20-25 April 1992, Puerto de la Cruz, Spain
Organizer: J. M. MORENO
- H.KUIPER: “Optimal Tinbergen-Bos Location Patterns”. By Hans Kuiper.
- H.A.EISELT, M. GENDREAU and G.LAPORTE: “Locating Stores in Shopping Malls”. By H.A.Eiselt.
- O.LEFEBVRE, C.MICHELOT and F.PLASTRIA: “Attraction Tree Detection: Complexity and Application to Location Theory”. By Christian Michelot.
- M.KOERKEL: “Single-Source Capacitated Facility Location with one or two Demand Types”. By Manfred Koerkel.
- A.I.BARROS and M.LABBE: “A General Model for the Uncapacitated Facility and Depot Location Problem”. By Ana Isabel Barros.
- B.SCHILDT and B.GIESEN: ” A Branch and Bound Algorithm for Solving Capacitated Warehouse Location Problems with Concave Operating Costs”. By Birgit Schildt.
- K.E.ROSING and J.VAN DIJK: “Identifying the Set of Points in a Convex Regions”. By Ken Rosing.
- J.P.RASSON, V.GRANVILLE and F.ORBAN: “About Improvement of a Non Parametric approach of Discriminant Analysis: the Per Field Classification of a Segmented Image”. By Françoise Orban.
- F.STREIT: “Testing the Structure of Random Sets in Geometric Stochastics”. By Franz Streit.
- K.ROSING: “The Generalized Multi Weber Problem considered as Set Covering”. By Ken Rosing.
- F.GARCIA, C.RODRIGUEZ, C.LEON and F.ALMEIDA: “A parallelization of a Branch and Bound Algorithm for the Set Covering Problem”. By Casiano Rodríguez.
- L.CANOVAS and B.PELEGRIN: “Improving Some heuristic Algorithms for the Rectangular Clustering Problem”. By Lazaro Canovas.
- M.C.LOPEZ and J.A.MESA: “Location of Cent-Dian Path and Tree in Graphs”. By Juan Antonio Mesa.
- F.PLASTRIA: “A Majority Theorem for Fermat-Weber Problems in Quasimetric Spaces with Applications to Semidirected Networks”. By Frank Plastria.
- M.J.FERNANDEZ and B.PELEGRIN: “Location of Medians on Trees”. By María Jesus Fernandez.
- R.M.RAMOS, J.SICILIA and M.T.RAMOS: “Non Dominated Location Points for Double-weighted Networks”. By Rosa María Ramos.
- E.CARRIZOSA, E.CONDE, J.R.FERNANDEZ and J.PUERTO: “A Discretizing Algorithm for Location Problems”. By Emilio Carrizosa.
- A.MARIN and B.PELEGRIN: “The Simple Plant Location Problem under Constraints of Maximum Cost and Open Facilities”. By Alfredo Marin.
- J.B.G.FRENK, M.T.MELO and S.ZHANG: “Convergence of the Weiszfeld Method for Solving Single Facility Continuous Space Location Models”. By Mario Teresa Melo.
- J.KARKAZIS: “Routing of Protected Materials on the Plane: Determining Routes in an Unfriendly Environment”. By John Karkazis.
- M.C.FONSECA and M.E.CAPTIVO: “Location of Semiobnoxious Facilities”. By Maria Concei‡ao Fonseca.
- B.BOFFEY: ” Location of ‘Extensive Facilities’ Related to the Routing of Hazardous Materials”. By Brian Boffey.
- J.MUNOZ and J.J.SAAMENO: “A Multicriteria Approach for the Location of Undesirable Facilities”. By Jos‚ Munoz.
- J.B.G.FRENK, J.GROMICHO and S.ZHANG: “A Deep Cut Ellipsoid Algorithm for Convex Programming: Theory and Applications in Location Theory”. By Joaquim Gromicho.
- E.CARRIZOSA, E.CONDE, J.R.FERNANDEZ and J.PUERTO: “Efficient Points in Spatial Location Problems with Nonconvex Locational Constraints. A Geometrical Construction” By Justo Puerto.
- N.B.VENKATESWARLU, P.S.V.S.K. RAJU: “Local Study Centers Location: a Location-Allocation Problem in Informal Education System”. By N.B. Venkateswarlu.
ALCAIDE David (Spain), ALMEIDA Francisco (Spain), ALVAREZ Jos‚ Antonio (Spain), ANILY Shoshana (Israel), BARROS Ana Isabel (The Netherlands), BOFFEY Brian (Great Britain), BRITO Julio (Spain), BRUNO Carlos (Spain), CABALLERO Pino (Spain), CAMPOS Clara (Spain), CANOVAS Lazaro (Spain), CAPTIVO M. Eug‚nia. (Portugal), CARRIZOSA Emilio (Spain), CASINI Emanuele (Italy), COBALEA María Amalia (Spain), CONDE Eduardo (Spain), EISELT H.A. (Canada), ESPINEL Candelaria (Spain), FERNANDEZ María Jos‚ (Spain), FERNANDEZ Francisco R. (Spain), FERRARONI Paolo (Italy), FONSECA M. Concei‡ao (Portugal), FORALLI Roberto (Italy), GARCIA Felix (Spain), GONZALEZ Carlos (Spain), GROMICHO Joaquim (The Netherlands), JIMENEZ Natividad (Spain), JORGE Jesús (Spain), KARKAZIS John (Greece), KOERKEL Manfred (Germany), KUIPER Hans (The Netherlands), LEON Coromoto (Spain), LOPEZ Pilar (Spain), MARIN Alfredo (Spain), MAZZARELLA Francesco (Italy), MELO Maria Teresa (Portugal), MESA Juan Antonio (Spain), MICHELOT Christian (France), MORENO Jose A. (Spain), MORENO Jose M. (Spain), MUNOZ Jos‚ (Spain), ORBAN Fran‡oise (Belgium), PAPINI Pier Luigi (Italy), PELEGRIN Blas (Spain), PEREZ Dionisio (Spain), PESAMOSCA Giancarlo (Italy), PLASTRIA Frank (Belgium), PUERTO Justo (Spain), RAMOS Teresa (Spain), RAMOS Carmen E. (Spain), RAMOS Rosa María (Spain), RASSON Jean-Paul (Belgium), RODRIGUEZ Casiano (Spain), ROSING Ken (The Netherlands), SAAMENO Juan Jos‚ (Spain), SCHILDT Birgit (Germany), SICILIA Joaquin (Spain), STREIT Franz (Suiza), VENKATESWARLU N.B. (India), VIGO Daniele (Italy).
Proceeding of VI meeting of the EURO Working Group on Locational Analysis, 215 p.
Editor: J. A. Moreno-Perez
Universidad de La Laguna, Departamento de Estadistica, Inverstigation Operativa y Computacion
Serie Informes no. 34, 1992 (ISBN 84-7756-369-1)