and best response bidding in the Italian power market
Christoph Graf
WA-60: ERC session
Stream: EURO Special Sessions
Room: 4D UPV B.5 (building 0)
Giovanni Felici
Wednesday, 10:30-12:00
WB-01: Teaching experiments are condemned to be successful
Stream: Keynotes
Room: UPV Nexus (building 0)
Ramon Alvarez-Valdes
Teaching experiments are condemned to be successful
Maria Antónia Carravilla
WB-02: DEA, Logistics, Transportation
Stream: DEA: Applications
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S101 (building 0)
Julián Benavides
Towards automatic suggestions of aircraft trajectory change for mitigating high traffic complexity based on an air traffic control difficulty index
Sakae Nagaoka, Hiroko Hirabayashi, Mark Brown -
Decision-making in a multi-choice environment: a study of shipping carriers in US
Peak workload and performance of parcel delivery companies
Amir Shabani, Gabor Maroti, Wout Dullaert, Sander de Leuw -
A mobile tool for operational decision support in aircraft dispatch
Hemmo Koornneef, Wim Verhagen, Ricky Curran
WB-03: Maintenance Operations
Stream: Production and Operations Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S103 (building 0)
Ayse Sena Eruguz
Design of multi-component periodic maintenance programs with single-component models
Joachim Arts, Rob Basten -
Joint optimization of production scheduling and condition-based maintenance planning
Bram de Jonge -
A simulation-based evaluation of dynamic task prioritization in maintenance management
Dietmar Neubacher, Nikolaus Furian, Clemens Gutschi -
Maintenance optimization for multi-component systems with a single sensor
Ayse Sena Eruguz, Rob Basten, Lisa Maillart
WB-04: Optimal Control Applications I
Stream: Optimal Control Applications
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S104 (building 0)
Gernot Tragler
Optimal prevention and adaptation in a stochastic flood model - an application of vintage-models in socio-hydrology
Michael Freiberger, Alexia Prskawetz -
Optimal investments of a firm generating emissions: a bi-objective approach
Andrea Seidl, Richard Hartl, Peter M. Kort -
Optimal control, endogenous population growth and the dynamics of economic growth
Radicalization of terrorists: an optimal control approach
Gernot Tragler
WB-05: Orienteering and Traveling Salesman Problems
Stream: Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S105 (building 0)
Alejandro Montoya
The competitive pickup and delivery orienteering problem for balancing carsharing systems
Layla Martin, Stefan Minner -
A hybrid algorithm for the family salesman problem
Ana Paias, Raquel Bernardino -
Optimization of the LPG distribution system for an oil company
Özlem Çağlayangil, Necati Aras -
The team orienteering problem with time-dependent profit
Alejandro Montoya
WB-06: Stochastic Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, Management and Science III
Stream: Stochastic Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, Management and Science
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S106 (building 0)
Christopher Kirkbride
An integrated simulation-optimization framework for complex emergency medical services
David Olave-Rojas, Stefan Nickel, Philipp Fath, Melanie Reuter-Oppermann -
Coordination in ride hailing platforms: an agent-based approach
Harit Joshi, Saral Mukherjee -
Simulation of passenger flows at a constrained cruise port: evidence from the island of Santorini
Michail Karpathiou, Fotios Katsigiannis -
Diffusion and adoption of technological innovations in the Mar del Plata cooperative sector: the invisibility of their work
Alicia Zanfrillo
WB-07: Scheduling with Resource Constraints I
Stream: Scheduling with Resource Constraints
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S107 (building 0)
Morteza Davari
Optimizing naval flight event schedules at training ranges
Robert Dell, Robert Slye -
Scheduling and lot-sizing with considering controllable processing time and fixed carbon emission
Mehdi Bijari, Seyed Milad Mirnajafi Zadeh -
Precedence theorems and dynamic programming solutions for the precedence-constrained single machine weighted tardiness problem
Salim Rostami, Stefan Creemers, Roel Leus -
A generic solution method for scheduling with inventory constraints
Morteza Davari, Jeroen Belien, Patrick De Causmaecker, Roel Leus
WB-08: Optimization Problems on Graphs and Networks
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S108 (building 0)
Michele Monaci
Decision diagrams for solving a prize-collecting sequencing problem
Johannes Maschler, Günther Raidl -
Solving the order batching and picker routing problem as a clustered vehicle routing problem
Babiche Aerts, Trijntje Cornelissens, Kenneth Sörensen -
Monotonicity and conformality in multicommodity network-flow problems
Daniel Granot, Frieda Granot -
An empirical investigation of network polarization
Celso Ribeiro, Ruben Interian
WB-09: Data Science in Optimization Algorithms
Stream: European Working Group: Data Science Meets Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S109 (building 0)
Andrew J. Parkes, Daniel Karapetyan
Quick termination of poor performers in automated algorithm configuration
Daniel Karapetyan, Andrew J. Parkes, Thomas Stützle -
Features of genetic algorithms realization for the Euclidean combinatorial optimization problems
Oleksii Kartashov -
Metaheuristics for the search for SAT heuristics
Andrew Burnett, Andrew J. Parkes -
Machine learning of the quality of machine-generated heuristics
Andrew J. Parkes, Ender Özcan, Asghar Neema Mohammad Beglou
WB-10: MCDA and Environmental Management I
Stream: Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S110 (building 0)
Luisa Paolotti, Filippo Fiume Fagioli
Assessing the sustainability of different poultry production systems: a multi-criteria approach
Luisa Paolotti, Lucia Rocchi, Antonio Boggia, Cesare Castellini, Adolfo Rosati -
Discrete multi-criteria methods for election of lands use alternatives in the Toro river hydro-basin (province of Salta, Argentina)
Juan B Grau, Jose M Anton, Rocio C. López, José A. Gualotuña, Diego Andina, Federico Colombo, ANA M. TARQUIS -
Assessing urban vulnerability: a hybrid multi-criteria decision-making process for East Naples (Italy)
Maria Cerreta, Giuliano Poli -
Farm sustainability assessment: how to conciliate economic and environmental objectives
Filippo Fiume Fagioli, Luisa Paolotti, Antonio Boggia
WB-11: E-Commerce & Social Media
Stream: Business Analytics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S111 (building 0)
Stiene Praet
Collecting and analyzing customers experiences from Trip Advisor social media
Carla Vairetti -
Dfficiency in multi-channel retail chain store: a two-stage DEA approach with environmental factors and e-commerce indicators
Cristina Ciobanu, Kristof Coussement, Koen W. De Bock -
Ssocial network analytics in micro-lending
María Óskarsdóttir, Cristian Bravo, Bart Baesens, Jan Vanthienen -
A data mining approach to analyze political communication on Twitter
Stiene Praet, Walter Daelemans, Tim Kreutz, Peter Van Aelst, Stefaan Walgrave, David Martens
WB-12: Optimization and Simulation in Port Logistics
Stream: Maritime Transportation
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S112 (building 0)
Dario Pacino
Job scheduling rail-mounted gantry cranes in an intermodal rail-road terminal
Michiel Van Lancker, Greet Vanden Berghe, Tony Wauters -
Landside container handling operations at an automated container terminal
Amir Gharehgozli -
An approach towards the container terminal management problem (CTMP)
Leif Meier -
A hybrid heuristic for the flexible ship loading problem
Jonas Christensen, Dario Pacino
WB-13: Financial Literacy and Risk Measurement
Stream: Financial Modeling, Risk Management and Managerial Accounting
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S201 (building 0)
Value and momentum in energy markets
Rita D'Ecclesia -
A generalized duration for mortality risk management
Marius Radermacher -
Adaptive quantification of value-at-risk based on the energy distribution of asset returns
George Tzagkarakis, Frantz Maurer, Thomas Dionysopoulos -
Going private transaction performance in emerging economies:a comparative study between Latin America and Asia
Alain CHEVALIER, Aurelie Sannajust
WB-14: ETHOR II Ethics and Societal Complexity II
Stream: OR and Ethics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S202 (building 0)
Dorien DeTombe
Is the Compram method usable by handling intergenerational poverty in Zodrenthe?
