23rd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies
Abstract Submission

1400. Literature Review on Innovation Systems: From National Innovation Systems to Complex Adaptive National Innovation Level

Contributed abstract in session HE-35: Innovative Applications of Knowledge, cluster Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation.

Thursday, 16:15-17:45
Room: FENH308

Authors (first author is the speaker)

1. Homero Malagon


This literature review aims to explore commonly used innovation systems - what are their objectives, how they work, and if they have any shortcomings. The literature review was carried out using specific search keywords, on different databases, filtering by year, article type, subjects, title and abstract, alongside bibliographic cluster analysis on vosviewer with metadata retrieved from the databases. The most used approaches on innovation systems are the National Innovation System, Technological Innovation System, Regional Innovation System, Triple Helix, Quadruple Helix, Quintuple Helix, Innovation Ecosystem, Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, National Innovation Ecosystem, Regional Innovation Ecosystem, and the not so common, but most recent, Complex Adaptive Regional Innovation System. Although all the above mentioned are or have been broadly used, the most common one is the Triple Helix; nonetheless, all of them share some characteristics such as their principal actors, government, universities, and industry. As they share some characteristics, they share some issues as well, such as limited scope, the conceptualization of innovation, and some unclear definitions, which can be addressed if innovation is considered as an emergent property of a system, instead of a system in itself. One could, therefore, analyze it as a Complex Adaptive Innovation Level.


Status: accepted

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