Activities & Publications

Join us for the EURO 2025 22 – 25 June University of Leeds, UK

Organisation of the stream on ‘OR and Ethics’ and EthOR award in recent years (2013-2024) 

EURO 2024 Conference in Copenhagen (Danmark) 4 sessions with many followers

EURO 2022 Conference in Espoo (Finland) two sessions

EURO 2021 Conference in Athens (Greece, virtual) three sessions

IFORS 2020 Conference in Seoul (South Korea, virtual) – The EthOR does not take place during IFORS conferences

EURO 2019 Conference in Dublin (Ireland) three sessions – 5th EthOR award

EURO 2018 Conference in Valencia (Spain) three sessions – 4th EthOR award

IFORS 2017 Conference in Quebec City (Canada) two sessions – The EthOR does not take place during IFORS conferences

EURO 2016 conference in Poznan (Poland) two sessions – 3rd EthOR award.

EURO 2015 conference in Glasgow (UK) two sessions – 2nd EthOR award

The EthOR award was organised for the first time at the EURO 26 conference in Rome, July 2013.  Robyn Moore the laureate. She also was plenary speaker with the talk “Ethics and OR” at the XVII ELAVIO (Latin-iberoamerican OR Summer School), an event promoted by ALIO and co-financed by IFORS and EURO, that took place at Universitat Politècnica de Valencia in Spain (2013)

Extended abstracts of the OR & Ethics streams are available in BOOK.


Recent Ethics and OR Publications by the EWG

Reisach, U. (2020) The Responsibility of Social Media in Times of Societal and Political Manipulation. European Journal of Operational Research 291(3):906-917, Elsevier, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2020.09.020

MacSwiney Brugha, C. and Krarup, J. (2019) Jean-Pierre Brans: portrait of a fiery soul Central European Journal of Operations Research 27(1), DOI: 10.1007/s10100-017-0498-3

Kunsch, P. (2016) How system dynamics education may enhance virtue-based Ethics, EURO Journal on Decision Processes 4(1-2), DOI: 10.1007/s40070-016-0056-6

Reisach, U. (2014) The creation of meaning and critical ethical reflection in operational research, EURO Journal on Decision Processes 4(1-2), DOI: 10.1007/s40070-014-0029-6

Ormerod, R., Ulrich, W. (2012) Operational Research and Ethics: a literature review. EJOR. doi:

Detombe, D. (2001) Compram, a method for handling complex societal problems, European Journal of Operational Research 128(2):266-281, DOI: 10.1016/S0377-2217(00)00070-9


Further publications on Ethics and OR

Bowen, K., 1994. On ethics. Journal of the Operational Research Society 45, 965-965.
Brans, J.P., 2002a. Ethics and decision. European Journal of Operational Research 136, 340– 352.
Brans, J.P., 2002b. OR ethics and decisions: the OATH of PROMETHEUS. European Journal of Operational Research 140, 191–196.
Brans, J.P., 2004. The management of the future. Ethics in operational research: respect, multicriteria management: happiness. European Journal of Operational Research 153, 466–467.
Brans, J.P., Coppin, G., Lenca, Ph., Jelassi, T. Roubens, M., Zarate, P. (Eds.), 2004. Management of the Future MCDA: Dynamic and Ethical Contributions. European Journal of Operational Research, 153 (2), Special Issue, 267-530.
Brans, J.P., Gallo, G., 2007. Ethics in OR/MS: past, present and future. Annals of Operations Research 153, 165–178.
Brans, J.P., Kunsch, P.L., 2010. Ethics in operations research and sustainable development. International Transaction in Operational Research. 17, 427-444.
Brocklesby, J., 2009. Ethics beyond the model: How social dynamics can interfere with ethical practice in operational research/management science. Omega 37, 1073-1082.
Brugha, C.M., 2005. Emotional intelligence in MCDA: comments on Mindsets, Rationality and Emotion in Multi-criteria Decision Analysis. Journal of Multi-
Criteria Decision Analysis 13, 173–6.

Gallo, G., 2004. Operations research and ethics: Responsibility, sharing and cooperation. European Journal of Operational Research 153, 468–476.
Gass, S.I. 1994. On ethics in operational research. Journal of the Operational Research Society 45, 965-966.
Gass, S.I., 2009. Ethical guidelines and codes in operational research. Omega 37, 1044-1050.