Simon Henk Luimstra -
Societal Complexity versus LEARN TO LIVE TOGETHER: contemporaneous 'Science-Culture-Religion Dialogue'. COMPRAM Methodology and 'Decisional Nomology' contributions
Nicolae Bulz -
Inhabitants take responsibility of their health position
Hans Derks -
Equal rights and opportunities for women
Dorien DeTombe
WB-15: Scheduling Theory I
Stream: Scheduling Theory
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S203 (building 0)
Kathrin Maassen
New approximate methods for the two-stage multi-machine assembly scheduling problem
Carla Talens Fayos, Paz Perez Gonzalez, Victor Fernandez-Viagas, Jose M Framinan -
Towards an effective column generation technique for solving large batch scheduling problems
MENDEZ CARLOS, Mariana Cóccola, Rodolfo Dondo -
Scheduling with step-improving processing times
Eun-Seok Kim -
Simplifications and optimal solutions for the two-machine permutation flow shop regarding the diversity of processing times
Paz Perez Gonzalez, Kathrin Maassen, Jose M Framinan
WB-16: Discrete and Global Optimization III
Stream: Discrete and Global Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S115 (building 0)
Thorsten Schmidt-Dumont
Piecewise linear function fitting via mixed-integer linear programming
Steffen Rebennack, Vitaliy Krasko -
Convex extensions in discrete optimization with their applications
Sergiy Yakovlev, Oksana Pichugina -
Black-box optimization for additive manufactured heat exchangers
Sebastien Cadalen -
A real-world application of the travelling salesman problem using non-deterministic data classification algorithms
Omer Celepcikay, Caner Okutkan, Egemen Berki Cimen, Emine Çelepçıkay
WB-17: Stochastic Programming
Stream: Stochastic and Robust Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S205 (building 0)
Petr Lachout
Quantization of Lévy measures
Mark Anthony Caruana -
A branch and bound procedure for the stochastic assembly line balancing problem
Johannes Diefenbach, Raik Stolletz -
Stochastic optimization on a graph with random decision points
Petr Lachout
WB-18: E-commerce Related Problems in Transportation and Logistics
Stream: Transportation
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S206 (building 0)
Xuezhen Guo
A last mile delivery paradigm using microhubs with crowdshipping
Jane Lin -
A vehicle routing planning method for the city logistics considering carbon emissions
Jun-Der Leu -
Optimizing line haul routing for a Brazilian e-commerce company
Marcio Oshiro, Felipe Moreira, Henrique Watanabe -
A conceptual framework for city logistics transition with crowdsourced delivery
Xuezhen Guo, Jacqueline Bloemhof, G.D.H. (Frits) Claassen
WB-19: Sustainable Operations
Stream: Supply Chain Management I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S207 (building 0)
Peter Berling
Impact of biomass commercialization on procurement strategy and environment in agricultural processing
Onur Boyabatli, Buket Avci, Bin Li -
Bioenergy supply chain network planning problem
Halit Uster, Gokhan Memisoglu -
New product diffusion in closed-loop supply chains
Emre Nadar, Baris Emre Kaya, Kemal Goler -
The art of modeling and stable development of the world
Lyudmila Kuzmina
WB-20: Decision Analysis for Investment Portfolio Selection and Resource Allocation
Stream: Decision Analysis and Decision Support Systems
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S301 (building 0)
Mohammad Mehdi Hosseinzadeh
On various solutions of areas allocation problem
Sergey Shvydun, Fuad Aleskerov -
Investment frontier in mean-lower partial moment portfolio selection framework
DIPANKAR MONDAL, Selvaraju Natarajan -
DEA to support decision-making in portfolio problems
Mohammad Mehdi Hosseinzadeh, Sergio Ortobelli, Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi
WB-21: Applications of Optimal Control
Stream: Nonlinear Programming: Theory
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S303 (building 0)
Hector Ramirez
Controlling recirculation rate in minimal-time bioremediation of natural water resources
Victor Riquelme, Alain Rapaport -
Characterizing the optimal profile of the open pit mine planning problem in the continuous framework
Emilio Molina, Jorge Amaya, Cristopher Hermosilla -
Optimal control of biogas production for the chemostat
Antoine Haddon -
Bioremediation of water resources: an optimal control approach
Hector Ramirez
WB-22: Multiobjective Portfolio Optimization
Stream: Multiobjective Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S304 (building 0)
Iryna Yevseyeva
Thematic portfolio optimization
Florian Methling, Rüdiger von Nitzsch -
Granular-based interactive portfolio optimization model for investment decision aids
Kao-Yi Shen, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng -
Asset management optimization: a framework to reduce costs and risk for utilities management
Luis Dias, Luis Guimarães -
Cyber security portfolios selection under limited budget constraints
Iryna Yevseyeva, Michael Emmerich, Vitor Basto-Fernandes, Stefan Parpurov, Helge Janicke
WB-23: Lot Sizing III - Remanufacturing
Stream: Lot Sizing, Lot Scheduling and Production Planning
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S305 (building 0)
Onur Kilic
A MILP model for closed loop production planning in the automotive industry: a case study
Julien Maheut, Angel Ruiz, José P. Garcia-Sabater -
Perishability in integrated procurement and reprocessing planning of reusable medical devices in hospitals
Steffen Rickers, Florian Sahling -
Six sigma methodologies in airline operations
Ramesh Bollapragada -
The economic lot sizing problem with remanufacturing: new structural properties and polynomial-time heuristics
Onur Kilic, Wilco van den Heuvel
WB-24: Dynamical Models in Sustainable Development IV
Stream: Dynamical Models in Sustainable Development
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S306 (building 0)
Alvin Henao Perez, Pierre Kunsch
Optimal allocation rules with waste considerations
Sara Rezaee Vessal, Sam Aflaki -
Analysing control strategies for urban air pollution through a system dynamics model
Jenny Rocio Rios Martinez, Y Olaya -
A system dynamics model to evaluate the impacts of overloaded vehicles transporting ornamental stones in Brazil
Glaydston Ribeiro, Verônica Ghisolfi, Gisele Chaves, Romulo Orrico, Ivone Hoffmann, Leonardo Perim -
Effects of integration of renewable energy sources on financial statements of electric conventional generation plants.
Alvin Henao Perez, Guisselle Garcia
WB-25: Novel Algorithms for Scheduling Problems
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S307 (building 0)
Erwin Pesch, Dominik Kress
A mechanism design for scheduling problems with multi machine agents
Alexander Herbst, Ulf Lorenz -
Conflict-free yard crane routing in an automated container terminal
Erwin Pesch, Jenny Nossack, Dirk Briskorn -
Planning and scheduling in open-pit mining
Chris Potts, Antonio Martinez Sykora -
Pick up plan in case of shuttle racks warehouse - an optimization approach
Dawid Kansy, Pawel Hanczar
WB-26: Vehicle Scheduling and Rolling Stock
Stream: Public Transportation I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S308 (building 0)
Anita Schöbel
Location planning of charging stations and vehicle scheduling for electric buses in public transport
Nils Olsen, Natalia Kliewer -
Stochastic maintenance location routing for rolling stock
Denise Tönissen, Joachim Arts, Max Shen -
Rolling stock scheduling with maintenance requirements at the Chinese high-speed railway
Qingwei Zhong, Richard Lusby, Jesper Larsen, Qiyuan Peng -
Designing cost-minimal public transport systems
Alexander Schiewe, Anita Schöbel
WB-27: Network Design
Stream: Production, Service and Supply Chain Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S309 (building 0)
Roland Braune
Three-steps approach to design the distribution network
Imma Ribas, Amaia Lusa, Albert Corominas, Manuel Mateo -
Designing the distribution network of services
Amaia Lusa, Imma Ribas, Albert Corominas, Manuel Mateo -
Lagrangian heuristics for the location-allocation problem with stochastic demand and congestion
Pratibha Saini, Sachin Jayaswal, Navneet Vidyarthi -
Aggregation and relaxation approaches for a multi-period network design problem
Roland Braune
WB-28: Scatter Search and Path Relinking
Stream: Memory-based Heuristics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S310 (building 0)
Jesus Sanchez-Oro
A critical-path based evolutionary algorithm for the flexible job-shop scheduling problem
Grigoris Kasapidis, Dimitris Paraskevopoulos, Panagiotis Repoussis, Christos Tarantilis -
GRASP with path relinking for a multi-objective waste management problem
Laura Delgado Antequera, Jesus Sanchez-Oro, Rafael Caballero, Rafael Marti -
An application of tabu search to a circular layout problem
Eduardo G. Pardo, Juan David Quintana Pérez, Abraham Duarte, Manuel Laguna -
Improving the quality of hierarchical graph drawings with hybrid VNS-SS
Jesus Sanchez-Oro, Anna Martínez-Gavara, Manuel Laguna, Rafael Marti, Abraham Duarte
WB-29: Cutting and Packing II
Stream: Cutting and Packing
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S311 (building 0)
Tony Wauters
Solving the 3D bin packing problem: improved heuristic solutions for a case in the automotive industry
Andreas Beham, Roland Hanghofer, Stefan Wagner, Michael Affenzeller -
Open source simulation tool to evaluate dynamic stability metrics for the container loading problem
David Álvarez-Martínez, Juan Camilo Martínez, Daniel Cuellar-Usaquen -
A GRASP algorithm for multi container loading problems with practical constraints
Francisco Parreño, Maria Teresa Alonso Martínez, Ramon Alvarez-Valdes -
A parallel tree based approach for the 3D cutting and packing problem
Everton Fernandes da Silva, Tony Wauters
WB-30: Strategic Customers in OM Games
Stream: Game Theory and Operations Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S312 (building 0)
Anton Ovchinnikov
Strategic service operations of two-sided market platform with backward compatibility
Dohoon Kim -
A cooperative game approach to the job scheduling problem
Eric Bahel, Christian Trudeau -
Sharing the revenues from broadcasting sport events
Gustavo Bergantinos, Juan D. Moreno-Ternero -
Strategic consumer behavior in premium-status loyalty programs
Anton Ovchinnikov
WB-31: Behavioural Operations and Games II
Stream: fuzzt
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S313 (building 0)
Ilkka Leppanen
The impact of competition on product and process development decisions: evidence from a behavioral experiment
Margarita Gladkova, Timofey Shalpegin -
Suppliers' learning: aggregate and individual levels
Mohsen Ahmadian, Roger Blake, Ehsan Elahi -
Behavior of the agent when the information is distorted by the principal
Andrei Matveenko -
Building a hierarchical evaluation model by using interpretive structural modeling: a case study of ERP implementation risks
Ilker Gölcük, Adil Baykasoğlu
WB-32: Vehicle Routing
Stream: Routing, Logistics, Location and Transportation
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S314 (building 0)
Pedro Castellucci
A systematic intelligent solution for parts logistics optimization
Wenlian Lu, Yaoting Huang, Boyu Chen, Zhongxiao Jin -
Integrated maintenance tail assignment considering heterogeneous fuel consumption
Manuel Fuentes González, Luis Cadarso -
A practical routing model in terms of reliability of arrival time to destination
Yoichi Shimakawa, Hiroyuki Goto, Yohei Kakimoto -
A logic-benders decomposition algorithm for a network scheduling problem with cross-docking
Pedro Castellucci, Alysson Costa, Franklina Toledo
WB-33: New Applications and Perspectives I
Stream: Data Mining and Statistics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S315 (building 0)
Pakize Taylan
Do we need more advanced and complex model to predict micro-enterprises failures?
