Using prescriptive models for decision support in the planning and budgeting of infrastructure investments in Health – Use cases

Presented by Parvathy Krishnan, Lead Data Scientist

The Geospatial Planning & Budgeting Platform is being developed by researchers and practitioners from Analytics for a Better World Institute in close collaboration with World Bank.

These digital decision-support interfaces focus on promoting inclusive and resilient access to social and economic infrastructure services, including for health. The Geospatial Planning and Budgeting Platform (GPBP) provides users with online, interactive, and collaboration-friendly interfaces for powerful descriptive and prescriptive decision support. The GPBP user interfaces for any given problem statements (or “use-cases”) are presented in two forms:

(i) an interactive website for non-technical end-users,

(ii) a Jupyter Notebook environment that allows for exploratory and background analytics and visualization to be made more transparent and accessible.

In this talk, the overview of two GPBP use cases – Health Facility Location Optimisation in Timor Leste and Stroke Case Accessibility Optimization in Vietnam – will be explained. The challenges and opportunities of this platform along with potential extensions and the plans for the way forward will also be discussed.