Hammond D. 2005 Philosophical and Ethical Foundations of Systems Thinking. Triple C, 3(2): 20-27 Harter N., Evanecky D. 2007. Ethical perspectives of systems thinking. Journal of Practical Leadership, 1:10-16

Kettelle, J.D., 1983. Report of the Committee on Ethics and Professional Practice. Baltimore, Maryland. Operations Research Society of America, Baltimore.
Kunsch, P.L., Kavathatzopoulos, I., Rauschmayer, F., 2009. Modelling complex ethical decision problems with operations research. Omega 37, 1100-1108.
Kunsch, P.L., 2016. How system dynamics education may enhance virtue-based Ethics.
EURO Journal on Decision Processes, Features papers on operational research and Ethics, 4/1-2, 33-52.

Le Menestrel, M., 2005. A comment on Rationality, Ethical Values and Emotion in MCDA. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 13, 179–182.
Le Menestrel, M., Van Wassenhove, L.N., 2004. Ethics outside, within, or beyond OR models? European Journal of Operational Research 153, 477–484.
Le Menestrel, M., Van Wassenhove, L.N., 2009. Ethics in operations research and management sciences: A never-ending effort to combine rigor and passion.
International Journal in Operational Research 37: 1030-1043.
Le Menestrel, M., Van Wassenhove, L.N., 2016. Subjectively Biased Objective Functions. EURO Journal on Decision Processes, Features papers on operational research and Ethics, 4/1-2, 73-83.
Maclagan, P., 1989. Methodology choice and consulting ethics in management science. Omega 17, 397-407.
Mason, R.O., 1969. A dialectical approach to strategic planning. Management Science, 15(8), B403-B414.
Mason, R.O., 1994. Morality and models. In: Wallace, W. (Ed.), Ethics in Modelling. Pergamon, Oxford, UK, pp. 183–94.
Mingers, J., 2011. Ethics and OR: operationalising discourse ethics. European Journal of Operational Research 210, 114-124.

Picavet, E., 2009. Opportunities and pitfalls for ethical analysis in operations research
and the management sciences. Omega 37, 1121-1131.

Pruyt E., Kwakkel J. 2007 System dynamics and ethics. In: Sterman, J.D., Oliva, R., Langer, R.S., Rowe, J.I., Yanni, J.M., Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, July 29–August 2, 2007, Boston, USA. System Dynamics Society, New York

Pruyt E. 2010 Multi-Actor Systems and Ethics. International Transactions on Operational Research, 17(4): 507-520

Rauschmayer, F., 2001. Reflections on ethics and MCA in environmental decisions. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 10, 65–74.
Rauschmayer, F., 2005. Linking emotions to needs: a comment on Mindsets, Rationality and Emotion in Multi-criteria Decision Analysis. Journal of Multi-
Criteria Decision Analysis 13, 187–190.
Rauschmayer, F., Kavathatzopoulos, I., Kunsch, P.L., Le Menestrel, M., 2009. Why good practice is not enough – ethical challenges for the OR practitioner. Omega 37,
Reisach, U. 2016. The Creation of Meaning and Critical Ethical Reflection in Operational Research. EURO Journal on Decision Processes, Features papers on operational research and Ethics, 4/1-2, 5-32.

Taket, A.R., 1994. Undercover agency? – ethics, responsibility and the practice of OR. Journal of the Operational Research Society 45, 123-132.
Taket, A.R., 1995. Ethics in practice – continuing the debate. Journal of the Operational Research Society 46, 548-549.
Theys, M., Kunsch, P.L., 2004. The importance of co-operation for ethical decisionmaking with OR. European Journal of Operational Research 153, 485–8.

Walker, W.E., 1994. Responsible policy modeling. In: Wallace, W.A. (Ed.), Ethics in Modeling. Pergamon, Oxford, UK, pp 226- 241.
Walker, W.E., 2009. Does the best practice of rational-style model-based policy analysis already include ethical consideration? Omega 37, 1051-1062.
Wallace, W.A. (Ed.), 1994. Ethics in Modeling. Pergamon, Oxford, UK.
Wenstøp, F., 2005. Rejoinder: Some viewpoints on Emotion, Consequentialism and Multicriteria Decision Making. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 13, 191-198.
Wenstøp, F., 2010. Operations research and ethics: development trends 1996-2009. International Transactions in Operational Research 17, 413-426.
Wenstøp, F., Koppang. H., 2009. On operations research and value conflicts. Omega 37, 1109-1120.
Wenstøp, S., Wenstøp, F., 2016. Operational research Virtues in the Face of Climate Change, EURO Journal on Decision Processes, Features papers on operational research and Ethics, 4/1-2, 53-72.