Aneta Ptak-Chmielewska -
Nudgital: critique of a behavioral political economy
Julia Puaschunder -
Discrete analogues of bivariate continuous distributions
Alessandro Barbiero -
Modelling and managing dynamic pricing strategy for an intensive competitive battle in the drugs industry, using "agile" system dynamics
Kim Warren
WB-34: Recent Advances in DC Programming
Stream: DC Programming and DCA
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S113 (building 0)
Hoai An Le Thi
On DC decompositions of polynomials: from DSOS decomposition to DSOSC decomposition
Yi-Shuai NIU -
DCA based algorithms for solving a class of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints
Thi Minh NGUYEN, Hoai An Le Thi -
A DC programming approach for robust joint beamforming and artificial noise security scheme
Phuong Anh NGUYEN, Hoai An Le Thi -
A collaborative approach based on DCA and VNS for solving mixed binary linear programs
sara SAMIR, Hoai An Le Thi
WB-49: Emerging Applications in Portfolio Selection
Stream: Emerging Applications in Portfolio Selection and Management Science
Room: 4D UPV B.4 (building 0)
John Lamb
A robust portfolio optimization model based on minimax regret
Sandra Caçador, Pedro Godinho, Joana Matos Dias -
A particle swarm optimization variant for the cardinality constraint portfolio selection problem
Ilaria Foroni, Alessandro Avellone -
Homogeneous subsets for portfolio selection
John Lamb, Elmira Mynbayeva
WB-50: OR for Developing Countries V
Stream: OR for Developing Countries
Room: 4D UPV 1.1 (building 0)
Herman Mawengkang, Olabode Adewoye
An optimization model to tackle health service demand problem for public hospitals
M. Irfan Fahmi, Herman Mawengkang -
An interactive approach for solving multi-objective model of waste management in crude palm oil industry
Meslin Silalahi, Herman Mawengkang -
An electricity reform model for developing countries
Olabode Adewoye -
A mixed- integer programming model for production - distribution planning of crude palm oil industry
Hendaru Sadyadharma, Avery Boy Detinty, Herman Mawengkang
WB-51: Optimization Models in Health Care
Stream: OR for Health and Care II
Room: 4D UPV 1.2 (building 0)
Metin Turkay, Fadime Üney-Yüksektepe
Comparison of cervical cancer screening recommendations under different perspectives using a POMDP model
Malek Ebadi, Raha Akhavan-Tabatabaei, J.B.G. Frenk -
Combining interventions to improve neonatal care services performance: a system dynamics model
Reda Lebcir -
Markov process models in primary-care clinics
Zhimin Huang, Susan Li -
Combining soft or methods with simulation techniques for sustainability analysis
Masoud Fakhimi, Anastasia Anagnostou, Navonil Mustafee, Lampros Stergioulas
WB-52: Network Revenue Management
Stream: Analytics and Pricing
Room: 4D UPV 1.3 (building 0)
Darius Walczak
Data science approach to value based pricing
David McCaffrey -
Price list optimization for free-floating car sharing systems
Matthias Soppert, Claudius Steinhardt -
Pricing in the energy field
Luce Brotcorne, Sébastien Lepaul, Léonard von Niederhäusern -
Dynamic programming decomposition approaches to the network revenue management and pricing problems
Darius Walczak, Ravi Kumar
WB-53: Renewable Energy and Storage
Stream: Stochastic Assessment of Renewable Energy
Room: 4D UPV 1.4 (building 0)
Benjamin Böcker
Unit commitment under imperfect foresight - the impact of stochastic photovoltaic generation
Jens Weibezahn , Jan Zepter -
Improving deployment availability of energy storage with data-driven AGC signal models
Audun Botterud, Ying Wang, Can Wan, Zhi Zhou, Kaifeng Zhang -
A multi-stage stochastic generation capacity expansion planning model under energy policies
Heejung Park, Ross Baldick -
Stochastic battery valuation considering multiple value streams
Benjamin Böcker, Rudiger Kiesel, Christoph Weber
WB-54: Logistics applications
Stream: Applied OR
Room: 4D UPV 1.6 (building 0)
Geir Hasle
Modelling the acquisition plan of LPG cylinders with reverse logistics
Isabel Cristina Lopes, Eliana Costa e Silva, Aldina Correia, Rui Borges Lopes, Magda Monteiro -
Optimization of wave picking operations in a 3PL warehouse
Dilara Aykanat, Onur Can Saka, ERDINC COMERT, ESIN ALTIN -
Materials handling application for Industry 4.0
Gizem Mullaoglu, Sencer Yeralan -
A comparison of different curbside waste collection systems
Sanne Wøhlk, Hani Zbib, Marcel Turkensteen
WB-55: Getting on in OR
Stream: Making an Impact I
Room: 4D UPV 2.1 (building 0)
Ruth Kaufman
Getting on in OR
Ruth Kaufman
WB-56: Hospital Logistics
Stream: Healthcare Logistics
Room: 4D UPV 2.2 (building 0)
Marion Rauner, Fermin Mallor
Solving the operating room scheduling problem maximizing patients' preferences
Ana RamonBaviera, Francisco Ballestin -
Insight into the emergency department physicians' problem about managing their patients flow
Marta Cildoz, Amaia Ibarra, Fermin Mallor -
Hospital resource planning for mass casuality events: a DES-based case study of a major Viennese hospital
Marion Rauner, Daniel Staribacher, Helmut Niessner
WB-57: Software for Nonlinear & Parallel Optimization
Stream: Software for Optimization
Room: 4D UPV 2.3 (building 0)
Imre Polik
Tuning the global optimization solver BARON using derivative-free optimization algorithms
Nikolaos Ploskas, Jianfeng Liu, Nikolaos Sahinidis -
SUSPECT: MINLP special structure detector for Python
Francesco Ceccon, Ruth Misener -
Optimizing large-scale linear energy problems with block diagonal structure by using parallel interior-point methods
Daniel Rehfeldt -
ParaXpress - a massively parallel mixed integer linear programing solver with the potential to harness over a million CPU cores
Yuji Shinano, Timo Berthold, Stefan Heinz
WB-58: Machine Learning and Data Analysis III
Stream: Emerging Applications of Data Analysis
Room: 4D UPV 2.4 (building 0)
Ivan Reyer, Sureyya Ozogur-Akyuz
Multivariate copulas in Bayesian classification
Jan Górecki -
Gaussian Bayesian networks and Gaussian mixture models applications of day-ahead forecast for the Spanish electricity market supply curves
Diego Gomez -
Real-time crash prediction in an urban expressway using disaggregated data
Franco Basso, Leonardo Basso, Francisco Bravo, Raul Pezoa -
Managing uncertainty using human centric analytics (HCA): a longitudinal case study
Christina Phillips
WB-59: Stochastic Aspects of Energy Management
Stream: Technical and Financial Aspects of Energy Problems
Room: 4D UPV 2.5 (building 0)
Raimund Kovacevic
Explicit solutions of stochastic energy storage problems
Martin Densing -
Multi-scale scenario generation for a power plant valuation problem
Martin Glanzer, Debora Daniela Escobar, Georg Pflug, Wim van Ackooij -
Dynamic stochastic programming. applications for the valuation of a coal power plant
Debora Daniela Escobar, Martin Glanzer, Georg Pflug, Wim van Ackooij -
Arbitrage conditions on a market with electricity production from fuel
Raimund Kovacevic
WB-60: Vendor Sessions
Stream: EURO Special Sessions
Room: 4D UPV B.5 (building 0)
Simon Jones
Model-based optimization with AMPL: From prototyping to deployment
Robert Fourer -
What's new in Gurobi 8.0
Kostja Siefen -
How to get published in research journals
Simon Jones
Wednesday, 12:30-14:00
WC-01: Online Optimization for Dynamic Matching Markets
Stream: Keynotes
Room: UPV Nexus (building 0)
Bernard Fortz
Online Optimization for Dynamic Matching Markets
Patrick Jaillet
WC-02: Innovative Applications I
Stream: DEA: Applications
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S101 (building 0)
José Dulá
Performance evaluation of mobile network operators in Japan
Norihiro Hayakawa, Yasufumi Saruwatari -
Applying DEA on accounting data to assess Spanish chemical companies: an analysis based on size and region
Amalia Rodrigo-González, Amparo Ruiz-Llopis -
Assessing performance in international mathematics competitions
Stella Sofianopoulou -
Post-modern DEA: DEA knowledge and skills for novel and innovative applications
José Dulá
WC-03: Stochastic Modeling of Production Systems
Stream: Production and Operations Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S103 (building 0)
Çerkez Ağayeva
Optimal harvesting policies to reduce the number of setups in biomanufacturing
Yesim Koca, Tugce Martagan, Lisa Maillart, Ivo Adan -
Exploiting random lead times for significant inventory cost savings
Qiong Wang, Alexander Stolyar -
A production queueing system in which product quality may deteriorates during processing.
