OR for policy evaluation: Evaluating public transport by multimodal schedule-based routing

Presented by Stefano Gualandi, Professor at the Department of Mathematics, University of Pavia

This seminar presents ongoing work on a joint project to develop a multimodal schedule-based routing application. This application is motivated by the necessity of transport policymakers to evaluate the potential impact of public transport investments at the national and European levels. In the first part of the seminar, we illustrate accessibility metrics that permit to evaluate the performance of a public transport system by combining the spatial distribution of the population of the region of interest with the average travel time between any pair of possible origin-destinations within that region. In the second part of the talk, we present Veloci-RAPTOR, the algorithm at the core of our multimodal schedule-based routing application that solves an all-pairs constrained path problem. We conclude with a perspective on ongoing activities.