EWG POR 4th Annual Workshop

This Annual Workshop, on 16 November 2021, is designed in an inviting online setting on gather.town, where OR and analytics professionals from across Europe and beyond will have a chance to make connections, collaborate and share experience on what works and what doesn’t when OR meets practice.

Programme includes:

– plenary keynote : Analytics for a better world: using OR to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (Plenary speaker: Dick den Hertog, co-founder of “Analytics for a Better World”)

– lightning talks:

  • How mathematical optimization provides more effective coordination between air traffic controllers (Patrick Schittekat, SINTEF)
  • Bringing advanced modelling methods together to solve OR problems: Simulation and reinforcement learning for 3D bin packing (Yi (Joy) Kuo, DecisionLab)
  • Who should work on Christmas? (Emily Curry, Jeppesen)
  • Managing disruptions in the supply chain with scenario-based optimization (Juan-Manuel Garcia-López, FICO)
  • Using the 6 Capital Value Framework to incorporate environmental, customer and performance goals: business planning in the water industry (Cicely Striolo, Copperleaf )
  • Building central OR expertise for Deutsche Post DHL (Baris Cem Sal, Deutsche Post DHL)

– speed networking

– discussion groups,

– informal mingling, and

– the official launch of the Practice of OR Forum.

EWG-POR 2021 Working Group Meeting – EURO Working Group on Practice of OR (euro-online.org)