Kuo-Hwa Chang -
Problems of singularity for stochastic switching systems with restrictions
Çerkez Ağayeva
WC-04: Optimal Control Applications II
Stream: Optimal Control Applications
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S104 (building 0)
Fabricio Oliveira
Analysis of serial production lines with phase-type processing times
Özgün Öztürk, Onder Bulut -
Managing logical constraints in 4D optimal trajectory planning for multiple aircraft
Dinesh Babu Seenivasan, Alberto Olivares, Ernesto Staffetti -
Refining replenishment policies with the internet of things: a control-theoretic approach
Christos Papanagnou -
Revisiting inventory control using stochastic programming
Fabricio Oliveira
WC-05: Heuristics for Vehicle Routing Problems I
Stream: Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S105 (building 0)
Daniele Vigo
Fleet composition for last-mile delivery service
Frédéric Semet, Ekaterina Alekseeva, Luce Brotcorne -
SISRs - slack induction by string removals for vehicle routing problems
Jan Christiaens -
A static move descriptor-based heuristic for the vehicle routing problem
Daniele Vigo, Luca Accorsi, Wout Dullaert, Birger Raa -
A two-phase solution algorithm for the flexible periodic vehicle routing problem
Claudia Archetti, Elena Fernandez, Diana Lucia Huerta Muñoz
WC-06: Stochastic Modeling in Queuing Systems
Stream: Stochastic Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, Management and Science
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S106 (building 0)
Hiroshi Toyoizumi
Cost-benefit analysis of four availability retrial models with warm standby components and general repair times
Kuo-Hsiung Wang -
Modelling of Bernoulli arrival process subject to binomial catastrophes
Nitin Kumar, Umesh Gupta -
M/M/? stochastic dynamic networks with joins and leaves
Hiroshi Toyoizumi
WC-07: Scheduling with Resource Constraints II
Stream: Scheduling with Resource Constraints
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S107 (building 0)
Pedro Alfaro-Fernandez
A novel disruptive innovation-like algorithm for single machine scheduling with sequence-dependent setup times
Chun-Lung Chen -
Minimizing the weighted tardiness penalties for parallel machines scheduling based on ATC dispatching rule
GEN-HAN WU, Wang-Xian Li -
Hybrid flow shop to minimize makespan: efficient constructive heuristics
Victor Fernandez-Viagas, Jose M. Molina-Pariente, Manuel Burgos, Paz Perez Gonzalez, Jose M Framinan -
Flow shop scheduling problem with additional resources
Pedro Alfaro-Fernandez, Rubén Ruiz
WC-08: Topics in Combinatorial Optimization
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S108 (building 0)
Valentina Cacchiani
Approximating the incremental knapsack problem
Ulrich Pferschy, Federico Della Croce, Rosario Scatamacchia -
Fractional knapsack problem with penalties: models and algorithms
Michele Monaci, Enrico Malaguti, Paolo Paronuzzi, Ulrich Pferschy -
A path-based formulation for the 2-reservoir hydro unit commitment problem
Dimitri Thomopulos, Wim van Ackooij, Pascal Benchimol, Claudia D'Ambrosio -
On the value of integration in supply chain planning
Martin Kidd, Maryam Darvish, Leandro Coelho
WC-09: Integrating Machine Learning in Optimization Methods
Stream: European Working Group: Data Science Meets Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S109 (building 0)
Kevin Tierney
A data science approach for OD matrix analysis in transportation modelling
Lídia Montero, Jaume Barceló, Xavier Ros-Roca -
Optimization of Shows Schedules on Linear Television
Sebastian Souyris, Jaime Miranda -
Online algorithm selection for operational-level combinatorial optimisation problems
Hans Degroote, Lars Kotthoff, Jose Luis Gonzalez-Velarde, Bernd Bischl, Patrick De Causmaecker -
Deep learning assisted heuristic tree search for the container pre-marshalling problem
André Hottung, Shunji Tanaka, Kevin Tierney
WC-10: MCDA and Environmental Management II
Stream: Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S110 (building 0)
Luisa Paolotti, Filippo Fiume Fagioli
A multi-criteria decision framework for the selection of biomass separation equipment
Pablo Brito-Parada, Junko Hutahaean, Jan Cilliers -
Towards the generation of social entrepreneurial impact in the traditional wood and biomass sector: a multi-criteria decision aid perspective
Olga Porro, Nuria Agell, Mónica Sánchez -
The Willingness to Pay for Sustainable Supplier Selection
Mehrnoosh Enjelasi, Behnam Fahimnia, Andrew Collins -
MCDA approach to the internal migration of regions: case of Serbia
Mladen Stamenković, Salvatore Corrente, Maja Jandric
WC-11: Dynamic Games in Operations Research
Stream: Applications of Dynamical Models
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S111 (building 0)
Margarida Catalão-Lopes
Price, time, and reliability competition for service delivery
Ata Jalili Marand, Hongyan Jenny Li, Anders Thorstenson -
A bi-level optimization formulation of priority service pricing
Yuting Mou, Anthony Papavasiliou, Philippe Chevalier -
Optimization of lot size flow with linking cost and individual profit of bargaining players of various tier wise purchasing capacities in supply chain network
Post-merger internal organization in multitier decentralized supply chains
Margarida Catalão-Lopes, Duarte Brito
WC-12: Port Operations
Stream: Maritime Transportation
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S112 (building 0)
Eva Vallada
A new lower bound and an iterative deepening hash-based branch-and-bound algorithm for container pre-marshalling
Consuelo Parreño-Torres, Shunji Tanaka, Kevin Tierney, Ramon Alvarez-Valdes, Rubén Ruiz -
A fast heuristic for the container pre-marshalling problem
Noemí Elizabeth Castañeda, Gerardo Minella, Rubén Ruiz -
Yard crane scheduling in Valencia's largest container terminal
Gerardo Minella -
Metaheuristics for the yard crane scheduling problem in a port container terminal
Eva Vallada, Fulgencia Villa, Ramon Alvarez-Valdes, Jose M. Belenguer
WC-13: Credit Card Risk Management
Stream: Financial Modeling, Risk Management and Managerial Accounting
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S201 (building 0)
Jonathan Crook
Optimal model selection in credit risk modeling
Marta Galvani, Silvia Figini -
Predicting credit card debt recovery rates: an empirical study using generalised additive models
Christophe Mues, Raffaella Calabrese, Mee Chi SO -
Regulatory policy to mitigate potential risks arising from contingent convertibles
Masaaki Kijima -
Survival models for credit cards with time varying coefficients
Jonathan Crook, Viani Djeundje
WC-14: ETHOR III Ethics and OR
Stream: OR and Ethics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S202 (building 0)
Pierre Kunsch, Cathal MacSwiney Brugha, Dorien DeTombe
Modelling ethical level in financial entity performance appraisal: assessment in a multi-dimensional framework using data envelopment analysis
Don Galagedera -
Ethical investment performance: evidence from the portfolio theory perspective
Noureddine Kouaissah, Sergio Ortobelli -
Optimization problems in designing a post-disaster relief system
Bela Vizvari -
Using soft systems methodology to incorporate ecological ethics and systems thinking in education
Lady Johanna Peñaloza-Farfán, Alberto Paucar-Caceres
WC-15: Scheduling Theory II
Stream: Scheduling Theory
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S203 (building 0)
Rafael Moras
Maximizing the weighted number of just-in-time jobs in a two-machine flow-shop system with scenario dependent job parameters
Miri Gilenson, dvir shabtay -
Relationship between common objective functions, idle time and waiting time in permutation flowshop scheduling
Kathrin Maassen, Paz Perez Gonzalez, Jose M Framinan -
Spectrum allocation problem in OFDM networks
Yash Aneja, R. Chandrasekaran, Xiangyong Li -
Antithetic sequences in flowshop scheduling: special cases of monster cell dominance
Rafael Moras, Gopalakrishnan Easwaran, Paul Uhlig
WC-16: Graphs and Networks
Stream: Graphs and Networks
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S115 (building 0)
Reinhardt Euler
A dynamic programming approach for computing all-terminal reliability of small networks with uniform probability
Naoya Makiishi, Natsumi Takahashi, Shao-Chin Sung -
Models and algorithms for transmission line route planning
Bernhard Primas, Natalia Shakhlevich -
Distributed leader election in wireless and IoT networks
Ahcene Bounceur, Madani Bezoui, Reinhardt Euler, Loic Lagadec, Mohammad Hammoudeh -
Boundary detection in wireless sensor networks by means of linear programming
Reinhardt Euler, Mohand Bentobache, Ahcene Bounceur
WC-17: Simulations and Queueing Systems
Stream: Stochastic and Robust Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S205 (building 0)
Anders Reenberg Andersen
Development of a bushfire evacuation support tool using workspace
Leorey Marquez, vincent lemiale, Rajesh Subramanian, Joel Robertson, Tim Gazzard, Peter Ashton -
A comprehensive comparison of confidence lower bound estimation methods for Weibull lower percentiles in small samples
Burak Birgoren, Meryem YALÇINKAYA -
Heuristic room type allocation for nursing wards
Anders Reenberg Andersen, Wim Vancroonenburg, Greet Vanden Berghe
WC-18: Traffic Flow and Control
Stream: Transportation
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S206 (building 0)
Paulina Reina
Estimating a spatiotemporal network of urban traffic flows
Dmitry Pavlyuk -
Data-driven spatio-temporal analysis of public transport usage in a metropolitan area
Merve Bakar, Gultekin Kuyzu -
Unfairness constrained system optimal routing of traffic flows on road networks
Valentina Morandi, Enrico Angelelli, M. Grazia Speranza -
Spatio-temporal characteristics of freeway traffic state transitions
Paulina Reina, George Saman
WC-19: Exploring Production/Inventory Systems via Probability Models
Stream: Supply Chain Management I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S207 (building 0)
Baris Balcioglu
Condition-based production planning: adjusting production rates to balance output and failure risk
Ruud Teunter, Michiel uit het Broek, Bram de Jonge, Nicky Van Foreest -
Joint pricing and replenishment decisions for an inventory system with a randomly fluctuating supply price process
Fikri Karaesmen, Caner Canyakmaz, Suleyman Ozekici -
Performance analysis of the extended-two-critical-number policy in different make-to-stock systems
Onder Bulut, Sinem Özkan -
Dynamic pricing and lead time quotation in a make-to-stock queue
Baris Balcioglu
WC-20: Decision Support for Medical Applications and Health Policy
Stream: Decision Analysis and Decision Support Systems
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S301 (building 0)
Aron Larsson
A data-based decision analytic approach for designing optimal testing and treatment strategies
Lauri Neuvonen -
A decision support system for Parkinson disease management: models for suggesting medication change
Marko Bohanec, Dragana Miljković, Anita Valmarska, Biljana Mileva-Boshkoska, Elisabetta Gasparoli, Giovanni Gentile, Konstantinos Koutsikos, Andrea Marcante, Angelo Antonini, Dimitrios Gatsios, George Rigas, Dimitrios Fotiadis, Kostas Tsiouris, Spiros Konitsiotis -
Do healthcare workers need cognitive-computing technologies?
