EURO 2025 Leeds
Abstract Submission

For all abstract queries such as changes and amendments, please log into your account or contact your stream chair.

When do I present and how should I prepare my talk?

Speakers can find the location of their session via the mobile app and in the complete official programme, available on the website in PDF format. Sessions normally last for 90 minutes and include 4 talks. Therefore, in order to allow time for questions and enable jumping between sessions, all speakers are kindly requested to prepare their presentations to last 20 minutes, even if their session includes less than 4 speakers. As a speaker, you should arrive at the room where your session is to take place at least 15 minutes before it is scheduled. Once there, contact the chair so you have time to set up your presentation on the room-computer, to which presentations should be copied from your own USB stick.

Do I need to register before I submit an abstract?

No, you can submit an abstract now, and register later.

When should I submit my full paper?

The conference only accepts abstracts, so no full paper needs to be submitted. However, there will be one or more special issues of a journal devoted to the EURO conference. The special issues will have a specific theme and only space for 20-30 papers, so not all delegates can expect to have their full paper published.

Can I submit my full paper to a journal?

Yes, nearly all journals accept that a short abstract has been presented at a conference before the paper is submitted.

Are the papers indexed by ISI or other indexing services?

No. Short abstracts are normally not indexed.

Will there be printed proceedings?

Yes, the abstracts will appear in the electronic proceedings, and a limited number of hard-copies will be printed.

I have some wishes for dates of my presentation.

We cannot fulfil wishes for dates, since this would lead to a very fragmented program. Two speakers in the same session may have contradicting wishes, leading to splitting of sessions and streams. In special circumstances, you can try to contact the stream organizer, and ask him/her to schedule your session early/late in the stream. This can often solve the problem, since the streams are scheduled as a block.

When is my talk scheduled?

It takes quite some time to schedule a program with over 2000 talks. The program will be available not later than one month before the conference. Until then, we cannot answer questions about when talks are scheduled since we do not have the information.

I need to add or remove a co-author

You can still update your abstract by logging in to the submission system. The title of your submitted abstract should appear at the bottom of the page. Click on it, and on the following page, there is an option to add/remove co-authors.