The Intersection of Operational Research and Public Communication during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Presented by Professor Christina Pagel (Director of the Clinical Operational Research Unit, University College London)

In May 2020, I joined the group Independent SAGE. At the time, I thought I was signing up to one or two public meetings on YouTube, but instead our profile grew and we discovered there was a large public appetite for more information about Covid and its spread in the UK. From the summer onwards, I have been giving regular updates on the latest Covid situation in the UK during Independent SAGE weekly briefings and have been invited regularly on the media fielding questions about various aspects of the Covid pandemic. In this talk, I will reflect on how my experience of working in Operational Research applied to health care has shaped how I have understood and communicated the Covid pandemic over the past year. This ranges from thinking through problem definition and unintended consequences, combining knowledge across different disciplines to deciding on where the information lies in the data and how best to present it.