Arthur Carvalho -
Decision appraisal framework for pandemic influenza interventions
Tobias Fasth, Anton Talantsev, Aron Larsson, Lisa Brouwers
WC-21: Applications of Smooth Nonconvex Programming
Stream: Nonlinear Programming: Theory
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S303 (building 0)
Hector Ramirez
Feasibility and cost minimisation for a lithium extraction problem
Paul Bosch, Juan Pablo Contreras, José Saavedra-Rosas -
An interior algorithm for nonlinear conic programs: application to classification problems
Julio López, Miguel Carrasco, Alfredo Canelas -
Double regularization methods for robust feature selection and SVM classification via DC programming
Miguel Carrasco, Julio López, Sebastian Maldonado -
Subdifferential characterization of Gaussian probability functions
Pedro Perez-Aros, Abderrahim Hantoute, Rene Henrion
WC-22: Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Methods
Stream: Multiobjective Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S304 (building 0)
Ernestas Filatovas
Decomposition-based interactive evolutionary optimization guided by multiple search directions compatible with indirect preference information
Michał Tomczyk, Milosz Kadzinski -
An evolutionary approach to constrained many-objective combinatorial optimization
Mert Sahinkoc, Ümit Bilge -
An integrated approach for evaluation of facility layout alternatives
Esra Duygu Durmaz, Ramazan Sahin -
A preference-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm with controllable approximation accuracy
Ernestas Filatovas, Ignacy Kaliszewski, Olga Kurasova, Janusz Miroforidis
WC-23: Lot Sizing IV - Integrated Models
Stream: Lot Sizing, Lot Scheduling and Production Planning
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S305 (building 0)
Nabil Absi
A mathematical programming approach to product line decisions
Xavier Andrade, Luis Guimarães, Gonçalo Figueira -
Decomposition of sequence dependent setup times in simultaneous lot sizing, scheduling, workforce, overtime and shift planning
Gorkem Yilmaz, Cevdet Utku Şafak -
A simple heuristic for the supply vehicle routing and lot sizing problem enhanced by genetic programming
Fanny Hein, Christian Almeder -
Comparing sequential and integrated approaches for the production routing problem
Nabil Absi, Claudia Archetti, Stéphane DAUZERE-PERES, Dominique Feillet, M. Grazia Speranza
WC-24: Convexity and Global Optimization
Stream: Global Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S306 (building 0)
Janos D. Pinter
Necessary optimality conditions for some nonconvex facility location problems
Marcus Hillmann -
Conditions on optimality and non-optimality in global optimiztaion
Pál Burai -
A global minimization algorithm for concave quadratic programming
Mohand Bentobache, Mohamed Telli, Abdelkader Mokhtari -
Packing general convex sets into polygons
Janos D. Pinter, Frank Kampas, Ignacio Castillo
WC-25: Combinatorial Optimization in Assembly Systems
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S307 (building 0)
Olga Battaïa, Erwin Pesch
An exact approach for sequencing assembly lines to facilitate just-in-time part feeding
Simon Emde, Lukas Polten -
An improved mathematical formulation for the production planning problem in additive manufacturing and 3D printing
F. Tevhide Altekin -
Task assignment in assembly lines with physical and cognitive ergonomic constraints
Olga Battaïa, Dmitry Arkhipov
WC-26: Bike Sharing and Demand Prediction
Stream: Public Transportation I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S308 (building 0)
Dalila Fontes
Setting incentives for user based relocation in free floating bike sharing systems
Christoph Heitz, Roman Etschmann, Thomas Bachmann, Raoul Stoeckle -
A mathematical model to evaluate balancing strategies of bicycle sharing systems
Pablo Andrés Maya Duque, Diana Marcela Perez , Miguel Angel Arroyave -
Incentives as a balancing mechanism in bike-sharing systems
Dalila Fontes, Ehsan Ali Askari, Sergiy Butenko -
Prediction methods improve bus services profitability
George Kireulishvili, Wolfgang Garn, James Aitken, Jane Hemsley-Brown
WC-27: Reverse Logistics / Remanufacturing
Stream: Production, Service and Supply Chain Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S309 (building 0)
Sandeep Mondal
A robust mathematical model to optimize an electronic reverse logistics network
Saman Hassanzadeh Amin, babak mohamadpour tosarkani -
Revenue management in remanufacturing under competition, cannibalization, and customer behavior
Nughthoh Arfawi Kurdhi, Shaunak Dabadghao, Jan Fransoo -
Mixture reliability analysis of a product consisting of new and remanufactured components
Sandeep Mondal, Kampan Mukherjee, Kaustov Chakraborty
WC-28: Tabu Search
Stream: Memory-based Heuristics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S310 (building 0)
Rafael Marti
New advanced heuristic methods for the VRP problem family
Piotr Sielski, Piotr Cybula, Marek Rogalski, Piotr Beling, Andrzej Jaszkiewicz -
Tabu search for hub location with modular links
Juanjo Peiró, Fred Glover, Angel Corberan, Rafael Marti -
Heuristics for the bi-objective diversity problem
J. Manuel Colmenar, Abraham Duarte, Rafael Marti -
Diversity, dispersion, and equity models
Rafael Marti, Abraham Duarte, Anna Martínez-Gavara
WC-29: Cutting and Packing III
Stream: Cutting and Packing
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S311 (building 0)
Maria Teresa Alonso Martínez
An approach for the pallet building problem and subsequent loading in a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles considering practical packing constraints
Daniel Cuellar-Usaquen, Guillermo Camacho, David Álvarez-Martínez -
MultiCapableWarehousePackagingOperators in vegetable and fruit warehouses
Wim De Bruyn -
Beam search for the 2D-single knapsack problem
Marta Cabo Nodar, Julia Bennell, Antonio Martinez Sykora, Carlos Alegría -
Solving the pallet-loading vehicle routing problem with stability constraints
Maria Teresa Alonso Martínez, Antonio Martinez Sykora, Julia Bennell, Ramon Alvarez-Valdes, Francisco Parreño
WC-30: Sharing in Transportation
Stream: Transportation and Logistics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S312 (building 0)
Francesca Maggioni, ROSSANA CAVAGNINI
Pricing strategy for ride-sourcing platforms
Luoyi Sun, Ruud Teunter, Guowei Hua -
Optimal rebalancing for bike sharing systems with information-assisted riders
Mohammad Javad Feizollahi, Xinchang Wang -
Locating take-off and landing sites for a VTOL-based ridesharing network in urban areas
Nitin Ahuja, Melanie Reuter-Oppermann -
Multi-objective stochastic optimization models for managing a bike sharing system
ROSSANA CAVAGNINI, Luca Bertazzi, Francesca Maggioni, Mike Hewitt
WC-31: Academic OR and Approaches
Stream: Soft OR, Problem Structuring Methods and Behavioural OR
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S313 (building 0)
Cigdem Kadaifci, Ilker Gölcük
Analysis of factors affecting the choice of academic conferences to participate
Cigdem Kadaifci, Umut Asan, Y. Ilker Topcu -
Problem-structuring method for safety analysis in the laboratory of injection systems for liquid propellants
Moacyr Machado Cardoso Junior, Marco Antonio Albuquerque, Luís Eduardo Loures da Costa, Sarah Francisca de Souza Borges, Mischel Carmen N. Belderrain -
Command and control (C2) enhancement in the management of air force logistic projects using multi-methodology
THIAGO DIAS, Daniel Pamplona, Tadeu Vale, Mischel Carmen N. Belderrain
WC-32: Dynamic Models in Game Theory I
Stream: Dynamic Models in Game Theory
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S314 (building 0)
Anton Bondarev
Repeated games for analysis of agreements on protection of the environment
Alexander Vasin, Anastasiia Divtsova -
Feedback strategies first-order zero-sum mean field type differential games
Yurii Averboukh -
Due date quotations in an observable make-to-order system with strategic customers and the effects of customer risk-aversion
Myron Benioudakis, George Ioannou, Apostolos Burnetas -
How optimal control may avoid chaotic dynamics: market inefficiency in asymmetric multi-modal differential games
Anton Bondarev
WC-33: New Applications and Perspectives II
Stream: Data Mining and Statistics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S315 (building 0)
Pakize Taylan
Time series forecasting of driving patterns using LSTM recurrent neural networks for energy management of plug-in vehicles
Orkun Karabasoglu, Damla Kesikburun, Deniz Türsel Eliiyi -
Network methods for fraud detection in the anti-fraud database
Michele Tumminello, Andrea Consiglio, Fabio Farabullini, Riccardo Cesari -
An assessment of the use of machine learning in modern ERP systems to provide competitive advantage for manufacturing companies
Mahmoud Abdelrahman, Christian Askvik-Hansen, Jamie Dyer, Carl McLaughlin, Aaron Wilcock -
The refugee game: blame thy neighbor for terrorism
Andreas Novak, Joao Faria, Aniruddha Bagchi, Timothy Mathews
WC-34: Game Theory and Mathematical Economics
Stream: Game Theory and Mathematical Economics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S113 (building 0)
Alper Nakkas
The impact of valuation heterogeneity on equilibrium prices in supply chain networks
Alper Nakkas -
Retiree decision making and parameter interchangeability under Epstein-Zin preferences
Asiye Aydilek, Harun Aydilek -
Dominance in game theory: new concepts
Gabriel Solari Carbajal -
Price zones and investment incentives in electricity markets: an application of multi-level optimization with graph partitioning
Mirjam Ambrosius, Veronika Grimm, Thomas Kleinert, Frauke Liers, Martin Schmidt, Gregor Zöttl
WC-48: OR in Water Management
Stream: OR in Water and Hydro Energy Management
Room: 4D UPV B.3 (building 0)
Corinna Hallmann
Optimization of booster disinfection stations in water distribution networks
Caglayan Sert, A. Burcu Altan-Sakarya -
A model for optimal water resources allocation: a special application to the Lake Chad Basin
Noe Careme Fouotsa Manfouo -
Sparse polynomial optimization for water networks
Bissan Ghaddar, Mathieu Claeys, Martin Mevissen, Bradley Eck -
Generating models for water distribution systems
Corinna Hallmann, Stefan Kuhlemann
WC-49: Emerging Applications in Management Science
Stream: Emerging Applications in Portfolio Selection and Management Science
Room: 4D UPV B.4 (building 0)
Juana-Maria Vivo-Molina
Evaluating risks in agri-food value chain in developed and developing economies: a multi-stakeholder perspective
Sonal Choudhary, Manish Shukla, Mike Simpson, Rakesh Nayak -
Attribution and timing for revenue growth in knowledge-intensive organizations
A. D. Amar, Januj Juneja -
Estimation of a load-sharing model for two-component parallel systems
Juana-Maria Vivo-Molina, Manuel Franco -
Analyzing the effects of health policies on the public benefit through simulation
Aydin Teymourifar, Onur Kaya, Gurkan Ozturk
WC-51: Health Informatics and Modeling
Stream: OR for Health and Care II
Room: 4D UPV 1.2 (building 0)
Joel Joris Van de Klundert
Improving trauma outcome prediction models using patients' vital signs
Fatima Almaghrabi, Dong-Ling Xu, Jian-Bo Yang -
Screening for breast cancer: the role of supplemental tests and breast density information
Burhaneddin Sandikci -
Investigative study on using standardized implants for knee and hip joint replacement and its effect on lifestyle post surgery in India
Modelling why and when Chinese citizens bypass primary care
Joel Joris Van de Klundert, Qingxia Kong
WC-52: Pricing and Revenue Management II
Stream: Analytics and Pricing
Room: 4D UPV 1.3 (building 0)
Luce Brotcorne
Choice of mixed opaque marketing strategy of OTA
Zhaofang Mao, Xiaomei Li -
Consumers' willingness to pay and firms' cost differentiation on price competition for multiple bundles
Juan Perez, Héctor López-Ospina, Álvaro Flores -
Optimizing conditional value-at-risk in dynamic pricing
Jochen Gönsch, Michael Hassler, Rouven Schur -
From revenue management to profit management: capacity control via dynamic stochastic programming
Giovanni Giallombardo, Francesca Guerriero, Giovanna Miglionico
WC-53: Energy Management
Stream: Stochastic Assessment of Renewable Energy
Room: 4D UPV 1.4 (building 0)
John Boland
Computing energy system transformation pathways with high spatial and temporal resolution
Manuel Wetzel -
Energy consumption scheduling of electrical devices with various types in a household
Ümmühan Başaran Filik, oguzkagan alic -
Do smart grids increase solar homes price premiums?
