Operations Research towards Technology Transfer: from Data to Actionable Knowledge

Department of Economics and Business Studies (DIEC) University of Genova, via F. Vivaldi, 5 - Darsena, Genova, Genova, Italy

Save the date: on September 5th, 2019, in the wonderful city of Genoa (Italy) will take place the workshop Operations Research towards Technology Transfer: from Data to Actionable Knowledge. The meeting will bring together companies and researchers to exchange ideas, knowledge and expertise, promote collaborations and outline the forthcoming landscape for Operational Research driven innovation. […]


EURO-k 2019

Dublin , Ireland

It's time for the big EURO conference, and again the working group is present with the Making An Impact track. For more information here is the link to the official Making an Impact page at EURO-k 2019

IT Research Workshop at IFIP World Computer Congress

Poznan University of Technology Poznan, Poland

In conjuction with the IFIP WCC there will be a workshop focused on the collaboration between academia and industry. One of our members Andrzej Jaszkiewicz will be the chair and are looking forward to meet you. Have a look at the call for papers below. ITRW18-CallForPapers


OR60 – The UK’s 60th annual OR Conference

Lancaster University , United Kingdom

The UK OR conference, 11-13 September 2018 celebrates its 60th anniversary. It will take place in Lancaster University, the first university in the UK with an OR department, with a long history of applied OR and liaision with industry and practice. The scientific programme will include practice-oriented talks from both academics and practitioners, as well […]

The Annual Analytics Summit 2018

London , United Kingdom

Invited speakers and 'how-to' workshops showcasing the importance of decision analytics for better decision-making in virtually any area of business. Jointly organised by the UK's OR Society and Royal Statistical Society. 2 June 2018, London. Watch this space for further info.