21-24 September 1988, Sevilla, Spain
Top row: Brian BOFFEY, ?, Jaap VAN DIJK, ?, ?, Justo PUERTO, Dominique PEETERS
Middle row: Blas PELEGRIN, Françoise ORBAN-FERAUGE, Christian MICHELOT, Jean-Pierre BRANS, ?, Mrs. ROSING, Ken ROSING
Front row: Jose MORENO, Natividad JIMENEZ, Frank PLASTRIA, Rosa M. RAMOS, Francisco (Paco) R. FERNANDEZ-GARCIA
- B.BOFFEY: “Hiearchical Location Problems”.
- J.P.RASSON: “A New Approach for a Natural Measure of Proximaties Also for Non Disjoint Training Sets and for Any Dimension of Space”.
- Fr.ORBAN-FERAUGE: “Critical Using of a Natural Measure of Proximities, Based on the Volume of a Multidimensional Set, for a Functional Partition of Space”.
- J.A.MESA: “Secencial Location-Allocation Problems with Markovian Properties on Networks”.
- J.MORENO, C.RODRIGUEZ, R.M.RAMOSand N.JIMENEZ: “On the Set Covering Problem in Minimax Location Problems”.
- F.PLASTRIA: “On Coincidence in Multifacility Location Problems”.
- H.IDRISSI, O.LEFEBVRE, Ch.MICHELOT: “The Use of Partial Inverse Method in Location Theory”.
- B.PELEGRIN: “The p-center Problem Under Bidirectional Polyhedral Norms”.
- K.E.ROSING: “On Finding P Central Locations in Continuous Space”.
- C.RODRIGUEZ, J.MORENO, N.JIMENEZ and R.M.RAMOS: “Computational Studies of Heuristics For The p-centre Problem”.
- K.E.ROSING and J.J.VAN DIJK: “The Problem of the “Best” Number of Groups in Clustering to Central Members”.
- J.MUÑOZ: “Competitive Location of Two New Facilities with Rectilinear Distances”.
- D.PEETERS: “Uncapacitated Plant Location under Alternative Spatial Price Policies”.
BOFFEY Brian (United Kingdom), BRANS Jean-Pierre (Belgium), KARKAZIS John (Greece), MESA J. Antonio (Spain), MICHELOT Christian (France), MORENO Jose (Spain), RAMOS Rosa M. (Spain), JIMENEZ Natividad (Spain), ORBAN-FERAUGE Fr. (Belgium), PEETERS Dominique (Belgium), PLASTRIA Frank (Belgium), RASSON J.P. (Belgium), ROSING K.E. (The Netherlands), VAN DIJK J.J. (The Netherlands)
III Meeting EURO Working Group on Locational Analysis, 226p.
editor: B. PELEGRIN
Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla
ISBN: 84-7405-419-2