Chiara D'Alpaos, Michele Moretto -
Real options applied to South African electricity capacity expansion
Mantombi Bashe
WC-54: Applied OR at SINTEF
Stream: Applied OR
Room: 4D UPV 1.6 (building 0)
Geir Hasle
The role of research organizations in SESAR 2020
Trond Bakken -
Multiagent planning in airport and air traffic management
Anders Albert -
Rolling stock maintenance scheduling
Daniel Palhazi Cuervo, Lukas Bach -
Scheduling professional football leagues
Lukas Bach, Oddvar Kloster, Celso Ribeiro
WC-55: Agile SD: Hands On
Stream: Making an Impact I
Room: 4D UPV 2.1 (building 0)
Kim Warren
Living business models: fast, effective, reliable
Kim Warren, Giancarlo Bigi
WC-56: Routing for Dial-a-Ride and Home Health Care Services
Stream: Healthcare Logistics
Room: 4D UPV 2.2 (building 0)
Kris Braekers, Yves Molenbruch
Decomposition methods for the workforce scheduling and routing problem
Matthieu GONDRAN, Philippe LACOMME, Tchernev Nikolai, Thierry Garaix, Dario Landa-Silva -
Dial-a-ride with real-time disruptions
Célia Paquay, Yves Crama, Thierry Pironet -
On-demand public transport planning
Evelien van der Hurk -
Integrating dial-a-ride services and public transport
Yves Molenbruch, Kris Braekers, Patrick Hirsch, Marco Oberscheider
WC-57: Machine Learning or Operations Research
Stream: Making an Impact I
Room: 4D UPV 2.3 (building 0)
Ronald Buitenhek
Machine learning or operations research: how can consultants provide the best advice to their customers?
Ronald Buitenhek, Tim van Luxemburg
WC-58: Data Analysis and Applications
Stream: Emerging Applications of Data Analysis
Room: 4D UPV 2.4 (building 0)
Vadim Strijov, Mariusz Kaleta
Optimal clustering of stations for the bike sharing system in Seoul
Kwanghun Chung -
Forecasting international migration based on a hybrid fuzzy and Bayesian method
Duygun Fatih Demirel, Melek BASAK -
Influence maximization with deactivation in social networks
Kübra Tanınmış, Necati Aras, I. Kuban Altinel -
Network market engineering - connecting the dots
Mariusz Kaleta
WC-59: Decision Making under Uncertainty in Gas and Electric Energy Systems
Stream: Technical and Financial Aspects of Energy Problems
Room: 4D UPV 2.5 (building 0)
Miguel Carrión
A bi-objective multi-period optimization model for energy planning
Chandra Irawan, Peter Hofman -
The economics of daily natural gas demand in France and in the UK
Arthur Thomas, Olivier Massol -
Development of a cost forecasting model on aviation service delay by low visibility
Hee Kyung Kim, Jae Ung Seok, Chang Won Lee -
Optimal management of combined-cycle gas units with gas storage under uncertainty
Hernán Gómez-Villarreal, Miguel Carrión, Ruth Dominguez
WC-60: Meet the editors TOP
Stream: EURO Special Sessions
Room: 4D UPV B.5 (building 0)
Gustavo Bergantinos
Wednesday, 14:30-16:00
WD-01: The hazards of trading volatility
Stream: Keynotes
Room: UPV Nexus (building 0)
Rita D'Ecclesia
The hazards of trading volatility
Carol Alexander
WD-02: Innovative Applications II
Stream: DEA: Applications
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S101 (building 0)
Erdem Aksakal
The DEA method and its application possibilities for measuring efficiency in the public sector
Ewa Cichowicz, Ewa Rollnik-Sadowska -
A frontier model for public bidding in government procurement
Marcos Estellita Lins, Nilson Trevisan, Angela Cristina Moreira da Silva, José Dulá -
Using a MCDEA model for proposing a new efficiency indicator to manufacturing processes
Carlos Ushizima, Fernando Marins, Aneirson Silva, Erica Dias, Marcelo Figueiredo, Raphaela Bueno -
On the problem of benchmarking dependent decision making units and common inputs in DEA: measuring efficiencies of university faculties and careers within those faculties
Sonia Avilés-Sacoto, Wade Cook, David Güemes-Castorena, Joe Zhu
WD-03: Stochastic Inventory Control
Stream: Production and Operations Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S103 (building 0)
Taher Ahmadi
Capacity planning, resource utilization, and safety stock placement in a supply network
Foad Ghadimi, Tarik Aouam -
Controlling excess stock in (s, S) inventory systems with uncertain returns
Determining warehouse reorder point considering retailers' decision biases under (R,Q) policies
Samantha Seayoung Park, Yong Won Seo -
Optimal control policies for an ATO system with commitment lead time
Taher Ahmadi, Zumbul Atan, Ton de Kok, Ivo Adan
WD-04: Optimal Control Applications III
Stream: Optimal Control Applications
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S104 (building 0)
Raúl de Celis
Optimization techniques for robotic exploration
Christian Meerpohl, Kathrin Flaßkamp, Christof Büskens -
Condition-based production and maintenance
Michiel uit het Broek, Ruud Teunter, Bram de Jonge -
A pseudospectral framework for optimal train control
Rob Goverde, Gerben Scheepmaker, Pengling Wang -
Airport arrival management: an optimal descent trajectory and runway assignment integrated model
Raúl de Celis, Adrián Barea, Luis Cadarso
WD-05: Heuristics for Vehicle Routing Problems II
Stream: Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S105 (building 0)
Jose Escribano
Optimizing a 2-echelon distribution system with temporary intermediate facilities
Vincent F. Yu, Hsiu-I Ting, Shih-Wei Lin, Winarno Winarno, Aldy Gunawan -
Large neighborhood search approaches for multi-trip vehicle routing with time windows and driver shifts
Véronique François, Yasemin Arda, Yves Crama -
Optimization of employee transportation services
Bengisu Tosun, Fulya Fidan, Simgenil Arslan, Gulce Haner Guler, Erdinc Oner -
Cooperative conflict avoidance and path improvement heuristics for humanitarian unmanned aerial vehicles
Jose Escribano, Panagiotis Angeloudis, Washington Ochieng
WD-06: Scheduling and Project Management
Stream: Scheduling, Timetabling and Project Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S106 (building 0)
Tomas Subrt
Integrated smart history in project management
Banu OZKESER, Cuneyt Karaarslan -
A spatio-temporal packing problem in stem cell culture industry
Jongyoon Park, Kyungsik Lee, Jinil Han -
IT project management: service operations' supply chain optimization
Alexey Zalozhnev, Denis Peremezhko, Vasily Ginz -
Modification of crucial earned value parameters for modern project management
Tomas Subrt, Jan Bartoska, Petr Kucera
WD-07: Scheduling with Resource Constraints III
Stream: Scheduling with Resource Constraints
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S107 (building 0)
Krzysztof Fleszar
Mixed integer programming based merge search for open pit block scheduling
Davaatseren Baatar, Dhananjay Thiruvady, Andreas Ernst, Mohan Krishnamoorthy, Angus Kenny, Angus Kenny, Gaurav Singh -
A MILP model for the unrelated parallel two-machine scheduling problem with a resource constraint
Krzysztof Fleszar, Khalil Hindi -
Resource-constrained project scheduling with alternative activity chains and time considerations for production planning with multiple lots
Viktoria Hauder, Andreas Beham, Sebastian Raggl, Sophie Parragh, Michael Affenzeller
WD-08: Advances in Combinatorial Aspects of Optimal Control
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S108 (building 0)
João Lauro Faco'
Design and development of discrete optimization approach for agro product clustering: case study of TR72 region in Turkey
Giray Resat -
Optimal coordinated bidding of a profit maximizing risk-averse EV aggregator under uncertainty
Yelena Vardanyan, Henrik Madsen -
Solving linearly-constrained mixed-integer nonlinear (MINLP) global optimization using GRASP metaheuristic
João Lauro Faco', Ricardo Silva, Mauricio Resende
WD-09: Optimization of Machine Learning Models
Stream: European Working Group: Data Science Meets Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S109 (building 0)
Dimitri Papadimitriou
Fractional Euclidean distance matrices for Kriging surrogate model
Natalija Pozniak, Leonidas Sakalauskas -
Recurrent parameter estimation algorithm in hidden Markov models with application to multivariate data analysis and signal recognition
Jūratė Vaičiulytė, Leonidas Sakalauskas -
A novel optimization based algorithm for multi-class data classification problem
Fatih Rahim, Metin Turkay -
Combined structure and weight learning for neural networks
Dimitri Papadimitriou
WD-10: System Dynamics Modeling and Simulation
Stream: System Dynamics Modeling and Simulation
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S110 (building 0)
Evgenia Ushakova
Models of regulatory fit
Ann van Ackere, Erik Larsen -
A system dynamics model of emergency department crowding in Singapore: ways to restore the balance between demand for and supply of emergency medicine
Lukas Schoenenberger, John Ansah, Salman Ahmad, Lin Hui Lee, Yuzeng Shen -
Structural analysis of conceptual maps and simulation
Mathias Beck, Lukas Schoenenberger -
Causal structures of financial markets: a dynamic simulation model
Evgenia Ushakova, Chaiporn Vithessonthi, Markus Schwaninger
