The optimal design of reliable and maintainable systems is an important topic spanning many areas of operations and engineering, including, but not limited to, service systems, supply chains, manufacturing, transportation, telecommunications, and energy systems. These systems are typically complex and multifaceted with uncertain operating parameters and/or environments. For example, renewable energy systems that seek to ensure reliable and sustainable energy production are subject to highly volatile and uncertain weather conditions that evolve randomly over time. The optimal design and maintenance of such systems can benefit substantially from formal optimization models and mathematical formulations that are devised to better inform decision making. Moreover, computational techniques to solve such complex problems have emerged as key enablers of reliability and maintenance optimization.
Optimization Letters seeks original submissions for a special issue entitled, “Stochastic Optimization for Reliability and Maintenance,” aimed at highlighting recent innovations in optimization with a particular focus on problems arising in reliability and maintenance contexts. Of particular interest are relevant problems tackled using new techniques from optimization under uncertainty, broadly construed. While the focus is on reliability and maintenance optimization, articles must present some advance in the theory and methodology of optimization.
This special issue of Optimization Letters welcomes submissions from diverse interdisciplinary areas of mathematical optimization that advance the fields of reliability and maintenance. Works with a real-world implementation or case study of reliability or maintenance optimization in unexplored areas of optimization are especially of value. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Manuscripts should be prepared using Springer’s LaTeX macro package and submitted through the journal's editorial manager Each manuscript will be peer-reviewed according to the editorial policy of Optimization Letters. Articles should be original, unpublished, and not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Please select SI:ReliabMaint25 for the article type when submitting your contribution. All papers will go through a regular peer review process.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: July 1, 2025
Guest Editors
Bismark Singh
School of Mathematical Sciences
University of Southampton, UK
Jeffrey P. Kharoufeh
Department of Industrial Engineering
Clemson University, USA