5-6 September 1996, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Organizers: S.SALHI / B.BOFFEY
Top row: Antonio Rodriguez-Chia, Malick Ndiaye, Justo Puerto, Ken Rosing, Brian Boffey, Peter Peeters, Joerg Fliege, Dolores Romero-Morales, Emilio Carrizosa, Gabor Nagy, Horst Hamacher, Erhan Erkut, Pablo Dorta-Gonzalez, Zvi Drezner, Chris Tofallis
Middle row: Beatriz Sousa Santos, Carlos Ferreira, Blas Pelegrin, Frank Plastria, Babs Rosing, Anita Schoebel, Inmaculada Rodriguez, Rafael Suarez, Marie Laurent, Maria Dimopoulou, son of M.Dimopoulou, S. Ahmadi, Mrs Ahmadi, ?
Bottom row: daughter of C.Ferreira, Said Salhi, Mark Agar, Gilbert Laporte, Charles James, Stephen Welch, Vasilis Angelis, Bahar Yetis Kara, A.M. Sanchez Solana, Isabelle Thomas, Angelis Jr. 1, Angelis Jr. 2, Ahmadi Jr.
- Burcin Bozkaya, Erhan Erkut: “Analysis of Aggregation Errors for the p-median problem”
- Zvi Drezner: “Converting an Area to Discrete Points”
- Horst. W. Hamacher, Martine Labbe, Stefan Nickel: “Multicriteria Network Location Problems”
- Gilbert Laporte: “Locating Tours in Graphs”
- M. Agar, S. Salhi : “Lagrangean Heuristics applied to a Variety of Capacitated Plant Location Problems”
- S. Ahmadi and I.H. Osman: “Metaheuristics for the Capacitated Clustering (P-median) Problem”
- V. Angelis, S. Slafkou: “Spatial Discontinuity as a Factor Affecting Industrial Location Decisions”
- A.I. Barros, J.B.G. Frenk, J. Gromicho: “Fractional Location Problems”
- Emilio Carrizosa: “Minimizing the Variance of Euclidean Distances”
- P. Chardaire, J. W. Mann, G. D. Smith: “Comparison of Modern Heuristic Methods Applied to the Solution of the Concentrator Location Problem”
- Antonio M. Rodriguez-Chia, Justo Puertoi, Stefan Nickel,Francisco R. Fernandez: “Ordered Weber Problems under Polyhedral Gauges”
- M. Dimopoulou: “Evaluating Corporate Location and Performance: An Application to Food Industry”
- N. Eren, E. Erkut, I. Or, K. Curi: “A Location/Transportation Model for Hospital Waste in Turkey”
- Carlos Ferreira, Beatriz Sousa Santos, C. Martins da Silva, M. Eugenia Captivo, Joao Climaco: “Conflicting Preferences in Facility Location”
- Jorg Fliege, Ulrike Maier: “Forming Stars and Planets, or: How to Disperse Facilities on a Sphere”
- M.D. Garcia, B. Pelegrin: “On Some Competitive Location Problems on a Tree”
- C. James, S. Salhi: “The Location of Protection Devices on an Electrical Tree Network: A Heuristic Attempt”
- Bahar Yetis Kara, Barbaros C. Tansel: “On the Equivalence of the Allocation Part of the Hub Location and the Multimedian Location Problems”
- Marie-Alexandre Laurent, Dominique Peeters, Isabelle Thomas: “Spatial Externalities and Optimal Locations: Some Simulations based on a Theoretical Network”
- Inmaculada Rodriguez-Martin, D. Perez-Brito, J. A. Moreno-Perez: “Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for the 2-cent-dian problem on Trees”
- C. Michelot, M. Ndiaye: “Primal and Dual Characterisations of Efficiency”
- Dolores Romero-Morales, E. Carrizosa, E. Conde: “Semi-obnoxious Location Models: A Global Optimization Approach”
- Gabor Nagy, S. Salhi: “The Many-to-Many Location-Routing Problem”
- Dominique Peeters, Isabelle Thomas: “Network, Prices and Location”
- Peter H. Peeters: “Competitive Location Models on Networks”
- B. Pelegrin, L. Canovas: “New Assignment Rules for Location-Allocation Problems”
- Dolores Santos-Penate, Rafael Suarez-Vega and Pablo Dorta-Gonzalez: “Spatial Configuration of Shopping Centres in the Canary Islands”
- Frank Plastria: “Profit Maximising Single Competitive Facility Location in the Plane”
- Justo Puerto, F.R. Fernandez: “The Symmetrical Single Facility Location Problem”
- Justo Puerto, Antonio M. Rodriguez-Chia: “A Convergent Algorithm for the Generalized Dynamic Weber Problem”
- K.E. Rosing: “Heuristic Concentration: Its Care and Feeding”
- S. Salhi: “A Critical View of Constructive and Tabu Search Heuristics: Applications to a class of location problems”
- Anita Schoebel: “A Dual Interpretation of Line-location Problems”
- A.M. Sanchez Solana, J.A. Lopez Ruiz, J.L. Pelaez Sanchez: “A Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm System to the Optimization of the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Restriction”
- Chris Tofallis: “Multi-Criteria Site Selection Using D.E.A.”
- A.S.C. Wade, V.J. Rayward-Smith: “Effective Local Search Techniques for the Steiner Tree Problem”
- S. B. Welch, S. Salhi: “The Obnoxious Facility Network Location Problem”
M. C. Agar (Birmingham, England), S. Ahmadi (Canterbury, U.K.), V. Angelis (Chios, Greece), A.I. Barros (Rotterdam, Netherlands), Brian Boffey (Liverpool, U.K.), Emilio Carrizosa (Sevilla, Spain), A. M. Rodriguez-Chia (Cadiz, Spain), M. Dimopoulou (Athens, Greece), Zvi Drezner (Fullerton, CA, USA), Erhan Erkut (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada), Carlos Ferreira (Aveiro, Portugal), Joerg Fliege (Dortmund, Germany), Isabel Dorta-Gonzalez (La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain), Pablo Dorta-Gonzalez (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain), Horst W. Hamacher (Kaiserslautern, Germany), C. James (Birmingham, England), Bahar Yetis Kara (Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey), Gilbert Laporte (Montreal, Canada), Marie-Alexandre Laurent (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium ), J. Mann (Harlow, Essex, UK. ), Inmaculada Rodriguez Martin (La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain), Dolores Romero-Morales (Cadiz, Spain), G. Nagy (Birmingham, England), M. Ndiaye (Dijon, France), Peter H. Peeters (Brussels, Belgium), B. Pelegrin (Murcia, Spain), Frank Plastria (Brussels, Belgium), Justo Puerto (Sevilla, Spain), K.E. Rosing (Rotterdam, Nederland), S. Salhi (Birmingham, England), Anita Schoebel (Kaiserslautern, Germany), A.M. Sanchez Solana (Jaen, Spain), Isabelle Thomas (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium ), Chris Tofallis (Hertfordshire, England), R. Suarez-Vega (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain), A.S.C. Wade (Norwich, England), S. B. Welch (Birmingham, England)
EWGLA9 Proceedings, 241 p.
editors: B. BOFFEY and S. SAID
Studies in Locational Analysis, Issue 11.
ISSN 1105-5162