WD-11: Game Theory Models
Stream: Applications of Dynamical Models
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S111 (building 0)
Eleonora Fendekova
Study on the relationships between the agency charges of the public procurement and its corruption
Huirong Jing, Wenxin Jing -
A game theory approach to determine the optimal penalty of online copyright infringement
I-Hsuan Hong -
Endogenous timing in a quantity duopoly with differentiated products
Eduardo Zuñiga, Leonardo Basso, Pedro Jara -
Utilizing of microeconomic and optimization models in protection and formation of competitive environment in Slovakia
Eleonora Fendekova, Michal Fendek
WD-12: Hyper-heuristics
Stream: Hyperheuristics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S112 (building 0)
Víctor Parada
Evolutionary algorithms and supply chain network design: a comparative analysis on the effectiveness of heuristics, meta-heuristic and hyper-heuristics
Sahar Validi -
A hyperheuristic framework to optimise the implementation of dual local search
Mona Hamid, Jamal Ouenniche -
Automatically generated hybrid algorithms
Víctor Parada, Carlos Contreras-Bolton, Carlos Rey
WD-13: Risk Measurement and Management
Stream: Financial Modeling, Risk Management and Managerial Accounting
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S201 (building 0)
Michalis Doumpos
Psychographic segmentation of Italian bank customers
caterina liberati, Galina Andreeva -
The impact of collection actions on recovery rates using retail loan level panel data
Angela Freitas de Moraes, Galina Andreeva, Jonathan Crook -
Risk management for sovereign debt
Stavros A. Zenios, Andrea Consiglio -
Developing predictive models for US bank failures: an empirical analysis using machine learning approaches
Michalis Doumpos, Georgios Manthoulis, Constantin Zopounidis, Emilios Galariotis, George Baourakis
WD-14: ETHOR IV Ethics and OR last part - Award Ceremony
Stream: OR and Ethics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S202 (building 0)
Pierre Kunsch, Cathal MacSwiney Brugha, Dorien DeTombe, Ulrike Reisach, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber
Democracy unveiled by OR
Cindy-Ricarda Roberts
WD-15: Scheduling Theory III
Stream: Scheduling Theory
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S203 (building 0)
Paz Perez Gonzalez
Scheduling with additional resources in the setups
Juan Camilo Yepes Borrero, Federico Perea, Fulgencia Villa -
Unrelated parallel machines problem with setups, resources and makespan minimization
Luis Fanjul Peyró, Rubén Ruiz, Federico Perea -
A computational evaluation of approaches for flowshop scheduling with variability of the processing times
Jose M Framinan, Paz Perez Gonzalez, Victor Fernandez-Viagas -
Scheduling unpaced assembly lines with limited buffers: a mathematical model and some solving methods
Carlos Andres, Julien Maheut
WD-16: Graphs and Networks II
Stream: Graphs and Networks
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S115 (building 0)
Alessandra Cornaro
Online search problems with traveling and search costs on undirected graphs
Davood Shiri, Sibel Salman -
On maximum cycle packings in minimum 3-connected graphs
Christin Otto -
Critical node problem based on connectivity index and properties of components
Binwu Zhang, Xiucui Guan -
Assessing robustness in complex networks through the Kirchhoff index
Alessandra Cornaro, Monica Bianchi, Gian Paolo Clemente, Anna Torriero
WD-17: Reliability and Robust Optimization
Stream: Stochastic and Robust Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S205 (building 0)
Eric Bourreau
Robust single machine scheduling with uncertain interval processing times for minimising weighted completion time
Allen Zhou, Amir Salehipour, Feng-Jang Hwang -
A novel replacement policy for a mechanical system with imperfect maintenance and gradual degradation
Aynura Poladova, Salih Tekin, Tahir Khaniyev -
Robust Rolling Stock Rescheduling
Joris Wagenaar -
Robust optimisation on GPU. A use case with shortest path problem
Eric Bourreau, Michael Poss
WD-18: Soft Computing in Transportation Problems
Stream: Transportation
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S206 (building 0)
Sandra Zajac
Decision making policies for integrated vehicle scheduling and container storage allocation in a straddle carrier system: risk neutral and risk averse analysis
Jiabin Luo, Yue Wu -
Optimization of operational offshore wind farm maintenance scheduling under uncertainty
Toby Kingsman, Burak Boyaci -
A modified nonlinear Muskingum flood routing model with lateral flow contribution
Ersin Bahar, Gurhan Gurarslan, M. Tamer Ayvaz -
Determining unpredictable routes for reasons of security
Sandra Zajac
WD-19: Supply Chain Design and Operations
Stream: Supply Chain Management I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S207 (building 0)
Nesim Erkip, Burcu Keskin
Value of supplier flexibility and initial shelf life information in an EOQ environment
Z. Pelin Bayindir, İsmail Serdar Bakal, Ceren Sar -
Data driven robust order batching decisions for warehouse operations management: a branch and price approach
Vedat Bayram, Gohram Baloch, Fatma Gzara, Samir Elhedhli -
A cooperative shipment consolidation game
Secil Savasaneril, Banu Yuksel Ozkaya -
Designing an omnichannel distribution system with inventory rationing policies
Burcu Keskin, Jia Guo
WD-21: Convexity on Riemannian Manifolds, Feasibility and Equilibrium
Stream: Nonlinear Programming: Theory
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S303 (building 0)
Sandor Zoltan Nemeth
Linear complementarity problems on extended second order cones
Lianghai Xiao, Sandor Zoltan Nemeth -
Stable and scalable incremental nonconvex optimization approach for phase retrieval from minimal measurements
On the spherical convexity of quadratic functions
Sandor Zoltan Nemeth, Orizon P Ferreira -
Patricia Balderas
WD-22: Methods and Theory of Multiobjective Optimization
Stream: Multiobjective Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S304 (building 0)
Theodor Stewart
When to burn it? Bi-objective scheduling on a restricted batching machine
Edgar Possani, Marta Cabo Nodar, Jose Luis Gonzalez-Velarde, yasmin rios-solis -
Formation of homogenous sections of students based on multiple characteristics
Shubhabrata Das -
Numerical experimentation with multiobjective optimization using multiple reference points
Theodor Stewart
WD-23: Lot Sizing V - Extensions
Stream: Lot Sizing, Lot Scheduling and Production Planning
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S305 (building 0)
Nadjib Brahimi
Dynamic lot-sizing in a reverse logistics environment
Aaron Luntala Nsakanda, Moustapha Diaby -
A lot-sizing problem in deliberated and controlled co-production systems
Z. Caner Taşkın, Bahadir Pamuk, Semra Agrali -
Valid inequalities for the proportional lot-sizing and scheduling problem with fictitious micro-periods
Waldemar Kaczmarczyk -
Solving a lot sizing problem with lead time sensitive demands
Nadjib Brahimi, Adam Ferreira, Ramzi Hammami
WD-24: Miscellaneous Topics related to Global Optimization
Stream: Global Optimization
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S306 (building 0)
Marco Castellani
Adaptive space-filling designs for large-scale metamodel-assisted expensive black-box optimization
Rommel Regis -
Support to decision making in a semi-continuous canning process
Carlos Gómez Palacín, José Luis Pitarch Pérez, MENDEZ CARLOS, Cesar de Prada, Miguel Antonio López -
Obtaining deep local minima of smooth functions by using local optimization with global multidimensional search
Juan José Mesas, Albert Ferrer, Luis Sainz -
Ekeland's principle for equilibrium problems
Marco Castellani
WD-25: Scheduling Applications in Urban and Rail Logistics
Stream: Combinatorial Optimization II
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S307 (building 0)
Dominik Kress, Erwin Pesch
Assignment of collection centers and routing of recycling vehicles in a city
Lorena Pradenas, Sergio Aliaga -
Single track railway scheduling problem
Grzegorz Pawlak, Jacek Blazewicz, Gaurav Singh -
A dynamic programming approach for scheduling cooperative gantry cranes
Dominik Kress, Jan Dornseifer, Florian Jaehn
WD-26: Freight Transportation
Stream: Public Transportation I
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S308 (building 0)
Pengling Wang
Integrating terminal processes in the demand-flow problem for European railway networks
Tobias Pollehn, Moritz Ruf -
Reliability analysis of a rail truck intermodal network
Kiran Ali -
Branch and price approach for a vehicle routing problem in public service
Cansu Yurtseven, Merve Avcı, Deniz Türsel Eliiyi -
Running time prediction for optimal freight train merging
Pengling Wang, Rob Goverde
WD-27: Quality Management
Stream: Production, Service and Supply Chain Management
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S309 (building 0)
