EURO 2024 Copenhagen
Abstract Submission

8. An ethical complex societal problem, slums in developing countries.

Invited abstract in session MC-20: Ethics and OR, societal complexity and public service, stream OR and Ethics.

Monday, 12:30-14:00
Room: 45 (building: 116)

Authors (first author is the speaker)

1. Dorien DeTombe
School of Systems Engineering, Delft University of Technology


Many cities in the world have areas which can be called slums. Slums are areas where poor people live in poor circumstances. The houses are not comfortable or convenient. Often leaking roofs, no good sanitation; toilets and douches are missing, no proper cooking devices or electricity. Slums create a lot of trouble, for the inhabitants themself concerning safety and healthcare, but also for the whole city and for the country.
Changing slums is a complex societal problem, which should be handled according to the directions of the Compram methodology.
The Compram Methodology is a multidisciplinary approach for policy making on handling complex societal problems. These problems exceed the boundaries of a discipline. Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach is needed. In each complex societal problem there are elements of knowledge, power and emotion. All these elements should be addressed in the problem handling approach.
The Compram methodology emphasizes the exchange of knowledge and understanding by communication among and between the experts, actors and politicians meanwhile keeping emotion in mind.


Status: accepted

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