Mohsen Mesgarpour
Institution: Microlise
Country: United Kingdom
Interests: -
From an engineering position, I wish to expand my experience as well as enhance my current skill set. Through teamwork & innovation, I want to contribute to a group of highly motivated individuals seeking to create quality forecasting, analysis & software solutions which stand out from all others by their attention to detail, optimisation & powerful simplicity. My key computer skills are outlined below:
+Simulation & Analysis:
++Languages: Python, R, Matlab/Octave, Dax, Simul8, SPSS, & SAS Enterprise Miner.
++Visualisation Tools: Tableau, PowerBI, ggplot2, ggmap, plotly, Shiny, Tessera, & Gephi.
++Distributed Computing: Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Pig, Hive, & Impala.
++Cloud Computing: Azure AI Platform, & Google AI Platform.
++Pipeline: Airflow, Kafka, Tableau Prep, & Power Query.
++Deep Neural Network: Tensorflow, & Keras (BERT, CNN, RNN, & LSTM).
+Programming Languages: Python, C#, C++, Java, Linux Bash, Windows Batch, & x86 Assembly.
+Repository: Git, TFS, & SVN.
+Databases: MySQL, SQL, PostgreSQL, & NoSQL.
+Optimisation: AIMMS, Xpress-Mosel, & Excel Solver.
+Modelling Languages: UML (Visual Paradigm), Event-B, & Prolog.
+Internet Programming: TCP/IP, XML, CSS, HTML, & SOAP.
+Multimedia & Office: Photoshop, Office Suits, & LaTeX.
+Operating Systems: Linux (Red Hat family), MS Windows, & Mac.