Ashkan Keykavoussi, Ahmad Ebrahimi
Optimal supplier quality development under uncertainty
Guven Demirel, John Quigley, Lesley Walls, Bart MacCarthy, Mahdi Parsa -
Queueing system with vacations, disasters and repairs under diferrent control policies
George Mytalas -
Warranty parameters for extended two-dimensional warranties incorporating consumer preferences
Amitava Mitra -
The implementation of lean manufacturing utilizing fuzzy value stream mapping (case study: SAIPA automobile manufacturing group)
Ahmad Ebrahimi, Ashkan Keykavoussi
WD-28: Machine learning
Stream: Machine Learning
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S310 (building 0)
Michal Walczak
Oprimized neural networks applications for aircraft engine modeling
Ruxandra Botez -
Convolutional deep neural network model to classify citizen complaints in Bogotaì
Xavier Gonzalez -
Improved operational excellence through big data analytics
Andreas Felsberger, Boualem Rabta, Gerald Reiner -
Chemical process design aided by grey-box modelling
Michal Walczak, Raoul Heese, Tobias Seidel, Michael Bortz
WD-29: Cutting and Packing IV
Stream: Cutting and Packing
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S311 (building 0)
J. M. Valerio de Carvalho
Modeling and solving the open-end bin packing problem with incompatibility constraints
Mohamed MAIZA -
One-dimensional cutting stock instances for which few patterns are needed
Arnaud Vandaele -
When bin packing meets scheduling: a case of just-in-time batch scheduling with bin packing constraints
Sergey Polyakovskiy, Rym M'Hallah -
A strong integer linear optimization model to the compartmentalized knapsack problem
J. M. Valerio de Carvalho, John Quiroga-Orozco, Robinson Hoto
WD-30: Vehicle Routing: Recent Theory and Applications
Stream: Transportation and Logistics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S312 (building 0)
Riccardo Rossi
Electric vehicle routing problem with time windows and ambient temperature effect
Bülent Çatay, Sina Rastani, Tugce Yuksel -
Branch-and-price for probabilistic vehicle routing
Mathias Klapp, Felipe Lagoo, Alejandro Toriello -
An integrated fleet management model introducing alternative fuel trucks into existing diesel fleets
Ilke Bakir, Alan Erera -
Crash prediction at road intersections based on extreme value theory
Riccardo Rossi, Massimiliano Gastaldi, Federico Orsini
WD-31: Strategy and Soft OR
Stream: Soft OR, Problem Structuring Methods and Behavioural OR
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S313 (building 0)
Colin Eden
Cognitive mapping with preference analysis in selecting cases for multinational and multi-discipline research projects
Jukka Tikkanen -
A conceptual framework for incorporating Maturana's onto-epistemology into Checkland's soft systems methodology
Alberto Paucar-Caceres, Bruno Jerardino-Wiesenborn -
Causal mapping workshops and strategic development
Parmjit Kaur, Ashley Carreras -
Developing robust strategy: modelling stakeholder interactions - a case example
Colin Eden
WD-32: Dynamic Models in Game Theory II
Stream: Dynamic Models in Game Theory
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S314 (building 0)
Jiajia He
A game-theoretic approach to solving the dynamic traveling salesman problem
Svetlana Tarashnina, Yaroslavna Pankratova -
Population dynamics in electricity markets: going against the flow
Athanasios Papakonstantinou, Jethro Browell, Pierre Pinson
WD-33: New Applications and Perspectives III
Stream: Data Mining and Statistics
Room: SOUTH BUILDING UV S315 (building 0)
Applying cluster analysis and collaborative filtering to develop hybrid recommendation for personalized picture book
Ling-Jing Kao, Chih-Chou Chiu, April Ying-Chieh Chiu -
Homogenous or heterogeneous? Demand effect of user similarity network in online video website
Jun Yang, Hongjun Huang, Ling Zhao -
Personalized detection - integrating epidemic modeling and user behavior to improve malware detection
Amir Yavneh, Roy Lothan, Dan Yamin -
Characterization for the determination of production times using fuzzy clustering and relative risks
Maria Pastuizaca, Francisco Moreira
WD-48: OR in Hydro Energy Management
Stream: OR in Water and Hydro Energy Management
Room: 4D UPV B.3 (building 0)
Jorge Daniel Páez Mendieta
Heuristic for dispatching of seasonal hydro storage power plants
Florian Zimmermann -
Decompostion techniques in hydro storage valuation and scheduling
Vadim Omelčenko -
Comparison of algorithms for valuation of hydroelectric pumped storages
Maik Günther, Christoph Rapp -
Optimal design of a hybrid power system in Fernando de Noronha Island
Jorge Daniel Páez Mendieta, Caroline Paulino, Paulo Correia, Ieda Geriberto Hidalgo
WD-49: Emerging Applications in Portfolio Selection and Management Science
Stream: Emerging Applications in Portfolio Selection and Management Science
Room: 4D UPV B.4 (building 0)
Enrique Alba
A Fama and French four factor model
Juane Trinidad-Segovia, Maria de las Nieves López-García, MIGUEL A. SANCHEZ-GRANERO, Igor Pouchkarev -
Using heuristics to maximize costumer attractiveness in retail stores
Sara Hatami, Mage Marmol, Leandro Martins, Angel A. Juan, Vicente Fernández -
New challenges for OR in smart cities
Enrique Alba -
Managing knowledge in public R&D: cases of regional specialization strategies adopted by national laboratories in India
WD-51: Planning and Scheduling for Health Care
Stream: OR for Health and Care II
Room: 4D UPV 1.2 (building 0)
Rosita Guido
Stochastic kidney exchange problem
Bart Smeulders, Yves Crama, Frits Spieksma -
Heuristic solutions for kidney exchange program
Utkarsh Verma, Narayan Rangaraj -
Analyzing economies of scale and scope in hospitals by use of case mix planning
Jens Brunner, Sebastian McRae -
Patient admission, surgery planning and bed assignments problems: a solution approach
Rosita Guido, Vittorio Solina, Giovanni Mirabelli, Domenico Conforti
WD-52: Pricing and Revenue Management III
Stream: Analytics and Pricing
Room: 4D UPV 1.3 (building 0)
André Schnabel
Pricing and coordination decision in closed-loop supply chain considering joint advertising
Juhong Gao -
Optimal order quantity and dynamic pricing for multiple, vertically-differentiated products
Prasenjit Mandal -
Dynamic pricing of new products in competitive markets: a mean-field game approach
Régis Chenavaz, Corina Paraschiv, Gabriel Turinici -
Simulation-based service portfolio optimization
André Schnabel, Carolin Kellenbrink
WD-53: Electricity Supply
Stream: Stochastic Assessment of Renewable Energy
Room: 4D UPV 1.4 (building 0)
John Boland
Analysis and clustering of residential electricity consumers using smart meter data
Olga Varganova, Behzad Samii -
A shared balancing responsibility model for the integration of ancillary services from demand side management and distributed generation
Cristina Núñez-del-Toro, Cristina Corchero, Pol Paradell, Gerard del Rosario -
Real-time energy dispatching in smart microgrids
Selçuk Gören, Ahmet Önen, Yeliz Yoldaş, Salem Al-Agtash, Brian Azzopardi, Nis Martensen, Jose L. Martinez-Ramos, Tsolakis Apostolos, Dimitrios Tzovaras, Lenos Hadjidemetriou, Mounir Khiat, Tim Camilleri, Nicholas Borg -
Long-term wind power forecasting using singular spectrum analysis
Soraida Aguilar, Paula Maçaira, Reinaldo Souza, Fernando Luiz Cyrino Oliveira
WD-54: Personnel Scheduling Applications
Stream: Applied OR
Room: 4D UPV 1.6 (building 0)
Geir Hasle
Airline cabin crew rostering based on a column generation algorithm
Nan Xu, Mingyu Zhao, Fan Yang, Zhiyao Zhang -
Modelling real-world strict seniority bidding problems in airline crew rostering
Andriy Svynaryov, Magnus Björk, Paweł Pietrzak -
Analysis of firefighter absences and hiring schedule optimization at a Canadian fire department
Tamon Stephen -
Making schedule recommendations for managing personal processes by using a constraint programming model
Sercan Oruc, P. Erhan Eren, Altan Koçyiğit, Sencer Yeralan
WD-55: Ethical Dilemmas in Everyday Practice
Stream: Making an Impact I
Room: 4D UPV 2.1 (building 0)
Ruth Kaufman
Ethical dilemmas in everyday practice
Ruth Kaufman
WD-56: Scheduling Problems in Hospitals
Stream: Healthcare Logistics
Room: 4D UPV 2.2 (building 0)
Inês Marques
Multi-appointment scheduling in a diagnostic facility
Joren Marynissen, Erik Demeulemeester -
The introduction of pediatric operating room sessions: quality vs efficiency
Carla Van Riet, Erik Demeulemeester -
Reallocate operating room time among surgical services
Luisa Lubomirska, Inês Marques -
Blood supply chain planning: the Portuguese case
Ana Margarida Araújo, Inês Marques, Ana Barbosa-Povoa
Wednesday, 17:30-18:30
WE-01: Theory can sometimes be useful
Stream: Plenaries
Room: Opera House (building 0)
Greet Vanden Berghe
Theory can sometimes be useful
Gerhard Woeginger
Wednesday, 18:45-20:00
WF-01: Closing Session
Stream: Opening and Closing
Room: Opera House (building 0)
Ramon Alvarez-Valdes, Rubén Ruiz
Closing session
Ramon Alvarez-Valdes, Rubén Ruiz